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Everything posted by Freshock

  1. I like the idea of using "not too high-tech" firearms. I'm confident they will balance it perfectly.
  2. I wish I could have given more, but couldn't afford more than I pledged. I'm very satisfied with the "reward" though - design a piece of epic armor/design, and the only tier that I could raise to and still keep this kind of reward is 5k + and I don't have that kind of money.
  3. I hope there's no final "end" to the game, that you can play past the end credits. But as of credits/cutscene after the final boss it would be cool to see how many times I've died (normal mode), coins collected and so on. The fun facts dosn't matter to me really, just hope there's an epic cutscene at the end.
  4. I agree that there's limits of how much swag a weapon/armor should have. But this is also a fantasy game, so there should be more to it than regular, real items. I'm going to design a weapon, but I've not yet decided how it should look and I still don't know how much I can edit it. It says in the reward tier that the weapon/armor have to "be within reason", so I don't think you'll see very flashy gear in the final game.
  5. Just want to thank everyone for an amazing experience last night on the livestream ! Some of my accomplishments: - Got a drunk Chris to do a shout out to Hells Angels - Got Tim Cain to do a shout out to Compton (twice!) - After I made a comment about the "Green Shirt Girl", she kinda got a meme and even got her own website! And no; I'm not from Compton, and I'm not in Hells Angels either!
  6. 1000 USD The design epic armor/weapon one.
  7. Obsidian probably didn't count on reaching all those stretch goals . Maybe they need more time?
  8. Hopefully they can release a beta at the estimated time. But personally I think they should use more time on the full version if they feel they need it.
  9. I'm just wondering if PvP will be a part of the game? Or maybe duels or arena fights?
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