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Everything posted by Freshock

  1. No idea what the difference between our games are then, I made sure not to save before I recruited him because that's been the cause before.
  2. See alot have improved in this patch, basiclly only bug I had in the last play session was party members that didn't want to gather before leaving a area and still issues with recruiting a new party member since the new recruit won't leave the inn.
  3. Wow! Did not expect so many fixes in the very first patch, and the size of the patch though! Good work guys! Downloading now and are very eager to play
  4. Interesting. I haven't tried that tactic but I assume that all the stun spells / abilities are on a "per encounter" setup? Then you just mow down the entire mook party while they are stunlocked? Some of them are per encounter, while others are per rest, just have to figure out a party combination with enough per encounter/rest to keep you from camping for a while. Adding more duration to spell effects should be effective as well, then just - as you said - mow them down while stunlocked.
  5. Stunning opponents before they reach me have been working out great
  6. I feel like it's perfect like it is, I don't feel like I have to spam the camp supply and if I do I have to think about how to attack differently. It's a challenge sure, but that's a good thing.
  7. It's not like 100% of the community are unhappy with the UI, I really like it for one. They are definetly listening to the people on the forums, they are really good at responding it seems. As people have said before it's gonna be hard to change anything big at this point, but I'm sure there's going to be small but important changes before the release. Edit: Did Shadowrun do that bad? Metascore is 76, seems pretty good to me but I've never tried it.
  8. Seems like most of the big issues are related to save/load games, might not take that long to fix the game if that's the big issue.
  9. For some reason I can't do anything productive while waiting for the patch, it's understandable if there's a game release or when the PoE beta first dropped, but a bit stupid that it get's like this for a patch!
  10. Dayum! Didn't know that it flopped that big, but for some reason it's not that surprising either. Last Sims I gave a shot was the third one and I bought the whole package, which was like well over 100 euros on steam, I ended up playing it for half an hour. I miss the old ones, these new ones just don't have the charm. I try to stay away from any EA games these days, because of the Origin platform, have had so much issues with it that I turn rage mode everytime I have to deal with it. Even worse is the Uplay - I keep myself to Steam, I don't want these new platforms to compete with a oldschool one that is already (basiclly) bugfree.
  11. It gives you freedom to be critical, but not to be a complete douche. That's the last thing I'm going to say, this is stupid.
  12. @Helm Honestly dude, why are you even on the forum spreading negativity among people that are looking forward to the game and actually have invested in the game as well? I get that you don't like the game and it's OK, you are free to play whatever you want and think what you want, but coming on the Pillars of Eternity forums to start a fight is pointless and immature. This topic is a dead end, people like the game and people don't - that should be the end of the story.
  13. Pillars of Eternity won't be for everyone, if you like Divinity: Original Sin better - play that instead. You might want to wait with judging it before it's released though, might turn out better than what you see from unfinished beta gameplay. I personally don't see much likeness in D:OS and Baldur's Gate, but people see different things and have different taste.
  14. Don't really see the horror of "virtual rape" in a game like GTA V - the morals in the series has never been there anyway. If you get easily offended you shouldn't be playing GTA in the first place. But yea, it's a childish thing to do. As some people mention above me, Teabagging has been a thing for a long time, modding (or hacking if you will) to make characters nude have also been there for a while, this is not really a new thing.
  15. It's on YouTube now, if someone prefer watching there:
  16. Yea, I actually watched a video of his collection a while back, he definetly made some cash on "I can't believe it's not butter" among other things.
  17. Just watched Precious, no idea why because it never seemed like my kind of movie. Great acting, directing and a good movie overall, but kept feeling I was the only audience of a Oprah/Dr.Phil show.
  18. Haha, no offense Jose - don't punch me. I guessed he was from Spain, but can't help but hear a similarity there, and it's not a bad thing sounding like Fabio after all - he's done good with the ladies apparently
  19. Thanks for posting, interesting to see just a little bit different play even though I've been all over that map for hours and hours by now. Have to say that voice was entertaining though, haven't seen that guy before - felt like Fabio was narrating the gameplay.
  20. Being interested in norse mythology was a big reason I even touched Baldur's Gate back in the day. I'm very happy with their choice of name
  21. Second part of the interview is up now: Haven't had time to watch it yet, so not sure if it's much PoE news in this one
  22. Good quality and awesome narrating on your livestream, Ashen Rohk (BamBerserk here). Wish I could watch more but have to work, subscribed to your YouTube and followed your Twitch - keep it up!
  23. Haha, well it's tactically clever to release your own game at a time when there's not any other major releases going on. And that Dragon Age isn't a RPG? If DA:I will turn out anything like the previous ones I'd say it fall under that category. I'm not going to question Obsidian, because they've had so many incredible games before PoE, and it's hard for me to believe that anything these guys release will be bad. They seem confident in a release this year and that makes me confident they will deliver a good product. As of the Mario 64 thing - seems like back then there was a overload of incredible games dropping left and right, these days they come rather rarely.
  24. You sure it's not just patrolling lions? Some of them might be far away when you enter the map and then sneak up on you.
  25. It's probably less than a week old, it was uploaded yesterday, I think the interviewer just failed on remembering when it was released, seemed like Feargus tried to correct him politely.
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