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Everything posted by Fionavar

  1. Yep looks llike we have derailed - thanks for not spilling too much sand everyone ...
  2. I would like to thank everyone for their contribution and sharing different opinions and ideas in a generally respectable manner. Rather than see this thread possibly derail, I think it is best to take a break and move on. Thanks again. Fionavar
  3. Is that from experience? That's a helpful demarcation regardless, it would be good to know why that is so, if you have time?
  4. I'm not sure if this affects you Kor - but I have heard that plasmas have issues at higher altitude ...
  5. Could I add a slight warning (dressed as a proviso) discuss the topic with respect and decorum. Attacking the person makes me move ... and I really do like simply lying on the Roost ...
  6. Hey it's been three years (well not including the notebook)
  7. I spent a lot of time online last night researching that ... and it seemed to me (in regard to future-proofing) that the GX2 made more sense. Most issues (in the thread to which you linked) has a work around and most new games (especially intensive ones are being coded for dual core/SLI style set-ups). So hiccups may be there, but there seems to be enough inertia to address them that it seemed to make sense.
  8. Well thanks to everyone for their help - heres the new rig. Delivery next week and then back to HL2 and general gaming.
  9. I think that we'll leave the creativity some time to settle - we wouldn't want too much change all at once
  10. Well the name at least - give me some credit
  11. Alphabetical is less controversial ...
  12. Thanks again
  13. Well folks there you have it ... thanks so much to alanschu for getting the ball rolling and all of you for your input, challenges, humour and creativity ... and now to make some forum line-up changes
  14. Prime Well done Hollywood 'non-Hollywood' relationship story.
  15. Thanks Bokishi - that was a VERY helpful link. I am now looking at the SFF for the Core Duo 2 that has Crossfire capability. Perhaps I'll go with the ATI 1900XTX instead. I'm still not sold on the dual card thing and the link demonstrates what I had hoped had been addressed with the GX2.
  16. Do you have a link for that? I have not seen that in any of the reviews I have read.
  17. Perhaps we could try to reply to the inquiry and not turn this into a question period that I suspect would lead me to have to move and do stuff ...
  18. The problem is that the Core Duo 2 SFF from Shuttle is not currently readily available - I am looking at it however. I'd also add taks, that I am considering the AMD route is on account that the format will take the AM3 core - longer upgrade route.
  19. Thread Pruned: Let's try to avoid invective/baiting ...
  20. Okay here are my two options (core specs): or The struggle is the portability aspect. I am really enjoying the flexibility of the mobility of a notebook - question is how much of a hit in performance do you think I am looking at? Any thoughts or insights would be helpful as I wrestle with this decision.
  21. Well after collating and looking at some late entries here we go ... I'd also add that owing to some PMs in regard to not changing the forum name, coupled with a few additions after the fact, I hope accounts for the reason why we have more than 5
  22. I'll post the final poll late this evening ...
  23. Just a reminder to please discuss the topic at hand with respect. Discuss the subject, not the person.
  24. Thread Pruned: Discussion moved here: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=43638 Makes it more accessible for collating/voting purposes - well for me at least! Note: The initial post of the thread has been updated to demonstrate the voting format.
  25. Okay as the Poll function only allows for 10 items and we have 15, I propose the following. Choose your Top 5. After a few days, I'll tally those numbers and create a final (actual) Poll. So to demonstrate what seems - to me - the most accessible way to vote, here are my Top 5: 6, 7, 14, 10, 15
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