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Everything posted by Gfted1

  1. Hehe, no. I believe that is a painting representing Jesus after he resurrected. He then went to visit the apostles and the hole is from when the Roman soldier speared him while he was on the cross.
  2. Isnt learn-by-doing open to blatant abuse? Ive never played it but I thought I remembered people not liking the Oblivion system, with someone posting a picture of how they fell off a cliff and died but leveled up their Acrobat skill in the process, or something like that.
  3. Eh? Whats this crazy talk? Link?
  4. You had the car for one day before breaking BOTH door handles by yanking on them?
  5. As an experiment, I searched up WILLTHEALMIGHTY and as you stated there is a "Add to your friends list" choice, but it wont allow me to click it. Clicking on my "Games" tab reveals Alien Swarm but it probably doesnt count because it was free. Thanks for the invite, accepted. Ill see if Portal does anything once I get to my home computer.
  6. Ok, n00b question, how do I send out a friend invite? Ive already received and accepted one, but I dont see any option to send out invites myself. I was logged in and under the "community" tab so if anyone could point me in the right direction it would be appreciated. EDIT: Nevermind, I must be having the same issue as others in this thread. I looked up one of you guys that had provided your Steam handle and it seems Im not able to add or invite a friend (that option is greyed out), only accept invitations. Weird.
  7. So, got to level 5 last night and am having a good time with the game. Took a few practice missions to get used to the controls and I definately should have RTFM before I joined public games. During my first public game I still hadnt figured out how to switch to my backup weapon so I erroniously thought I had to click on the weapon icon and wound up killing our technician. Then, while listening to everyone ask me why I did that and not knowing how to reply, I accidentally killed another team member. I then shamequit that round, lol. Next round went much better and completed all 6-7 maps on the first area. So far so good wrt Steam. Ease of use and working right out of the box are two super important things to me and it did both with flying colors. Very fast download speeds were also a pleasant surprise.
  8. Downloading as we speak. I must admit, I was pleasantly surprised by how smooth it was to signup to and install Steam. My handle is Gfted1.
  9. What pop culture references has WoW made besides Mr. T?
  10. I think when I get home tonight Im going to bite the bullet and download Steam. This game looks interesting and FO:NV is on my radar too so I might as well. Im going to hold you all responsible if my rig explodes.
  11. Changed all four sets of brakes and the two front rotors on my car over the weekend. Also rotated the tires and got an oil change. In about 40 miles I will have reached 100,000 miles and my car will officially be out of warranty. In yet another reminder that old age has set its teeth into me, every muscle from my knees to my shoulders aches.
  12. Youve said this a few times now, and not to get too OT, but arent all sperm the same? Basically they are identical vessels used to carry and deposit the same DNA that all the sperm are carrying. There isnt multiple different versions of sperm, afaik, so he would always be "him", no?
  13. Update.
  14. Gfted1


    Hold up. I think its pretty well established that poop rolls downhill and that most pedos are themselves prior victims of a pedo. Why no love for them then? AFAIK, very few are "born pedos".
  15. @Tep and Balth: Thanks, that makes sense.
  16. Its not a 50/50 chance at that point?
  17. Getting closer.
  18. A quick Google search results in this page.
  19. Maybe meditation?
  20. Its the same engine, right? So why would the graphics be different from Origins?
  21. Wht is it called the SWC (Im assuming that means Soccer World Cup) when the US is the only country in the world that calls it Soccer? Shouldnt it be FWC (Football World Cup)?
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