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Everything posted by JFSOCC

  1. Maybe you can inflate the stamina pool while keeping the HP the same? (and con based)
  2. Welcome to the forums Noisefolk#1 I would like the classes to be distinct in play, but with some overlap in their use, so that no single class is required to be part of the party.
  3. beats me. forums, I think.
  4. Not exactly, the idea was that there was a set amount of bitcoins in the world, each with their own ID so they could never be destroyed, and the supply would always be limited. Eventually they'd stop adding new coins to the supply (nothing more from mining) so you'd not have the value of the coin deflate. Making it an excellent standard as reserve money. Ofc, the actual value would still fluctuate based on what people would imagine it was worth...
  5. it's 'through' just like it's 'you' and just like it's 'see'.

  6. I could imagine a whole quest-chain where your wizard has to go places to do research, to find spell ingredients, to mimic nature. Coming back to the lab where slowly and steadily your own spell is being developed. And you could make it your own by making some choices during those quests, which leads to different quests and different elements to your spell So if you're trying to get your life-force sucking dry-weather creating fireball, then you'd have to go out and study a fire imp at work, study a fire elemental, study dragons breath. Then you must go to the desert and study what forces create the drought there, you must go to the tundra and see what creates drought there, you must go to the parchment libraries of the Rothani tribe and see how they air-condition their library. For the life draining effect you must consult with vampires and soul scientists, you must observe the suicide and rebirth rituals of the Merendini tribe, you must train with the paintakers, and observe a master weaponsmith imbue a weapon with his soul. And then you have to do experimentation (this is where the spells power, rather than the effect, gets determined.) And at the end of it, you have your own spell. With research quests for the type of spell and it's function And experimentation quests to determine things like target, shape, size, sequence, duration, power, costs , way to cast (maybe it's a ritual requiring several members cooperating) etc. Player choice whether to involve others (spell will be known and you'd be famous for it and wealthy) or not (spell would be private and you'd be known for your unique and special power) It'd be cool if these opportunities were also bonus perks for the observing mage. IE: your party is tracking down a party of some sort of frostmonster, and after defeating them, you are 1/3rd of the way to understand cold and ice effects for spells So the more questing/adventuring you'd do, the bigger your repertoire of spell elements with which to craft spells.
  7. any line repeated enough will become annoying. So short "uh-huh" "righto" and "yessir" "Sir!" like they did in commandos was pretty good. no more "You've left me an OPENING!"
  8. Was cool, wanted to get involved since I had a pretty powerful graphical card (at the time) But I found it was impossible to get the information I needed And then the major trader of Bitcoin collapsed and took with it a large chunk of the market, I believe it never recovered after that. Good idea, needs work, eventually it'll come back in some other shape, and then it's worth trying again.
  9. Please do, I want to know if you've used us forumites as inspiration for the vitriolic slothful mindkiller gods you've invented, or the self insert gods of awesomeness. But mostly, I wish more people would contribute to this thread to fuel the creativity. I won't judge, promise!
  10. Hey I'm all for low-key magic. A low level magic setting would be fantastic. And I certainly believe the bulk of the power should come from character skill, not the weaponry. Still, I enjoy a diverse and interesting amount of weapons, even magical ones. And I have faith in the development team that they'll strike the right balance between core weapon power and modular additions of magic upgrades.
  11. The Paintakers A group of disciplined women which derive their powers from suffering great pain. They're constantly maintain a level of agony close to the edge of their sanity. Slightly more pain, and their mind breaks and they go completely mental, Slightly less pain and their impressive skills falter. The Paintakers have found a technique by which they can draw out the pain of others and feel it themselves. This does not negate the damage suffered one whit. The Paintakers train as healers and fighters both, They train as healers because that is how they make a living. It is easier to operate on someone who doesn't feel pain, and this is a good way to stock up on the exquisite torture. The Paintakers fight by striking the weakest parts of their enemies body (here the medical training helps a great deal) and their enemies won't even know how badly they're hurt until it is too late. (Should the player find themselves in combat with a paintaker, their displayed health won't change but their actual health will) The Paintakers only take women on as trainees, though for some reason, very few are interested. They can be found anywhere where healing is known to be done. (battlefields, hospitals, some temples, etc)
  12. Aegheer, God of stone Symbol: a mountain. Patron of jewellers, bricklayers, cobblers, mountaineers, stone sculptors. All stone is Aegheer. Every brick, every pebble, every fossil, every gem, every mountain. And all stone tools. They're all Aegheer. Once you respect that you're set. Disrespect the stone and a mountaineer will encounter rock-slide avalanches. Disrespect Aegheer and you'll slip on the smooth river stones while crossing the river, Disrespect the rock and your stone will break during the sculpting. Respect the rock, and you may find treasure in it. Followers of Aegheer keep a lucky stone near their body, usually as a pendant on a necklace. Some mountainside places have an open air rock garden, but that's as far as the organised worship of Aegheer goes. He's not a terrible meddler, and doesn't need pleasing, only respect. In Ancient times some temples to him did exist, carved into the mountainside. But these are now found in ruins, overgrown with moss, an old not unkindly male face looking up from a rounded unworked stone, covered in lichen might be found by the wayside, here or there. I'm sure there's an interesting history paired with the fall of the church of Aegheer, but it is lost to me. Aegheer doesn't care. He was, is and will be all stone, that is enough.
