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Everything posted by Fionavar

  1. It's okay - honest - be the first and you may also be the first person with the first question in the first Top Ten evah! Gon on you'll like it ...
  2. When you feel that a question is refined and ready to be added for consideration for the prioritising stage in 4-7 days from now - then add it to the sticky above. My hope is this thread will serve to allow for discussion and perhaps as a filter not to repeat what may have already been added. Fenghuang - this question would be fine to add in the pinned thread, imo.
  3. It is my hope that this thread will serve to allow the community to refine ideas/questions/inquiries and the like. One ideas you feel you're idea is ready to be added for consideration, please add it to the sticky here: The Top Ten. As I mentioned in the pinned thread, all of these discussions will be closely monitored to ensure that the they remain constructive and respectfully. Though I'm sure this need not be said - but rather than assume - failure to respect the hopes inherent for this new feature will result in censure. Okay not that the authoritarian stuff from the Roost is out of the way ... thanks and I am hopeful that this will become a rich addition to the fora here. Respectfully, Fionavar
  4. Well here's a new feature that I hope will serve to continue to develop our community here in the corner of cyber known as Obsidian. As many of you can appreciate the owners and developers are often really quite busy making games and such! With this tension in mind, I have received many PMs wondering about the Big Cheese and where he has gotten himself off to This got me to thinking and after bouncing ideas around with Feargus and the mod squad, we have arrived at a new feature: The Top Ten ... So here is how it will work: 1) A thread will be stuck in Obs Gen that will encourage the community to post questions/items that you would like Feargus to address. As a suggestion, I would offer that the question should be as succinct and pithy as possible - a suggested format would be: 2) This thread will remain open for 4-7 days. As this process proceeds, it should be understood that this particular feature will be keenly watched for SPAM and trolling. Though we moderate these fora with a high level of tolerance
  5. Suspicion = thread end ... therefore thanks >_
  6. Ah the creativity of so many is worthy of graduation to the AotS ... thanks for playing 'Let's Get spotted from the Roost' ... FLoSD.ObE
  7. Thread Pruned: I would advise members to bring ALL concerns to the mod squad through PM. If you have an issue, treat one another with respect. If you cannot find a manner in which to articulate yourself without being hurtful or antagonising, do take a timeout from the sandbox. Public posting of concerns in the manner, which has occured recently is unacceptable. Please relfect on these words from the Roost, as there are consequences regardless of one's inferred, assumed or presumed status here at Obsidian.
  8. Thread pruned: Could we try not to derail such a fixture of the community ... /rheotical query
  9. Well it is really amazing how the Hoff can serve to derail an otherwise joyful moment - welcome back Darth Launch - and congratulations!! If you requite therapy after this Hoff-episode, just bill the Lou Gutman foundation ... FLoSD.ObE
  10. Well let's try again ... until the next sequel ... thanks for playing SPAM the Never Ending Story ...
  11. I'm smelling derailment ... not in WoT ... say it ain't so ...
  12. Well that was fun ...
  13. Thread pruned and moved to where I hope it belongs ... ?
  14. Well I hope there is some resolution in here for the query ... :?
  15. And I believe that we have arrived at the 'oh my we've been derailed' moment ... well close enough at least ...
  16. Look an act of the Holy Noodle ...
  17. Well to add to the conspiracy theorists out there ... there has been a derailment of information leaked proportions ...
  18. Ah yes - Thanks. A little slow from the Roost sometimes. Thread closed.
  19. cipher, Do you continue to have this trouble? It could be a forum specific issue, but I can look into it if you continue to have difficulty. Note: Thread Pruned
  20. Couple of things to look into: RAM seated properly? GPU seated properly? Heat issues? Everything clean? Voltage - perhaps up it a touch? I would suspect voltage or heat. Assumption: You are running clean w/o a bunch of stuff running in the background? Questions: New rig? Old? New problem? Repeatable? OS? OS follow-up: If MS - any conflicts in Device Manager? Boot into safe mode to check as well. Try playing with sound card disabled - does the problem persist? BIOS: Always worth updating in my experience, fwiiw.
  21. jorjan, Thanks for reporting this - could you PM me your OS/Browser/and whether you can repeat this bug - and if so, what are the circumstances? F
  22. How can I argue with that ... especially as it made me laugh out loud! Thanks. Neelix was never an issue for me. The love interest line added a certain depth as VOY struggled to understand what it was - never fulfilled unfortunately. Hindsight is indeed telling - and watching reruns now, I do find the character weak, but not a Crusher toppler
  23. Firefly remains the first sch-fi show I have seen transmit a novel like feel to the visual medium. It is well worth it my friend when you do have time - though we are repeating covered ground, aren't we
  24. I don't know, Wesley Crusher was a character for whom I never had much of an affinitty. In fact, the character often ruined a good TNG plot line solely by being on screen - imo of course
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