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Everything posted by Freshock

  1. Hope I get accepted...Sunday is approaching really fast.
  2. I haven't thought about those things yet, besides the capturing part which could be cool if happend in real time. For example; after ordering an arrest on someone you can see your guards walking out of the castle and towards nearest city or village where they can obtain more information about the target and his/her whereabouts. And when they find this person they could drag the prisoner back to the Stronghold. Of course it's just an idea. And you're right about the scripted part - that might be kinda hard to fix.
  3. I've always wanted a prison to control, and since a Stronghold is in the making I would just like to throw this idea out there. Picture having your own, scary prison and decide for yourself who is going to end up in that prison. Maybe there are people in this world that strongly disagree with your religious views? Maybe your just an evil soul that finds pleasure in having power? Or maybe you're a good person with good intentions - throwing thiefs, murderers and pillagers behind bars, never to see sunlight again? Maybe in addition there could be mercenaries/guards that you can hire for your Stronghold to haunt the people you want behind bars down. They could have a chance of not being able to take the prisoner as he/she have people watching their backs - which would mean you need to hire new guards (money sink right there). Or maybe force prisoners with other religions to convert to your own faith? Granting the player's character either the illusion or the fact of getting closer to a "god". Prisoners could also have the ability to escape. Or maybe some of your own guards aren't that loyal to you as a leader? There could be sort of a moral system involved with your people - with low moral they could have a bigger chance of taking money from pisoners and help them escape instead of keeping them inside. Of course I wouldn't want these guards to have an impact on the players journey outside the Stronghold. Some of these guards might be mercenaries that you could hire for your own expeditions - but I wouldn't want them to have the same impact as followers have. It's just an idea. I think it would fit with the "mature" theme. I wouldn't be suprised if you guys/gals think this wouldn't fit a cRPG, but I'd still like to see this in a game.
  4. A living world is something I think they've talked about officially before? However I really think they should make the world "alive", on every subject in the forums regarding the developing there are people saying "they need to focus on other things to decrease developing time/money" but this I really think they should use time on - and money. It's a big part of the game for me, I don't want to be the only one walking around.
  5. Everyone that pledged is getting a digital PDF cookbook with recipes from Tim Cain. It's probably what you're thinking about but it's not been said to have anything with in-game recipes/food as far as I know. Don't really like the idea of food. So many RPG's have tried - and I've never (yet) have had use for it. All it does is add more developing time.
  6. Hello there! I've just donated the extra 8 that's required to join the order, I've donated a total of 1068 now, is there room for me? If I can join I'd like to be named: High Berserker of the Obsidian Order - or something like that
  7. I'm not really sure. I'd like a "reward" for completing the game on harder settings - I don't like starting from scratch if I've already completed a game and there's nothing more to "win" from replaying it.
  8. I support Ron Perlman, don't think he's that expensive either - well, maybe after Sons of Anarchy he is. Gary Oldman, anyone? Or Sean Bean - but that's probably wishing too much.
  9. I think there's a difference between graphics and design. When people talk about boob plates/pauldrons and such they are talking about design. I wouldn't want to throw away that part of the game, but I'm not demanding good graphics - such as high quality tree's with ultimate shadow effects.
  10. Yea, thanks for uploading it to YouTube, I'd love to see it as well.
  11. Feargus will talk to Rob about it tomorrow: "@Feargus When will the dungeon graphic be updated?" "@Aname I am going to talk to Rob in the morning. He needed a good solid couple days to recover, from being under the gun on the art and from the vodka. -Feargus" - From Kickstarter comments.
  12. I think it's enough, atleast I hope so. After reading about Stonekeep and came across this: "The project started out with just two people, Peter Oliphant and Michael Quarles. It was intended to last only nine months and only supposed to cost $50K. However, because the initial stages of the game looked good it exceeded nine months, lasting a total of five years. Eventually there was a production crew of over 200 people, and costing a total of $5 million. The intro sequence was the most expensive part of the production, costing nearly half a million dollars to produce, which was amount is ten times more than the initial budget for the entire project." Stonekeep / Wikipedia Seems like it's the cutscenes that drains most of the money, and with less voiceacting I think they'll make it.
  13. The only game I've played that made me feel like potions are critical is actually RuneScape , and that's just in the PvP and high-level item grinding. I agree that the potions system in the TES series are useless - they make the game too easy, and they are rarely needed.
  14. If it gets that bad, then realistically the town people are likely to flee before every one of them is cut down. This could be followed up by a small army seeking revenge for the loss of income to the local nobility. Then a larger army. Really liked you two's ideas! Adding a bounty on the player's head when crime against non-hostile NPC's are done sounds awesome. Kinda reminds me of those few NPC's that follows you in Skyrim - but to instead add a army to do the task would probably be more realistic and more exciting. And to discover hidden secrets behind NPC's and then have the option to kill him/her if it strides against the "players" beliefs and faith sounds so cool.
  15. I hope it's gonna be raw violence, with cruel/mercyfull decisions. The thing that really got me excited about PE is the mature theme, I'm so glad they don't have a publishing company breathing down their necks. I really liked Dragon Age: Origin's dialouge and it would be cool if Obsidian could top Bioware in that aspect.
  16. I wouldn't mind to see something like these examples. They are based on vikings, although they obviously aren't historically correct I think they'd fit the fantasy part of the game nicely. And THIS. I know some people really don't like spiky gear, but even if you ignore the spikes I find the armor very awesome.
  17. Maybe get a couple of Dragonborn babies?
  18. I think it'll be enough to begin with. I bet they all have unique backgrounds and personality. I'm not concerned, but I wouldn't mind to see the amount of companions increase in a future DLC or expansion. The follower's that has been shown looks amazing, and I bet they all will add a lot to the story and overall experience.
  19. I'd love to have a big picture of the battlefield, the zooming in isn't that important to me. In Starcraft II I get so sick of the fact I can't zoom more out, it's a tactical game - give me vision!
  20. I don't think it would fit any other platform than PC, and I really hope that they aren't using effort to create any ported version of the game the first couple of years - cause I think that'd affect the PC optimization.
  21. I'm glad they mainly focus on singleplayer for now, but I wouldn't mind a multiplayer expansion in the future.
  22. Totally agree. There shouldn't be any easy way out. I don't know if there will be any repair system though, I wouldn't want to have useless gear in level 12 - so if there's any repairing involved I'd hope for a chance to repair it in the dungeon itself.
  23. My first thought was World of Warcraft...good choice if i'm looking to waste my life. But I think I'd really pick Titan Quest, because then I'd be able to play AND have a life. I haven't tried Baldur's Gate for long, and never tried Icewind Dale .
  24. There's gonna be many amazing aspects to the game, and if they throw in a 14 leveled mega dungeon with amazing loot - I don't mind! I'm pretty excited about it.
  25. Dragon's are so outdated. Started to hate those hundreds of dragon's in Skyrim now.. It's like the zombie hype
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