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Everything posted by JFSOCC

  1. Do you have psychological help or medication or is that an inappropriate question?
  2. What if you allowed the player to gather up lots of armour and clothes. and then at the bazaar they find that only the rag merchant cares to give a copper per piece for it? That would discourage a player to loot every last piece of armour very quickly, I imagine.
  3. Razorleaf tree. (tribute to Patrick Rothfuss) A tree overlooking a small hill in the country side. anything which comes to close will rouse it and it will shake, the leaves which fall float and twirl around and are razor sharp, causing slashing damage. The tree for gameplay purposes has infinite leaves. At it's base is something the player might want to have. It will have to battle crushing damage from falling branches and slashing damage from the falling leaves. The base is strewn with skeletons of various grazing animals unlucky enough to encounter the angry tree. The tree its canopy is wide and it takes damage only at its base, making ranged combat possible but not riskless.
  4. Mirror fan. This innocuous looking fan carries a concealed set of blades, anyone proficient with a fan can use it as a concealed weapon. The Mirror fan has a mirrored side and a non-mirrored side. Anyone but the wielder looking into the mirrored size will see enemies behind them when there are not, causing distraction and may cause the enemy to turn his back on the fan wielder.. this slight hypnotic distraction misdirects and gives any enemy caught up in it -3 on their saving rolls and -2 to dexterity. When the mirror side is turned to the wielder, he or she will be unable to be flanked by enemies and has a 20% chance to parry any attack coming from what otherwise would be considered flanking.
  5. Green Cypher stone Once touched to the forearm the stone is absorbed into skin. Grants the wielder the ability to hear the surface thoughts of anyone nearby unable to shield their thoughts. Can't be removed except by a remove curse spell/ritual/PE equivalent. If living creatures are nearby, at sleep wielder must pass a will save or fail to rest. If the wielder continues to fail to rest, for every three failed attempts, he or she will lose a wisdom and an intelligence point. When the intelligence or wisdom drops below 10 (average for DnD, so PE equivalent) the stone drops out and the wielder falls into a comatose slumber for a week. after this the former wielder will never be able to use the stone again. After three weeks, intelligence and wisdom begin to recover.
  6. I'll do two more, but that's it. Then the number would be 20, which is pretty large. Shtolaz God of Ancestors, names and dreams. "Butler of the dead" Associated with Ancestor worship, thought to determine which physical and character traits you inherit from your parents. Said to mark your soul for its rebirth after you've died. And knows the true name of all beings. He is always depicted with the litany of deeds and a pile of skulls. The litany of deeds is supposed to be the transcribed knowledge and wisdom each person has the chance to share with Shtolaz after death, before the soul moves on. This knowledge Shtolaz is then charged with keeping for or from your descendants for perpetuity. Because he takes this service seriously, some consider him servile and fail to pay respect. Shtolaz occasionally grants children of the dead with a last message from their parents before the soul is reborn. Those who pray to him may learn some of what they parents failed to pass on, also during dreams, and may feel their parents guidance as dictated on the litany of deeds. The Clergy of Shtolaz prepare the dead and cremate them, and sweep the ashes into their urns. They also write and keep the last will and testament, and are legal scholars when it comes to inheritance. The Wandering priests of Shtolaz find lost dead and give them proper rites. These priests have the special ability to divine the name of the deceased. They take up the duty to find the next of kin and inform them of the fate of their family. All the Clergy of Shtolaz dream vivid dreams, and all of them eventually go insane. Though they all crack in different ways. It is because of this that the clergy has to resort to becoming a family themselves, since very few outsiders are willing to sign up for such a fate. The Clergy of Shtolaz has become a caste in a casteless society. (unless PE has castes) Since the clergy of Shtolaz has begun the practise of intermarriage between priests, their dreams have become more powerful, and many are plagued by entire memories of souls unwilling to move on and be reborn. There are other organisations which too help these souls, but the Clergy of Shtolaz uniquely has members capable of divining the nature of the death of those souls, and their last living memories. In recent days, the Clergy of Shtolaz has asked for the help of the Church of Goh, since insanity is becoming an ever increasing problem.
