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Everything posted by Fionavar

  1. Geckling is a term that goes back way back in the day ... I originally used it on the old IPLY boards pre-BIS fora to indicate that 'geeks' were cool ... not sure if it worked As a result of that conversation which I suspect is over 6 years old (? - perhaps some of the old school crowd might remember that conversation on the old tree style BB @ IPLY). Since then, I have used it unsparingly to liberate all Gecklings from the taint of geekiness Or so I stand staunchly in the eye-rolling of my partner!
  2. Except that in the ST: NG parallel and Whedon's track record that is not the norm ... which is why it is even more tantalising and frustrating ... like that darn loose tooth I remember confounded by a shield and blade
  3. It sucks, but is adds a realism that I feel is part of the success of the series Whedon has done. I remember when Tasha was killed off in ST: NG and I was really hurt ... but then I realised that the power that had in the story-telling added an authenticity that is rare in the TV medium. That Joss did 2 characters @ one time was ... hard ... but it REALLY makes me want to know why and where that might lead with the characters. It was a brave move, especially as Book is one of my favourite characters. Ah well ... creativity and insanity may go hand-hand
  4. hehe I have to surface once in awhile LoneWolf - otherwise Grommie might not be able to claim I'm seen too much As for the killing off of characters - welcome to the world of Whedon ... he likes to do that!
  5. There was a mass purchase globally of Serenity and Firefly on June 23 that was intended to again influence the studios. The sales jumped for 3 days dramatically. I believe FF went to # 1 and Serenity to #2 at their highest within the global time frame @ Amazon. It was a site to see!
  6. Okay I think it's time for a timeout in the sandbox ... let's take a deep breath ... avoid global tension for a moment ... and simply BE ...
  7. No it was in an video interview - I believe - let me check ... Okay it is from Scifibrain blog blurb: http://scifibrain.ign.com/index.php?option...3129&Itemid=121 They're primarily talking about the second graphic novel, but they have indicated at the end there continues to obviously be a possibility and they link it to the sales of the DVD. Heck they already have Serveity in CD-DVD!
  8. Hmmm I may have to revist the Serenity commentary, but I was certain there were - albeit polite - references to the final expectations, as opposed to the freedom in the direction itself.
  9. Actually the province is pretty well wired for high speed in towns that exceed 5k. It's one of the advantage of Crown Corporations imo Hence why the iTunes option might be worth looking into. I might also look into renting from NetFlix if I cannot in fact rent it locally.
  10. Not within 160 km! We have something called a Movie Gallery' I may check ... well should check.
  11. I am hoping to check it out locally - if they carry it. What formats does iTunes provide it in? I'm more in want of renting at this point - but my options are limited sometimes (ie fancy urban store that rents TV Series by the DVD!)
  12. I still have to try out BG - I hear it is indeed quite well done. Darn remote locations in which to live!
  13. From what I understand in regard to the movie is something quite similar to what happened with the series. Universal put a lot of control stops in and the result was a movie that tried to be too many things, not b/c the content was not present, but b/c those who were controlling the purse did not have the same visions (a la Fox). Of course I am completely not objective in this regard ... well if such a claim can ever be true. It is interesting to hear Joss talk in the extras on the Serenity DVD and then listen to what happened when he was involved with Aliens 3. It seems to me that vision and creativity are indeed a difficult thing to merge in a the medium of tv/movies. I feel that Firefly portends what that creativity might be - I also feel that the Firefly phenomenon (though akin to the Star Trek fan base) challenges a paradigm now with DVDs and secondary source sales challenging main stream channels (movie releases). It' an interesting world out there ...
  14. It's a fan made documentary that is rather extensive in its coverage and lots of geeky things like scripts and stuff - cool, eh? @ meta - there are already indications Universal is considering a second movie due to DVD sales of Serenity - this sort of thing will only add to that possibility ...
  15. http://www.donetheimpossible.com/index.php Yes this is most exciting! Yes I am a Geckling! And yes I am sharing this with anyone else who might care. I really do feel that this series has affirmed the power to which the medium of television often fails to aspire. Great writing - most humourous - special FX and some palatable people ... yes my plug is done Not quite: I wonder what an cRPG of Firefly might look like ... /moment of self-divulging
  16. Cups over folks ... time to move on to the next Global struggle ...
  17. Well I would say that at the least we have derailed ... always a sensitive reality is our specie's predilection for violence. I thank the majority of contributors for challenging that tendency.
  18. Serenity (Just finished the series and movie for the umpteenth time!)
  19. What the Bleep Do We Know
  20. A Prune of a few unusual posts has occurred ... smileys return imminent ... /hope
  21. Counterstrike Condition Zero Deleted Scenes
  22. Art is fun - let's try to keep to this side of the barrier of making me do stuff - now back to our wee bit of the Bohemian Rhapsody ... /public service reminder
  23. Thanks - clean up shop they walways tell me ... don't leave 1s and 0s lying about they tell me ... work, work, work .... FLoSD.ObE
  24. Hmmm though the tubes did indeed pose a moment of mirth, I do feel we have left on a tangent of ducks who have not been digitised. Without binary ducks, I can't order them and if I can't order them we need to close up shop and move ... FLoSD.OBE
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