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Everything posted by Xaratas

  1. So it was quite effective?
  2. Thanks for the game and the documentation, now i saw you have sane tools like a jira, and can hope you have my stuff somewhere in there. What is your current ticket number? Above 40k? And i saw glimpses of the Quest Editor, where can i get it?
  3. If the "watch video" button says You have sending referer disabled. Enable it for https://player.vimeo.com with refcontrol (FF plugin) or in general and it will load.
  4. Unity has support for vorbis, but it doesn't have one for opus. So if they would want to use opus they would need to port codec themselves in the unity. Was also one of my thoughts. Calling libOpus should not the hardest excercise, but if you have vorbis at hand …
  5. If space was the main concern the question is more why ogg/vorbis and not Opus? Opus has better qualities all around. http://opus-codec.org/comparison/ https://wiki.xiph.org/OpusFAQ
  6. Yes, professional translation of new texts did not happen. At least for German i know that our mod has all new texts translated by us. http://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity/mods/6/? I know only of the french repo https://github.com/nelhalla/poe-fr and the russian mod http://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity/mods/61/? If someone knows of community patches for the other languages please share.
  7. In my linux version i can only enter the console if i use: on my linux terminal I tried setxkbmap de neo (my default) and setxkbmap de and with both i am unable to enter the ingame console.
  8. Dann machst du aber bitte Pastafarier draus. Bei mir hat sich die letzte Gruppe immer als Glanfanther gelesen/ im Hirn ausgesprochen.
  9. 2 times missing tag <DisplayName> ./05_defiance_bay_heritage_hill/05_qst_rise_and_fall.quest; lineNumber: 35; columnNumber: 22; cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Ungültiger Content wurde beginnend mit Element "PackageID" gefunden. "{DisplayName}" wird erwartet. ./12_twin_elms_oldsong/12_qst_the_streamstilled.quest; lineNumber: 44; columnNumber: 22; cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Ungültiger Content wurde beginnend mit Element "PackageID" gefunden. "{DisplayName}" wird erwartet. 1 time missing tag <DisplayName> for nameless global variable (which should not exist) ./13_twin_elms_elms_reach/qst_weald_of_fates.quest; lineNumber: 388; columnNumber: 23; cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Ungültiger Content wurde beginnend mit Element "VariableName" gefunden. "{DisplayName}" wird erwartet. How do i know this? I have an build an xsd to validate. Its here: https://bitbucket.org/ckirschner/poe-modding-framework/src/8747a4c10d1a598c60f9b20654f550ee7c24448a/QuestModResources/quest2.xsd?at=QuestModding
  10. Ist euch die Ergänzung zu den Ersetzungstoken im Github Wiki aufgefallen? Es gibt also relativ wenige Token die nicht übersetzt werden sollten. (Und das mit der Farbe kann man mal testen ) https://github.com/phob/pillarsofeternity-german-patch/wiki *edit* Ok, ich weiß jetzt was die Übersetzer bekommen haben. Eine Excel! Der Exporter dafür ist in den Spieldateien noch drin.
  11. Actually there are many things which get not redrawn on hotkeys. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/72938-various-ui-problems-sizes-of-elements-monster-info-in-screenshots/?do=findComment&comment=1622783
  12. Woot? That should be there quite a while, actually a month. See my 'personal' thread. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/72938-various-ui-problems-sizes-of-elements-monster-info-in-screenshots/?p=1637515
  13. They stacked in 1.0.4 neither. I was a bit sad to pay tow times and only get the last bonus.
  14. @Obsidian I have looked into the Assembly-CSharp.dll and found your culprit where i expected it. Its the ToLower() method applied to file paths. Without a Locale parameter it uses the System Locale, and for Turkish this goes nuts. See explanation why in the previous posts. Its for example in QuestManager.LoadQuestData() filename = filename.Remove(0, Application.dataPath.Lenght + 1).ToLower();
  15. You mean the center buttons? On the right side of the portraits is a little square. Click it.
  16. It begs me quite some time. Is the water shader broken on open gl or on linux or not at all? Google image search and youtube were not helpful in finding "how it should look", but the black i can see on water looks definitely wrong. I have the Gog Linux version. Can others please post images of the same scenes to compare? Only useful compare i found. https://i.imgur.com/5MKzz0y.jpg
  17. Doch doch, auf dem Weg zu Zwillingsulmen im Gespräch vom Thaos Schatten taucht dir ein Adra Würfel auf, am Tor zu Zwillingsulmen noch mal, und in der Halle der 6 wird das dann ein Eckpfeiler, der irgendwo in der Stadt rumstehen müsste.
  18. Wer hat das Spiel schon weit genug durch um dieses Adra-Würfel vs. Adra-Eckpfeiler ding in Zwillingsulmen zu verstehen? (Und warum ist der Pillar ein Eckpfeiler in der Übersetzung geworden?)
  19. Besides my group there is no one in this temple room. The only auto pause which is active for me is start of combat, either side.
  20. I played a while and found enough for a new post. @Ktran I would like to know if/when some things here get fixed. Sendspace this time, privatepaste did not work. All files, same order as texts below: http://www.sendspace.com/filegroup/c5N43es2u595qO0TbxislXr047fUFgPDwt85a6v9DyMFuOjG5CMR5hte%2BHoyFt5NUjkuIYnJJENajMn7SVU%2BHQ Pillars is full of magic candles. But these in light hollow burn even without candles. The pointer arrow in the encyclopedia shows to the correct entry if you follow links. But the repositioning of the arrow does not unfold closed categories. In the picture: If "Charakterstatistiken" is opened the pointer stands correctly on "Wissen". The actions list in the stronghold does not update, when an entry is removed. It only updates on tab activation. In Od Nua was a invalid creature spawn. In blood sands there is one more, called (Leer). *not screenshot able * At the cave entrance in twin elms the shadow is flickering on start and stop of a map move. The same flicker occur on the waterfall in the map behind twin elms. This is screenshot able as the water moves. I have created an animated png. Watch with Firefox. On the same map. When the scripted movement occur the sneaking indicators are not hidden. The black fog on the temple of hylea map has left and right a pixel not hidden. The container behind the sky dragon are marked as stealing, but nothing negative happens if looted. *no image, have only system cursor on screenshots* The blue container marker is on a plane in the middle of the party. It clips through kanas armor but not his head or arms. The blue border clips through Paginellas weapon, Kanas legs but not my main character.
  21. The Hall of stars in Twin Elms gives repeated exp for first sight. Steps to reproduce: load save, go out, go in, have more xp Savegame: https://www.sendspace.com/file/uodei5 Player.log2.txt
  22. Thanks for clarifying the level 7 Pyramids. I expect progression in the Quest "The Master below". The the stringtable files have texts for the questlog to mention the fact that you talked with the fampyr. But they did not unlock. Namely the copyed Texts, or there duplicates with id 20015 and 20016. English: German:
  23. Can you attach a savegame from before and after the bug to help the devs to find the root of the problem?
  24. Dem stimm ich zu, ich sah da überhaupt keinen Strich. Das ganze Gespräch dreht sich um die Anbahnung einer Heirat und dafür braucht man einen Freier und nicht nicht nur einen Verehrer.
  25. Good one.
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