  13. BAS Once upon a time, there was a powerful magician He had a lab in a beautiful spot in the city. And he was happy doing his many science experiments And then one day, the city allowed those rats in The Scum. A group of musicians in the tavern next door. And all their wailing and caterwauling kept him from his work All day and all night He petitioned the city council to do something But they didn't even hear him out, his litany of complaints was a minor issue compared to the amount of tax generated by these... louts. Oh, how he hates musicians. And then there was a fire, it started in the Tavern, of course it did. But it spread to the lab, filled with unstable agents They could hear his screams over the noise of the flames, and the flames were really quite loud. Sometimes something shattered, and yet the screams raged on. Not screams of fear, not screams of pain, well, maybe that too. They were screams of anger. Cursing out the bedevilled bastards for the rumour they constantly cause. Surely this too is their fault. It's ALL their fault. And after the fire burned out, and only the charred remains of the lab were left, a small ephemeral black smoke rolled over the pavement, unnoticed, into the world. An angry smoke. They say smoke inhalation will kill you. They're right. The Angry black smoke seeks out those noise makers. It finds them in their homes, it rolls in through the crack in the door, the keyhole if it must. Shapeless as it is, it can't be harmed, not by conventional means anyhow. It climbs their legs, their torso, weightless and unfelt, and makes its way to their face, And then it pours itself into the mouth, the nose, into the lungs, and holds itself there. And the victim starts choking. No amount of gasping will save them now, the air will not come. The lips turn blue It's latest victim slumps in his seat. The angry black smoke leaves the way it came... Did it hear a mother singing to her wailing babe across the street? Maybe it did... ---- BAS (Black Angry Smoke) Attacks those who make noise, so chanters are its most likely targets, though audible spell-casting of any kind will evoke its hatred. It has but one attack, it latches on to it's targets face and fills the lungs, the target is silenced and experiences life drain until dead. It can be called away from it's current target by incessant singing which just won't go away, nearby. If that happens it reorients itself on the new target which annoys it more. It's completely shapeless (or rather, ever changing) and appears as a black smoke, or mist. It takes no damage from piercing, slashing or blunt weapons, and fire damage increases the vapor's power. It needs to be defeated using area damage from from cold, acid or magical damage. It can be dissolved by magic draining, or it can be grounded and make solid by cold. In which case it could be damaged by anything. If the BAS believes it is losing the battle, it will flee, there are so many other singers to be silenced.
  14. We use our technology today to get the most out of our weaponry, why wouldn't people try to get the most out of magic and have magically upgraded weaponry? In a world where magic exists, that only makes sense Killer smoke bomb. A smoke bomb filled with extracts of Moonbloom plants A grenade weapon, those affected by the smoke experience blurred vision, lethargy, hallucinations, and minor life drain until the smoke clears.
  15. The Metrics say otherwise. they say it's working.
  16. What about me? I care about your posts, I always support your Design a Monster? Give me some positive attention as well ???? Yes, I love you too, and the likes I get for my entries in design a monster are what I do it for. I'm sorry I forgot to mention you, but I was drunk. I especially appreciate your insightful posts in the Palestine thread, and I still think you should write a monster yourself. Now let's forget this ever happened.
  17. Nwo I kow tat I'm drnuk buyt sometimes I woonder if anywon ven cares about the and all that I do. I kepe tryniing to be hpellful but significant and somtimes I wonder fi all I do ammerts to anywon. I men I tive these orms, I reallu love tem but does anywon crae? Maybe I suold just quit tying so arhd.d niot tat it matters btu I fel not aprecated adn I try hard.d leik wen I write fation or ogd posts noen cares. Save maggotheard. he's cool an osvfir too,an lepys tryin hadr tooo antrx860kows watsup yeahcool butnwo I go to bed cus imtired. Love you al!!11 Oh an Fiiforget uyo sorry buyt Ilove uyo too. teshe ar teh bet orms. I men tat!1
  18. there's links to the relevant threads.
  19. You could also limit the benefit of familiarity so that an end-game weapon is still better than the most familiar early game weapon.
  20. I believe the biggest part of the cost was the material. not the labour. It was something like for every two pages in the book, you'd need to kill one sheep, tan it, then work the hide till it was thin and pliable enough. and then you'd have the labour intensive work of writing it in calligraphy, and if a mistake was made then entire page had to be redone. yeah, it tends to get expensive that way I reckon.
  21. that'd be wasteful. The Waster Musket, causes bleeding wounds, cripple, interrupts spellcasting, has a 50% chance on hit to remove one buff from the target and a 50% chance to reduce the strength and constitution by 2 each. Slow firing rate. While firing the wielder of the Waster cannot be targeted by friendly spells
  22. The summoner The summoner is an ancient looking man, he's usually out of range. On an elevated position, behind a wall. Safe from you. When the Summoner is encountered, he summons an animal for you to fight, if you are close to defeating the animal, he'll summon two more, and then three, and then two and a monster, and then two monsters and an animal, and then three monsters. He will continue to summon ever greater hordes of ever greater enemies, until you start tracking him down and attacking him. If you do manage to corner him, he has a limited amount of short range teleport spells, of traps which cripple and slow set around him. and engaging him will be fairly difficult to achieve. Once the mage is defeated all his summons vanish. A party which focuses on the summons will eventually always be defeated, as their number will be infinite. Fighting the mage involves closing the distance, cornering him and then interrupting or disabling his mobility. As long as he is alive he will keep summoning creatures. Speed is of the essence.
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