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Everything posted by Xaratas

  1. First @mods: Where is the modding section? Pillars of Eternity Quest editor Its here: https://xaratas.github.io/ Version 0.1: Works in FF 38 , *edit* does work in Chrome 43 but draws the lines wrong , *edit 2* tested IE 11 its totally not working What can version 0.1 do? * Load .quest and .conversation files and display parts (conditions, scripts) of them (other parts are not implemented) * Make the Structure in the xml files visible by drawing interconnections between the nodes. * Edit Comments and IDs (just to test the edit features of polymer, the underlying library) * Connect nodes via drag and drop * Reprint modified XML to the browser console (only the implemented parts, its currently not useable ingame) As this forum limits the time one can edit posts watch the end of the thread for updates. Suggestions, improvements, coding help: Be invited by posting here or fork https://github.com/Xaratas/PillarsOfEternity-Quest-Editor Documentation of the PoE quest system: http://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Modding Misses the documentation of useable function calls, help therefor is appreciated. Easiest way to obtain the functions is IL Spy, see the PoE Modding Framework setup guide.
  2. Hello OverHaze, at least for the Forum i could offer you a solution. With the browser addon Stylish you can restyle websites. Its available for ff and chrome: https://userstyles.org/ Then in the addon settings create a new style and paste this. That will style the most of this Forum in light gray backgrounds with black text. Its not complete but covers most elements. @namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml); @-moz-document domain("forums.obsidian.net") { blockquote.ipsBlockquote { font-size: inherit !important;; } .post_body .post { font-size: 14px !important;; line-height: 1.4 !important;; } body { color: black; background-color: #eee; } .border, .statistics, .post_block, .ipsComment, .popupInner, .no_messages, .poll_question ol, .ipsBox_container, .ipsFloatingAction, .column_view .post_body { background: #e5e5e5 none repeat scroll 0 0; } .column_view .post_wrap { background: #bfbfbf none repeat scroll 0 0; } .content { background-color: #f3f3f3; } body.forum_87, body.forum_88, body.forum_89, body.forum_90, body.forum_91, body.forum_99, body.forum_100, body.forum_101, body.forum_102, body.forum_104, body.forum_105 { background-color: #eee; } .post_block h3, ul.post_controls { background-color: #cccccc; color: #111; } .ipbfs_titlebox { background-color: #ddd; color: #111; } .ipsType_pagetitle, .ipsType_subtitle, .post_block h3, .post_block h3 a, .post_date { color: #111; } .post_username { font-weight: normal; } .desc, .desc.blend_links a, p.posted_info, .author_info .group_title, .desc.lighter, .desc.lighter.blend_links a { color: #222; } a { color: black; } #announcements td { background-color: palegoldenrod; } }
  3. Da ich das grade auf Arbeit hatte: Meine Vermutung ist, dass du bei der Installation von Git einen Haken vergessen hast. Lösung ist eine Gitshell aufzurufen (einer der großen Buttons in Sourcetree) und folgendes Kommando einzugeben: git config --global core.autocrlf true Dann einmal alle Dateien aus dem Git Ordner löschen und danach in Sourcetree alle Änderungen verwerfen. Danach stimmen die Zeilenenden wieder.
  4. Then i remember for this one 1920x1080 on Linux, Nvidia Driver v331, 100% Font Size Description line for Armor the 'g' of Rüstung is cut. http://xaratas.privatepaste.com/download/205a385ce6 from: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/72938-various-ui-problems-sizes-of-elements-monster-info-in-screenshots/?do=findComment&comment=1607356
  5. Is this number thing Fixed? And the tooltip problem?
  6. Hi, it should be "Verkaufswert". There are a few texts which are not put into the translation files. These we cannot fix, for example "enchant" (item info), "require" (crafting menu) or the name of the black hound pet dog. Kann jemand Kolfecg etwas Liebe zeigen? Der ist aus der Doemenel Questlinie. Da kommen scheinbar weniger dran vorbei Jedenfalls ließt sich der momentan als ein Praktikant den übersetzen durfte. conversations/03_defiance_bay_ondra_gift/03_cv_kolfecg.conversation Ich häng grade an meinem andern Git Projekt.
  7. Actually there is a windows thead for no physics. Mac and Linux only have "no cloaks at all". http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/77568-cloak-bug-floating-with-no-physics/?do=findComment&comment=1681982 Of the things in the linked post i suggest to try DirectX 9 first.
  8. Also eigentlich haben wir das Git so eingerichtet, das die Zeilenenden von Git automatisch richtig gemacht werden. Aber ich stimme zu, das der Windows eigene Editor für sowas grausam ist. Programmers Notepad 2 ist auch eine gute Alternative.
