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Everything posted by Fionavar

  1. Thread Pruned - Could we try to not to bait/flame one another? /rhetorical question
  2. Well that seems like an invitation to say "night night Gracy" ...
  3. A moment of thanks please for this latest addition to the AotS ...
  4. Well it seems that a timeout is required in the sandbox ... move along while we sweep up the spill ...
  5. Well all Squads eventually meet their arch-nemesis ... some it's age, others it's financing, sometimes there's someone smarter or more brutish ... in this case I suspect it's SPAM ... nice to have seen the good fight fought so long in the sandbox ...
  6. Please feel free to contribute to the ongoing discussion. There is a lot of interest in this topic and keeping input centralised and presented in a clear and articulate manner will have more impact and influence than posting to the contrary Please do not post if you do not have anything constructive to add. There are new members arriving all of the time - so post with respect and in a constructive nature. If you do not, I will act as though the intent is to SPAM! I am well aware that there is no perfect solution for those who have been members for a long time and who find this ongoing discussion problematic - to say the least. I know that K3 threads are touchy items for you trollish denizens - to be specific - but do remember this may be a new topic for people who arrive in our community. So I would ... no I expect respectful treatment. If you do not want to talk about K3 - THEN DO NOT POST! Treat anyone - especially those new travellers from out Cyberway - without courtesy and hospitality makes the Big Green ornery ... See previous threads: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
  7. Ah well time for some newness ... of I know let's try for another installation of this ongoing saga ...
  8. Thanks!
  9. Well I thank you all for the green observation ... but I would really not want to see arachnophobia affect anyone adversely.
  10. I believe that we have at derailment with a tone that I can only suspect will end up being less than productive.
  11. Well that was an interesting transgression of a thread ... do feel free to discuss the spectrum of sexiuality on a private forum elsewhere in cyber.
  12. Thread Pruned: Though I can appreciate of the need of some to have a translation of this oddity - it does infringe on the expected language norms for the fora.
  13. General derailment that seems never to have been railed!
  14. Perpetually speaking SPAM never stops ...
  15. I do not believe that this is currently under consideration.
  16. Feel free to begin the thread a new in C&C - hopefully there will be less SPAMatraction ...
  17. SPAM to the power of Pi?
  18. Warm greetings and welcome back to the place of finding balance with SPAM - nice to see things stay the same the more they change ...
  19. Scratch Test ... SPAM .... Sniff Test ... SPAM ... Taste Test ... um ... well ... OK it's just a DERAILMENT!
  20. And with that lovely image, I think it has arrived at time-out time in the sandbox. Please exit to the left and right of the jungle gym as the sweepers arrive ...
  21. Well before this takes spills out of the sandbox ... thanks TrueNeutral for sharing the video. As it seems there is an existing discussion, we'll just quietly move along as I sweep up some of the sand ...
  22. Well then I am either too thick - highly likely - or the adapted version all sort of seem the same to me. I think I have some educatin' to do ... I really enjoyed the original sub-text'd Ring, but since seeing so many adaptions - and to be honest the lack of access where I am to originals, I have likely become somewhat lazy! Thanks Kor Qel Droma for taking the time to do some IMDb searches
  23. Thanks Kor Qel Droma, I think the 'Grudge' was the US remake of the Ring - though I definitely stand ready to be corrected. Interesting though is that the theme and the motif seem similar. In general, it would be interesting for those who have more access to Japanese horror to share and reflect whether the genre does present a woman and a child in dire straights?
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