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Everything posted by Fionavar

  1. Okay here's the final list: 1) 73(h
  2. What's the crash error GoA?
  3. Congratulations - a thread prune ...
  4. While everyone checks the sewing room, I'll quietly lock the door ...
  5. Wow now that's some creativity! List update: Hardware corner Hardware Plaza Nuts and Bolts Skeeter's Junkyard Skeeter's Tech Place Skeeter's Tech Plaza Tech corner Tech Heaven Tech Munkees Technical discussion Tech Plaza Tech-talk The Technomicon I think I'll start the Poll tonight seeing that we have quite the slate already - so fire 'em off you've still got an inkling!
  6. So by way of demonstrating what will be poll material, this is the updated list so far: Tech-talk Technical discussion Nuts and Bolts Tech Heaven Tech Munkees Note: The Super Sexy Tech Forum might have potential, but is apprently has demonstrated by the follow-up ideas to be a bit too risque Hopefully the wise words of the Cant can serve as direction - hopefully this demonstration has illustrated that Bikinis and tech only mix @ E3
  7. Thanks for all of that Night! I am wondering when you say 'affinitiy' is this something you would do through Task Manager in XP?
  8. Okay this is likely my ignorance as I am justing beginning to migrte to use a notebook primarily - but how is you disable the LCD of the notebook? I assume a 2nd one must first be enabled?
  9. Okay so a further point - is anyone actually doing the gaming I am tlaking about? If so, what is your experience. The CPU/RAM/HDD are now up to par in a notebook - it simply remains the GPU that might be the bottle-neck. I have to wait and see what the core duo 2 will be paired with in a notebook environment.
  10. That's a fair observation alanschu, the problem is that I would have to buy the notebook w/o knowing if it will work. A question that occurs to me with your observation is what if the notebook monitor does not go as high as the external LCD - what does the GPU do in that case?
  11. That's an intriguing thought - perhaps unfortunate - but it does have a ring of plausibility to it ... :ph34r:
  12. So meta, if I brought the notebook home and hooked it up to my LCD and did not span - there would be no hit? What about of the second LCD had a higher resolution - how would that affect the performance? Note: Kaftan if I am derailing/detracting from your intent, let me know and I'll split this into to threads.
  13. Yeah the SLI alterntaive also makes sense. As for RAM - I've always enjoyed lots of it and the price point on RAM is currently low enough in relationship to performance improvement it's worth considering. I'd agree with meta - the SLI would offer more bang if a choice was to be made.
  14. I'm really happy that Kaftan has raised this - as I have an interest in this too. With the CPU I want apparently still only vapourware, I'm tempted to wait and see what the Core Duo 2 notebooks are going to look like and what GPU may be available in a 15" model. the question for me is gaming on my larger LCD when at home and whether it will have an affect as Bokishi has described or if Kaftan's assessment is correct. Anyone have anything authoritative in this regard to link to for further reflection?
  15. I'd echo this recommendation - especially with the larger display. more and more games are getting bottle-necked by the GPU and RAM - as most processors are just not being utilised to any great parity. the RAM and the GPU will offer you major future-proofing (with caveat that it's obsolete the moment you get it ).
  16. Walsh and the 21st century meet the Tech Forum
  17. Derailment in progress ... ?
  18. Most tweaking of network cards - in my experience - remains gimicky. That having been said, until it can be assessed, never say 'never.'
  19. Thread Pruned: Here's hoping that exhaustion of the topic has not occurred ...
  20. Um ... #6 was not really a definitive argument 'for' FWIIW
  21. Now that is well worth an out-loud guffaw! Thanks
  22. Well I am sure we all wish you well. I am also most sure that the gaiety to which reference has been made is joy, joie de vive, happpiness. So why anyone would not want Bokishi to be happy when he returns would seem odd indeed ... /point made
  23. Well the innuendos have come to my attention ... time to move to more private fora before things escalate and then I have to do some formal stuff ... thanks for playing ...
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