  7. The rooftop runners. A group of athletic young errand boys and girls. Need a parcel or message delivered? for a coin a rooftop runner, which can be found on the overhanging platforms near the market, will do it at speed. The Rooftop runners are the freerunner/parkour enthusiasts of the world, Originally a group of smarter beggar children, their leader, a twenty-five year old woman named Pear used to be one of the solitary runners, until one day she got a gold tenpiece for a parcel she delivered. The woman who she ran the service for noticed her talent and helped her set up, in exchange, she must gather information from all across town and share it with this mysterious lady. The Rooftop runners all work for Pear, and all owe her their earnings. In return they can stay in a well maintained expansive garden which is fairly difficult to reach, except by some athletic ability. (climbing, acrobatics, balance, strength and dexterity) This garden is where several buildings meet and is hidden from sight by the slant of the roofs. This Rooftop Garden is the Headquarters of the Rooftop Runners, and so far no outside influence has managed to reach it. All Rooftop Runners help maintain the garden since it grows them food and it is where they sleep. Pear sleeps in the greenhouse they've built in the middle. Joining the rooftop runners is possible if you're young, athletic (you have to be able to reach the rooftop garden) and are willing to run across town on a time limit to deliver messages and parcels. Some of the rooftop runners are sometimes recruited to spy on meetings unseen and report back to Pear. They do not know who the woman is Pear reports to, but they do know that there is someone "behind the curtain" Whenever they come back unseen, there is always a reward waiting, usually hot food, rarely a coin. At this time, there are fifty-three Rooftop runners, not counting Pear, occasionally one falls from the roof and dies, occasionally a smarter beggar child or runaway manages to find their way to the rooftop, or passes a challenge to earn entry. The runners have not gone unnoticed by everyone however, and the thieves guild has begun wringing them for money, information, and services. Not a few of the Thieves have taken most unsavoury liberties with the children, and the children are beginning to question Pear's leadership, while Pear is looking for a way to deal with the Thieves. Pear's second in command, Frick, has been tasked with finding a help. This is where the player might come in. Unbeknownst to Pear, the woman she works for owns the buildings through various proxies that the rooftop garden is located on. Also unknown to Pear, the woman is a member of the Co-operative of the Wise. ------ The Co-operative of the wise. The Co-operative of the wise is a group Influential people who share some world views, and decided to work in secret to bring about a better world. "We're a group of like minded individuals who believe the wise should lead" They will work with any organisation they see fit, to further a cause of a world where those who are the most wise, those who would empower society the most are the ones in power. They back individuals and organisations, both publicly and privately who they believes will help bring about this better world. Each member of the Co-operative is required to organise a secret organisation, a front business and a public image. They help each other out when asked but each is tied geographically. They know of each-others fronts and public image, but keep their secret organisations from each other, to increase operational security. Mostly rich philanthropists, already wealthy and educated, they occasionally quiz their fellow influential friends subtly, hoping to expand the membership of the group. They rarely meet, and never all at once, but their organisation is a buzzing hive of coded messages to and fro, mostly of a friendly nature. One of the most powerful members of this group has built his secret organisation called ---- The Infiltrators. The Infiltrators are an espionage agency which MI6 would envy. The purpose of the Infiltrators is simple: to get men and women in key positions in every organisation of influence. So far they've managed to infiltrate several of the religions, crime syndicates, noble families and trade organisations, though not everywhere have they yet managed to get into key positions. The Infiltrators don't recruit from outside. They start as children taken from orphanages, the streets, and it is rumoured some are children of the leader of the Infiltrators himself. They are all taken before they are six to avoid any outside influence. Then they are each trained in the use of a dagger and in spycraft. Each child is frequently tested and their assignments are chosen based on their abilities and affinities. Unlike the cliché they're not treated poorly or without love, but they are kept secret, until they reach adulthood. When they do, they get their assignment, and it is always for life. They are sleepers and saboteurs, but also active agents. Should they fail to infiltrate an organisation, they