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Everything posted by Fionavar

  1. No I meant the notebook's LCD meta - not the external one.
  2. Thanks for the response legion. It'll be interesting to also here from meta on this. I do not plan on hooking up to my external except for gaming, but when I do it would be good to know if the heat will be an issue. I may call XPS support to know their thoughts, as I have heard they definitely know the system.
  3. The GPU makes sense - it often comes down to what you like/know. The good thing is there definite room to grow if you choose Diamond.
  4. This just occurred to me - no adverse effects to the LCD from heat coming up through the kb?
  5. Oh, I thought it was so full on account of how busy and full your day is The games, I assumed, were also not for 'fun' but a metric of reality that was and may be ...
  6. Thanks meta! Helpful to have some of my hopes/assumptions confirmed. I'll add a pic once everything is set-up.
  7. I'm wondering if we could have a more detailed hardware spec DGwar, if you are still having issues? Might help to ascertain heat/driver solutions.
  8. @ legion: Do you game with the notebook closed? If so, how's the heat in that situation? I've just picked up a M1710 and this is one of the things I am considering doing with my extenral monitor and it looks like this may be what you are doing.
  9. That is indeed a very interesting script - from where does this originate?
  10. Well it's bed time in the sandbox ... /gets the sand broom
  11. My goodness that's a lot of geckling bling bling Perty rig ... what's the decibel level like?
  12. Patches & Utilities Simulation Sailors of the Sky (5.98) Strategy (Empire Building) Caesar IV (1.1) Software Alcohol 52%/120% ( Shareware CD/DVD Backup/Emulation
  13. If the connexion is gaming, I would suspect heat/conflict. A simple investment in a passive cooler - basically get the notebook off of the table with some air under often works wonders. A table/desk acts as a heat sink and makes stuff hotter than it needs to be - especially for gaming.
  14. Any conflicts in your device manager? Any way to recreate the freezing? Time frame - right when you boot in or after a while of use?
  15. I believe that we have arrived at the point where the sand mixes into your shoes and it gets all itchy ... AotS bound are we ...
  16. Software Fresh View (6.60) Freeware Multimedia Manager (Registration Req.) Netscape (8.1.2) Internet Browser WinAmp (5.3) Freeware Multimedia Player
  17. Sorry for the delay all - I'm tring to get the gifs uploaded by admin. Hopefully not too long.
  18. Not one to encourage - necessarily - bypassing security measures, but here is a simple Google search fwiiw.
  19. What ISP are you using?
  20. Patches & Utilities RPG Warcraft Franchise World of Warcraft (1.12.1) (MMORPG)
  21. Thread pruned: Let's avoid spilling sand that leads to derailment ...
  22. Okay roshan got it for you. Start button - right click - properties - start menu - classic - customize - advanced - show small icons I hope this helps.
  23. roshan what SP do you have iinstalled?
  24. What version of the OS are you running? To change colours and such, right click on your desktop - properties - appearance.
  25. Well there you are 360s and all ...
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