  9. There were a few new loadingtip texts in patch 1.0.3(?), nearly all new strings are not translated.
  10. For the Hunter, Brother quest, did you examine both? The corpse and the stealgar?
  11. Um, it's saturday?! Let them their weekend.
  12. @improbabile Nice to see you have a fix packet. I see one improvement: Create a copy of the it folder yust for the corrected translation and change the language.xml to create a new language selection ingame. (See the german or french language pack for a example) With the extra folder the updater from Gog and Steam will run flawlessly, otherwise the abort because of the changed files.
  13. Both missing options needs the Prisson: Call to CanAddPrisoner() in <ExpressionComponent xsi:type="ConditionalCall"> very near to the Disposition Check you found.
  14. Ok, at least for Quest Addendum 6 somehow i missed the talking points the first time i was there. I reloaded the posted save and got back to the fampyr to find the option unlocked. I checked also the quest and conversation files (i need a Questfile editor, reading the xml as source is just bad) and the path to the node 129 is logical and doable.
  15. Version: 1.0.4, Gog, Linux Run directly, without the gog wrapper script. uname -a Linux Y4c #1 SMP Thu Jun 26 23:14:09 CEST 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux OS: Elementary OS Luna This happens sometime on close, after the game window is gone. I had a crash noted in the console before, but nothing explicit as I used the gog wrapper then. Output with error, sadly it tells nothing more usefull, maybe valgrind could find it?: *edit* I have set core dump limit greater 0, will post the file if it happens again. ./PillarsOfEternity Set current directory to /opt/Pillars of Eternity/game Found path: /opt/Pillars of Eternity/game/PillarsOfEternity Mono path[0] = '/opt/Pillars of Eternity/game/PillarsOfEternity_Data/Managed' Mono path[1] = '/opt/Pillars of Eternity/game/PillarsOfEternity_Data/Mono' Mono config path = '/opt/Pillars of Eternity/game/PillarsOfEternity_Data/Mono/etc' *** glibc detected *** ./PillarsOfEternity: corrupted double-linked list: 0x0000000001ca5310 *** ======= Backtrace: ========= /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x7db26)[0x7fe939e87b26] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x7ee0b)[0x7fe939e88e0b] ./PillarsOfEternity[0x45e7c2] ./PillarsOfEternity[0x45e9f0] ./PillarsOfEternity[0x45a8db] ./PillarsOfEternity(_ZdlPv+0x22)[0x45c2a2] ./PillarsOfEternity[0x89e9b5] ./PillarsOfEternity[0x9452bc] ./PillarsOfEternity[0x8aae7b] ./PillarsOfEternity[0x757024] ./PillarsOfEternity[0xd1e3a0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xed)[0x7fe939e2b76d] ./PillarsOfEternity[0x459a59] Last lines in Player.log ------- LOAD TO MAIN MENU -------- (Filename: /BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/LinuxStandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) UnloadTime: 352.524994 ms Checking to instantiate global... (Filename: /BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/LinuxStandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) Shader warmup: 171 shaders 518 combinations 0.051s Unloading 2 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 10 / Dirty serialized files: 0) Unloading 16221 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 180146. Total: 552.712952 ms (FindLiveObjects: 24.977001 ms CreateObjectMapping: 30.778000 ms MarkObjects: 304.419006 ms DeleteObjects: 192.388000 ms) IEMod debug: current stringcount is 1964 (Filename: /BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/LinuxStandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0 / Dirty serialized files: 0) Unloading 110347 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 17110. Total: 953.395996 ms (FindLiveObjects: 21.865000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 31.374001 ms MarkObjects: 40.856998 ms DeleteObjects: 859.091003 ms)
  16. These tunnels in the space time continuum are only dug by stone beetles. The can teleport on game pause since the beta, quite annoing their potential to flee from firmly placed area efect spells.
  17. Did you take the adra stone from the board on the right?
  18. You can upload it here https://www.sendspace.com/
  19. Ohne Kontext ist das auch schwer da was zu finden ^^. Ich hab gestern 2 weitere für die Datei gefunden. Ist noch kein pull request, aber in meinem Fork zu sehen, vielleicht kommt heute noch was dazu. *edit* Arg, einer der Texte wird an mehreren Orten eingesetzt, wie fies.
  20. @pillarsofbugs sadly their jira is not public, so we get only the bits they post here.
  21. @Derek App store in the title can only point to mac. @jdrozdik Yes, sadly the Apple review process takes a few days extra.
  22. I would say its not limited to this soul vfx. Any effect in "far out" has minimal quality. Like the beams from heaven in the screenshot. Some near fire spell effects are pixelated also.
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