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Everything posted by Fionavar

  1. Hey I was running an old Toshiba Cely Notebook @ 650mhz with RAM maxed out @ 192 with XP Pro SP2 with all of the eye candy disabled and it was rock solid - not fast - but solid. Good mobile word processor - not anywhere gaming capable ... Also it was WAY MORE stable with XP than ME
  2. Thread Pruned: A First in the Tech Forum ...
  3. Me too ...
  4. I'm thinking we have arrived at the end of this thread ... I'm also thinking that we should take a break from thinking threads for a bit ...
  5. Yes I believe you are correct. The problem is that Intel has yet to migrate well in performance winthin a 64-bit world. This was, imo, the reason/place the Opteron architecture displayed AMD was more than simply an enthusiast's market.
  6. REALLY? I've heard that vibration on high speed drives can do that - is that what you are talking about?
  7. Thread Pruned - less chatter more thinking ... FLoSD.ObE
  8. It sounds like the optical drive has had it. I've had opticals wane or die suddently. If it is not reading any media, then I suspect it is pooched. Can you test it on a friend's/another rig to troubleshoot?
  9. Though I am indeed grateful for such sharing and inspiration, the Obsidian fora are not geared toward fanfic. There are indeed many fan fora that can accommodate such creative sharings. Until then ... know that there is much gratitude for this sharing. F
  10. Though I am indeed grateful for such sharing and inspiration, the Obsidian fora are not geared toward fanfic. There are indeed many fan fora that can accommodate such creative sharings. Until then ... know that there is much gratitude for this sharing. F
  11. Though I am indeed grateful for such sharing and inspiration, the Obsidian fora are not geared toward fanfic. There are indeed many fan fora that can accommodate such creative sharings. Until then ... know that there is much gratitude for this sharing. F
  12. The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada WOW! I really enjoyed the redemption theme and the interesting play of how faith allows people to aspire to hope. Great movie.
  13. So the lead is only 15% if you actually use 64-bit Windows. BTW, I've switched back to 32-bit XP yet again, after my 3rd stint in x64. There is simply no advantage and lots of little quirks. Indeed and that synthetic bench is further reduced from a 6% difference in actual performance with the AMD architecture. the fact is that Conroe is a great 32-bit CPU ... problem is we're on the verge of a 64 bit shift. So AMD - with the AM3 4x4 - continues to push Intel to keep up ... or so that's my take
  14. I don't see that as the implication - though I suspect the technology could hypothetically do such a thing. That would be a lot of power indeed.
  15. That discussions around excessive use of alcohol is not only problematic for one's health, and that it might also lead to thread derailment and me having to then move and do work ...
  16. I would like to add the following reflection to this thread. Rather than try to contact everyone who has participated in the less than constructive posts herein, I feel this is a more accessible manner in which to reach everyone. Though people may take issue with the manner in which a new member posts, I would hope that existing members will try to be less confrontational and antagonistic. It is my hope that long-term members will post in a way that is invitational and that does not create a sense of elitism or exclusivity. Unfortunately this thread began with 'a lot of back and forth' that it would be difficult to now moderate. I would simply request that when, in the future, a new member arrives and wants to share his/her passion in a posting manner that is perhaps not universally accessible that the we, as the community, will try not attack/belittle/hurt/alienate him/her. If you post, remember that the responsibility lies with how you respond - if you cannot reply constructively, perhaps use the PM/report function and let the Globals/mods help with translating the intent of a thread in a way that the new member can be accepted by everyone. /speech from the Roost
  17. I am sorry to see you go Metal Billy. Unfortunately any dynamic community contains different personalities and how we choose to interact with one another is as much one's own responsibility as the others. If you choose to leave, I wish you well, if you choose to return do know that you are welcome and that informing Globals/moderators of concerns through the PM/Report system is often much more effective in addressing concerns than trying to do so in a fashion that addresses 'fire' with 'fire.' With respect, Fionavar
  18. Though I am grateful for your passion and concern, I do feel that this thread will again only elicit the very response for which you have clearly have concern (and to which you are justified). Please feel free, in the future, to use the PM/Report system to indicate concerns, so that a Global/moderator can assist you before frustration sets in.
  19. Agreed! And the longecity factor of modularity would perhaps help with this crazy constant upgrade route for PC Gecklings
  20. What I find tantalising about it - to be honest - is the flexibility it might offer the mobile user. My current upgrade is a SFF as the power of a notebook is hampered by the GPU. If, however, I had access to an external graphics solution, I could chuck the PDA and go with a powerful - yet small - notebook and when @ home link to a high-end GPU box. Now that would be sweet!
  21. Tom's has an interesting article on this very thing for those interested.
  22. Oh I do not doubt it exists - I just do not think it is a) available, b) likely to hit the market until the fall.
  23. At the moment I do not believe there is a 1GB Crossfire. I know they are releasing a few new items, but that model is not avaialble I believe yet.
  24. Thread Pruned: If you feel you cannot post with respect, I would greatly encourage one not to post at all.
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