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Everything posted by Xaratas

  1. Yes, that is possible in the current version, including direct edits. It also shows who says what. PlayerResponsNodes are your charackter, all others are npcs, i have the name for nearly everyone included, its not the RPG ingame name of the npc, but the file itself limit who it could be. To use the output you need to open the browser console (Inspect element in the context menu), there it will be written.
  2. With the current version its somewhat possible, it shows you the order of the options and the side effects of choosing each one. But you have currently to edit the option manually. Or add an effect of setting the global variable to the correct value to advance the quest, which need some understanding of the global variables for that quest. But i haven't explored the durance file yet, and as Eric Fenstermaker said its the biggest quest …, oh my, and i thought the Hearing at the ducs place with ~250 nodes was huge. The files of the fix in the other thread should be the same as in the current patch, so they wont help you.
  3. That wont happen, except Schäuble grabs Turkey next, because it has borders with Greek.
  4. I hope my thread over in the bug forum counts.
  5. There are more. The Company which bundles it for the mac appstore and now new the region exclusive South Korea firm (which sells steam keys).
  6. New Version 0.2.8, same place: https://xaratas.github.io/ same minimum design and few new features: * read the stringtable files for quests and display their contents. * write stringtable files for quests to the console Next is to get the scripts and conditionals editable. Needed documentation is here in the works http://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Modding/Quest/ There is still much to do to get the data together and into the editor. *edit* Wikipage updated, so many conditonals, and script functions are even more. *edit2* Totally forgot example files Quest Mercenaries for Hire Texts for the quest
  7. A little bit of thread necromancy. What is the state of the "can not idle" behavior? Have you found a way to seriously drop performance demands, other than limiting the framerate?
  8. Not the nicest design, looks like a patch 1.0.7 is strongly needed before the Addon. Why not showing a warning that full resolution is do demanding for this Macbook? Or like the orginal infinity Engine Games a "enable unsupported resultions" switch?
  9. To buy the game a second time just for the translation doesn't seam right. @Obsidian is this limited availability really in your contract with this firm?
  10. The output log says that it got errors by trying to read the temp save folder. Could you clean this folder and try again?
  11. Small update: Chrome works now too, IE should also work but i haven't tested it.
  12. Woot? Admin rights for a patch? Please fix the patcher.
  13. New features are ready Drag and Drop in IE11 Edit doesn't work in Chrome and IE . FF works Ingoing links are now visible in blue, outgoing links are still green. Editing! Ever wanted to change the story text but it should still make sense? Possible! Now you can see who is speaking which text, and in what order the nodes occur. Change the experience weight of a quest or the display type of a conversation? Possible! A bit documentation of the known npcs: http://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Modding/Quest/ Next steps Make the conditions editable, find a usable way to change the speaking persons, enable editing of other values And I need a design, if someone has something in mind, preferably in material design, he or she may please step forward.
  14. One thing for sure, 70°C is way below the throttling and auto shutdown limit. The normal limits are between 95-105°C. And yes Skyrim only crunches your graphic card and only with mods, but PoE burns the cpu too (although no dev has told a valid reason)!
  15. Hm, one possibility could be an overheating of your grafic card. PoE is very demanding and heats up cpu and gpu very good. Could you check the temperatures/ remove eventual dust from the heatsinks and fans? If there are temperature sensors on the grafic card gpuz should pick them up https://www.techpowerup.com/gpuz/
  16. Finally the box is in Germany, sent via Switzerland. No damage, space in the box was filled with styrofoam chips. I didn't expect to find 3 DVDs in it. Especially after the posts on the Support forum that the could not install it on Linux from DVD.
  17. Was Durlachion hier ganz nüchtern ankündigt ist nichts weniger als ein komplettes Typografisches korrigieren aller Texte! Am auffälligsten ist die Änderung der Anführungszeichen. Aber auch die Auslassungspunkte … und Gedankenstriche – kommen häufig vor und sind nun in ihrer Typografisch korrekten Form. Alle Änderungen hier: https://github.com/phob/pillarsofeternity-german-patch/pull/159#issuecomment-112234743
  18. Hey I have gotten a good hint why the IE don't want to play along, and now it works in IE 11 (without the drag and drop ).
  19. A .exe file would work on Windows only. An in-browser app should work on any OS providing one of the supported browsers.Plus, I suspect Xaratas has some experience in Web coding if he/she chose to use this kind of backend. That and web is "cooler". Also i can try this polymer libary which is awesome in itself.
  20. @mods could you enable .conversation, .quest and .stringtable as allowed fileupload extensions? Version 0.2: same place http://xaratas.github.io XML complete for conversations, quests and stringtable files! Which means all xml tags are read and complete, valid xml can be exported. Highlighting of selected node and outgoing links from this node. Stringtable connectable to conversations. Try the two files here in the spoiler tags. All things, which can be changed (currently comments and strings) will be in the exported xml. Excuse the look in chrome. I code in Firefox and run Chrome only to check if it works. Cat conversation Cat stringtable
  21. I am sorry to disappoint you, but the animal companions did not have detection circles since forever (at least since April). I menioned it here: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/72938-various-ui-problems-sizes-of-elements-monster-info-in-screenshots/?do=findComment&comment=1662543
  22. Hi pillarsofbugs, by now you should know the drill. If the forum uploader does not work (which it does it all to often (in my opinion its postlevel dependend)) use an external site like https://www.sendspace.com/ or dropbox.
  23. So, thanks to the Polymer dev team i got a way to fix the lines. Chrome 43 is now working Contains also a fix for the conditionals. Next is to show Texts for the Nodes, which could take a few days of sparetime. *edit* Rudimentary stringtable support is in my dev version. Needs a bit of polishing
  24. Of course, but seeing the connections in the xml files is quite hard. There comes a graphic representation handy. Also the documentation of the quest system and script functions are, besides of my beginnigs, not existing. Its actually quite a hassle. And the part with the uuids I still haven't understand fully.
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