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Found 4 results

  1. I just installed Pillars of Eternity for the first time on my MacBook Pro Late 2013 Retina 15" running macOS Sierra. No matter whether in Window or Full Screen Mode, by mouse or by keyboard, using standard cursor keys or remapped ones: the camera just won't move. The only way to reveal a different area of the world is by using the map (open map, click somewhere, close map). Zooming in and out works, though. I searched for hours, but I haven't found any other player having this problem. This is really very annoying and keeps this great game from being actually enjoyable. Can I do something about this?
  2. On MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2017). I have a level 11 Eder that I'm trying to respec. If I do it on my macbook pro, I get prompted with a "are you sure you want to reset eder to level 1" dialogue, and the moment I click "accept" or whatever, the game hangs and then my mouse cursor beachballs. If I do the same thing on my PC, I immediately go to the character level up screen after clicking accept. Dropbox link to save game and output_log from my mac (along with screenshot of my system information): https://www.dropbox.com/sh/sr51p5ry2w5lmj2/AABCAXmnBlPqp2F8tqtV51Bma?dl=0
  3. Description: At a certain point (I'm not exactly sure when/how), I lost the ability to change the screen resolution in the Graphics tab in the Options menu. The best/only option I'm given is 1200x800 (see screenshot include in Dropbox-linked folder), whereas my Macbook Pro (which has a Retina display) previously has been able to offer/handle/support much higher resolutions. Steps to Reproduce the Issue: (I'm not sure how to reproduce the issue on someone else's machine.) Important Files: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9d58neg386l83ep/AAClBzLhmvo9_8gM_rX1wVlPa?dl=0 Savegames Output Log System Specs Screenshot
  4. I have a 2014 15" retina MacBoko Pro and bought the game through Steam. I have set the resolution to 2880 x 1800 and for the first few times I played the game everything was OK. Now whenever I start the game it looks like the resolution is 'off the screen' and although I can see the menu down the left, playing the game is impossible. Any ideas anyone? Thanks. The error looks like this:
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