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Everything posted by Fionavar

  1. So angshuman, if MS were try to ensure digital protection through hardware, someone could design software over it that could, hypothetically, allow for copying - correct? I always wonder why there is such a resistance to embracing open-source paradigm and the revenue stream shift it offers, then spending a lot of money to protect the antiquated idea of 'copyright.' It sort of seems a financial investment that will always drain resources ...
  2. Patches & Utilities Strategy (Real Time) Company of Heroes (1.2)
  3. One step @ a time - once we're @ 50 - then we'll look at a constant Top Eight of adding and replacing you eager beaver you F
  4. Isn't secure hardware, however, always go to be susceptible to software hacks/algorithms - does that make sense?
  5. All votes are equal. Likely not going to happen
  6. You've got room for 4 more votes - add it or adjust as you have directed alanschu?
  7. Thread Pruned: Okay I have added 3 that I missed! I am sorry for that. So ... if you want to adjust your votes - let me know. I thought that voting was early enough to add them at this point!
  8. Utilities 7-Zip (4.43) Open Source Archive Manager CCleaner (1.33.382) Freeware Windows Optimisation
  9. Let the voting begin! http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=43956
  10. So by way of 'voting example:' 1) 5 2) 9 3) 10 4) 14 5) 18 6) 21 7) 22 23 9) 26 10) 29 11) 31 12) 41 13) 42 14) 28 15) 27 16) 12 Remember no voting twice for one, but you also do not need to cast all 16 votes
  11. 41) 42) 43) = snide 44) = deadhorse 45) = Hades
  12. 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) 37) 38) 39) 40)
  13. 21) 22) Joy 23) You dont' say 24) Boooring 25) Makes me sick 26) This thread is doomed 27) You are joking, right ? 28) I'm Danish 29) Brilliant idea 30) Work in progess it seems
  14. 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20)
  15. Okay ... below are the entrants. the way I see this as occurring is 1 vote for 1 smiley 16x - does that make sense? After awhile, I'll collate the Top 16 and then post those for the final Top Eight voting process ... so here they are: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) = sarcasm 9) = teach/preach 10)
  16. Okay thanks all - that's about 40 submissions! I am still waiting to get actual links from Kirottu and Sucky for their additions. So when I get those, I'll start the polling for the Top Eight. Since there are SO MANY, I'm thinking two rounds - the Top 16 and then a Top Eight from those. More to follow after hearing from Kirottu and Sucky - thanks again - I'm a wee bit over-whelmed! Respectfully, Fionavar PS Nartwak your five are part of the final set
  17. Software Mozilla Firefox Browser ( Thunderbird Email/Newsgroup Client ( Utilities Fresh Devices Freeware (Registration Req.) Fresh UI (7.67) Windows Optimisation
  18. Okay I think the entry taking will likely end this evening - sheesh talk about enthusiasm!!
  19. Joy You dont' say Boooring Makes me sick This thread is doomed You are joking, right ? I'm Danish Brilliant idea Work in progess it seems
  20. @ Kirottu & Sucky Could you provide an actual link? The attachment quoting system leaves much to be desired :?
  21. = snide = deadhorse = Hades
  22. Submissions thus far: = sarcasm = teach/preach
  23. Correct
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