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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Pretty sure we got enough serious with Tyranny, so I am happy with a light tone.
  2. Jackson Hole is basically Beverly Hills with bison.
  3. Falling Down is a film about a guy who can't handle the real world. He's messed up his marriage, his career, and his responsibility as a parent. He is the 'snowflake' if you are so keen to use that word. His whole rampage starts because he can't handle traffic with his busted AC. Sure, he is sympathetic, but he's also petty and blames everyone else for his problems. He's the both the victim and the villain. The hero is Duvall's cop, who has problems of his own, but still handles his responsibilities in life.
  4. My father-in-law lives with us, and the last few months his health has been on the decline. We've been trying to get him to go to the doctor, but he is pretty resistant. Thursday morning he fell out of bed and couldn't get up. We managed to get him up and then sent him to the hospital. It wasn't a stroke or a heart attack, so we were hoping we got him in early enough and they could help clear out the toxins and get him doing physical therapy, but yesterday he took a turn for the worse and they had to hook him up to a ventilator. The doctor told us to say our goodbyes. I went home to take care of the kids and my wife spent the night at the hospital with him. He is still fighting and pushing out toxins, but it is still very touch and go whether he makes it. So the holiday is in a bit of a state of flux. It's strange because we've known for awhile that it was a real possibility that we would lose him given his health, but it still feels so sudden. Last week I got a flat tire on a ride and the guy drove out with his truck and picked me up. He drove the kids to and from school Wednesday before he went in the hospital. It's just a shock to see him laid out like this. I'm also not sure what tone to strike with the kids.
  5. The Last Supper work would be an interesting conversation, but the fact you posted it in the Funny Things threads shows a lack of character on your part.
  6. Do you have good running form? If you hit the ground to hard with your heels you will have back problems. It's a new problem, so unless my form changed and I didn't realize, I don't think that is it. Although I could also just need new shoes. I've got a lot of miles on my current ones.
  7. Already grabbed it & not impressed. You are dead to me. I picked up Elex on sale, but I don't think I'm ready for the time commitment. Just wanted to have it in the library.
  8. Yeah, that always gets me on my swims, because it is early, I haven't had enough water, and I don't hydrate during. But I think the back has more to do my hamstrings and IT band pulling too hard. I was having a bunch of hip pain after running and so I did a bunch of strength exercises targeting that area, but now I think I need to get my back muscles stronger and keep working on flexibility. My hamstrings have always been way too tight.
  9. My back keeps tightening up after runs, whether they are long, short, and regardless of pace. It doesn't affect me at all while running, but right after it's a pain. I've been working on some stretching and strengthening routines, but no progress yet.
  10. Yeah I mean we get our fair share of strange posters who show up with their rote schtick, and it can even be entertaining. But it does wear thin after awhile, and I'd argue Sonic has passed that point. Not that all us regulars don't wear on each other from time to time, we all get stuck in our ways. But I'd also argue that many of us that have been here for years have changed quite a bit, and we also don't tend to post in exactly the same manner over and over again. There is a difference between being a genuine person and having a small script that you never deviate from. Sonic is stuck repeating the same schtick over and over again, and hasn't shown any signs of letting off the gas pedal a bit.
  11. MiB 3 is worth it just to watch Smith deliver his line about city miles to Josh Brolin.
  12. Yeah, the only thing worse than a Union having too much power is a school district having too much power, unfortunately. The best thing I find is keeping both the school districts and unions small enough in scale to allow the employees to have enough influence to matter. My wife and I are both in smaller districts, and the union basically begs us to get involved and help with negotiations and site representation. On the adverse, my wife was part of a big district and had pretty much no say on the goings on. They did have better lawyers though.
  13. Well, I reported it, but honestly I've lost a little confidence in the reporting feature since Sonic's posts about LGBT pushing pedophilia and beastiality are still sitting on the forum: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/106340-the-political-thread-hobbes-edition/page-35
  14. I don't understand why the mods don't delete some of the garbage this guy is putting up. Particularly in the general forum, which is the public face of the forum and Obsidian. I mean, WoT is WoT, but I'm pretty sure General is supposed to be used for more than just "look at me! I need attention!" posts.
  15. Huh, hard to replace Ron Perlman. I imaging the next actor they choose to play Wolverine will be just as jarring.
  16. Mutant: Year Zero is super charming. I'm hoping this is a trend of games with great characters and a solid tactical combat system.
  17. You could play through all the FEAR games, that would take awhile. But I second Prey.
  18. I should probably state that I don't really care either way and am just playing devil's advocate. I think all this genre blending is the wonderful thing about games.
  19. So how is the gameplay different? Because it "looks" like a big part of the gameplay is exploring a big world, riding a horse, and sitting by campfires. Yes, I am being a bit facetious, but I do think it is funny how similar the two are. Both force you to play a specific character too. At least I get better hair and wardrobe options in RDR2.
  20. So The Witcher is an RPG but Red Dead isn't? They kind of look like the exact same game in those screens.
  21. Amazon has Prime content that is free, and then a bunch of stuff you can buy or rent. Most of their free movies seem to be classics (well, sort of classic ) from the 80's.
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