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Everything posted by Freshock

  1. Also - I backed the Epic Item design, thought I'd get a royal edition + 5 copies? I got 12 hero editions, think something is wrong here
  2. I got 12 Hero Editions? Thought I'd only get 6 copies
  3. That is awesome, Silent! Thank you so much!
  4. Wow, Silent Winter - you did a good job with your gimp skills! Hopefully you find the time! :D
  5. Wow, 131 users reading this topic, I think people really want their keys!
  6. Might be odd, but it's a good thing, sharing some love with the smaller channels as well
  7. Obsidian sent out press copies to Paradox I believe, I think it was 1000 copies, and Paradox handed them out to reviewers, YouTubers and livestreamers.
  8. Haha, I loved that line you quoted aname - I think he's trying to tell us something.
  9. Personally I tend to use norse names in all my games, and got around 10 different names I use over and over again. Always try to have a name ready before a game like this drops, been too many cases were I spend two hours finding the right name in the character creation.
  10. That dwarf with a crossbow is pretty sick! Wish he had a bow though, then he would fit my character perfectly!
  11. Yea, there's a few spoilers in that video I think, I clicked away after some minor details on the start of the game was mentioned.
  12. I love that Pillars of Eternity is on 5th place of Steam Top Sellers right now :D
  13. It's the age of the trolls. And the steam forums have always been infested by them.
  14. Source: http://imgur.com/a/eOhqV - So many good ones, it's insane!
  15. I pledged alot, and I have no problem with this. It's like this with every game, people who can bring the game advertisement get their hands on the game first. Besides there is a backer beta - so those who backed the game for a certain amount got to play it first. I think streamers/reviewers getting their hands on a game first will just create more hype for it.
  16. Will play a Boreal Dwarf Ranger with a bear companion. Still not quite sure about the difficulty level, I'm having issues on normal even in the backer beta. Might have to go the easy route for the first playthrough, which is kinda embarrrassing, but thankfully we got Adam wiping to beetles on easy - recorded, so that makes me feel a bit better.
  17. This makes me so happy :D Now I can swag out my steam profile!
  18. It says 1 week on steam now! It should be possible to preload on Steam, think they said that in another thread. When is not certain yet but we'll get more info on that in the next update.
  19. Started playing some Reign of Kings, a sandbox pvp setting with the goal to become a king among 30-40 other players. Good entertainment untill PoE comes out.
  20. I played DA:I for about 30 hours, and I'm left with no memorable moments at all. Seems like half of that time was used to gather resources. But I tend to go back to it and give it another shot, just because of the amazing Origins. I'm sure I'll stop going back to it once PoE hits though.
  21. Feels so strange that it's almost 2 weeks from release. Haven't been looking forward to a game for over 2 years before it's release before. I really hope people like it, and that it gets good reviews.
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