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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. ^ they do. No idea about doubling up WF either, though. Logically, I would expect only one to apply and the other to be suppressed, since it's the same kind of bonus from the same source.
  2. You'll need Rooting Pain too for the complete package ... and maybe a Retaliation item or two
  3. Add in Binding Rope to make them Stuck on top of that and you get a passive disabler Monk that enemies get punished for hitting ... Except they must, if they want to kill him. And in so doing they get afflictions and he gets Wounds
  4. Honestly, I think the game has come a very long way since release. That the devs still care so much as to make balance changes after one year bespeaks their dedication.
  5. Great to know you guys are fixing even the small things
  6. It's entirely dependent on your preferences and habitual play style. I value speed above most things and I would choose DEX over RES or CON any time; I want my characters to be fast at everything, not just in-between attacks. I do not, however, put a disproportionate deal of value in the Interrupt mechanic. It is nice—and this build does it well—but it is not something I would pump a stat exclusively for. If you have no interest in speeding up your other actions on the 0-recovery variant, it is probably worth redistributing those points to a stat that serves your play style better (INT would be my choice, but you may prefer to remove the penalty to RES and CON instead; or pump one of the two.)
  7. You can actually get 4 scales if you fight Llengrath and her dragons; you only get 2 if you pursue the peaceful solution.
  8. Here are some facts, then. FACT: This is not the appropriate forum section for pointing out mechanics not working as advertised (allegedly or otherwise); this is. FACT: Typing in all caps is troll behavior. You really need to knock it off if you want people to take you seriously around here (and frankly, you should know this without my telling you.) FACT: If you had spent your time googling instead of typing exclamation marks, you would have found this, for example, where QA confirm that the proc is intended to only destroy vessels of lower level then the sword's wielder. Or this, saying the same before PX1 was even released (as I mentioned.) FACT: If you had addressed your concern to a designer in a civil manner, you would have received the following answer in a very short time: FACT: This is the last time I reply to any of your topics unless you give up the troll attitude and start behaving normally.
  9. Indeed, Outlander's Frenzy would be very thematically appropriate. However, the reason I discarded it is twofold: The bonuses from Frenzy don't stack with Champion's Boon and Deleterious Alacrity of Motion, which I tend to (ab)use in almost every fight from the moment I get access to them. With Champion's Boon your MIG flies to 45, which is pretty insane. That said, it is also true that Outlander's Frenzy can be had much earlier than either CB or DAOM, and it can be liberally used in thrash-mob fights since it's per encounter. Unfortunately... ... I find its effects to be rather lackluster. +2 MIG / +2 CON isn't going to make much of a difference, and +20% attack speed is OK but unimpressive. Personally, I would rather pick a different talent. When I had to choose between the two, I thought long and hard as both were a good fit. Ultimately I thought, if there's one guy whose blows tear stuff asunder, that would be Hulk. It makes sense, however, to indicate Charge as a viable alternative—and so I will A fun fact I forgot to mention about the 0-recovery variant is that if you reach 0 recovery and have a DEX score of 22, you're going to land an attack every 25 / 30 = 0.84 seconds (or thereabouts) with a weapon whose Interrupt lasts 0.75 seconds. Suffice to hit once and your target will be locked in a state of permanent interruption ... and if you happened to miss (which won't happen anyway) and the enemy hit you, it would go retaliation - interruption - here comes another estoc swing.
  10. It slows you down. Good for tanks who are already slow and need resilience.
  11. I'll stop calling troll when you stop behaving like one. Posting a thousand exclamation marks and vocally complaining about an item that is working as designed isn't doing you any favors. That the proc would only destroy vessels of equal or lower level than the wielder was known since before PX1's release. When PX1 released, it unsurprisingly behaved exactly like that, and it still does. If that disturbs you, ping Josh on Twitter or QA in the tech forum to request a change (but frankly I don't see it coming.)
  12. Max MIG you can get without cheating is 45 and you must wield Abydon's Hammer for it. Highest burst is probably a Rogue with fully enchanted Hours of St Rumbalt (Superb, Durgan, Lash) and the Merciless Hand + Dungeon Delver talents. Haven't done math though.
  13. They generate focus upon hitting. Amplified Thrust was reported forever ago and multiple times (don't know about the other one) so chances are it's intended--otherwise Josh would have fixed it when he did the pass on Ciphers for 3.0.
  14. Where is he getting Frenzy from? What game version are you on? If it's from Outlander's Frenzy and you're on an earlier version than 3.0, the ability is 1/rest. If you've already used it once, you'll need to rest to regain it. But you should update your game to the latest patch if that was the case, and the ability would become 1/encounter
  15. QA confirmed in the tech forum the cost was increased by design. 4 if you don't bind; 3 if you do.
  16. Is it really worth it to go through that kind of trouble (i.e. going back and forth from Gilded Vale) to get sn item the console could give you in a second? You know you could reasonably get the gloves at that point in the game and the only reason why you don't is RNG. Leave the unattractive loot where it is, console the gloves in, and pretend you had found them. Unless you were after achievements, that is.
  17. Very quick; nice change log!
  18. @Edwin - Odd. Oldsong is one of my favorites! But I must concur: The voiced one-liners in BG were ... special. The acting was special. I still remember most of them by heart, each with their so peculiar intonation. Such a small thing, yet they contributed so much to the atmosphere!
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