are placed elsewhere. It's too much of an investment to throw away years of training. Infiltrators are encouraged to take initiatives and some may find themselves in other positions than was originally intended. The Leadership doesn't care as long as it is some place useful. Infiltrators are trained to be loyal to the organisations they infiltrate, unless orders specifically countermand this. They report back at infrequent intervals, but due to their lifelong training, remain fiercely loyal to the Infiltrators. The player may encounter the infiltrators when they find out one of their party members was one of them all along, or someone in their stronghold gets caught in suspicious behaviour (reporting home) They may find the work of an infiltrator during their travels, but it would take a lot of adding up before understanding what the player is dealing with. Most likely the player encounters the Infiltrators when they provide unsolicited help, should they be members of the Dragoling Trade Empire. The Leader of the Infiltrators pays for this expansive spy network with the proceeds of his front: ----- The Dragoling Trader Empire. The Dragoling Traders is the worlds first privately owned multi-national business. The Traders have their own docks in port cities, their own warehouses, and their own store fronts. They can be found in most of the coastal cities with a presence of the church of Hezeng, since the Fleet of Hezeng has a tendency to make trade safe. The Dragoling traders are a fairly well known brand by now, mostly because they have all the best spots in town, often right by the plaza. They trade in magical baubles, imported luxury goods like wine and silk and spices, inks and dyes and paper and furs , and offer passenger service on their sizeable merchant fleet. The real money, however, is on the monopoly of quality marble, currently a popular building material in this renaissance society. The Dragoling Traders have managed to gain control of the few known sites to produce this resource. Employees of the Dragoling Trade Empire often find themselves in city councils, guild councils and other honoured positions. That the Infiltrators have helped the business is unknown to them, mostly the business has found its way to success on its own. Despite this, the DTE has found themselves at odds with pirates disrupting trade, sudden taxation or import bans instated by the Church of Hezeng, and organised crime. The organisation is also vastly unpopular amongst the many guilds cities have, many of which are forced to trade with them for basic resources. The Headquarters of the Dragoling Trade Empire is on a subtropical private island, guarded by a patrolling flotilla based on a nearby shallow harbour, one which most ships couldn't reach. The site is chosen carefully and lies between the old and the new world, though closer to the new world than the old. Only senior members of the DTE are allowed on the island, and only with an invitation and a naval escort. Some say that on this island is the secret to the wealth of the Trade Empire, a cornucopic garden, a wish granting dragon, an infinite pit of resources. Wiser men would notice no trade ships ever dock.
  8. The bauble of heart's delight Whomever sees it must pass a will save or be enchanted and utterly in love with this trinket. Some see a necklace, others a ring, some a useful small tool. Each what they would value highly. Can be used as a bribe. The cheater's bauble of heart's delight An updated version created by thieves guild craftsmasters. Does the same, but returns the owner after a day. The Owner is set by a ritual.
  9. A fully animated capture of this man's dance: resulting in the setting ablaze of all the terrain around him. A powerful fire spell.
  10. Because criticizing a nation for it's discriminating policies is always blasphemy. Israel loves to use the word anti-Semitism, I wonder if they even know what it means. Your site looks like the typical very politically coloured pages you may find on any subject which causes some controversy. Using rather weighted language like: and ends with I see your website and raise you mine. http://imeu.net/news/article003473.shtml#q2 I suppose Israel respecting the borders of the west bank would be a good start. but if they accord the Israelis there voting rights, they ought to the Palestinians as well. You can't both treat an area as your sovereign land for your own ethnicity and then not for the other.
  11. I was under the belief that only a small minority of Arab citizens, namely the small Christian Palestinian group which stood on the side of Israel during the war of 49' which have the right to vote. Any others living in Israel find getting citizenship almost impossible and voting rights are not accorded. So this is new information for me.
  12. And I'm not saying it is. I'm confessing my ignorance.
  13. the graph shows it's been on the rise since the end of Reagan's last term
  14. I always loved the city of union from the DND supplement Epic level handbook. Something like that would be cool, but it doesn't have to be on a different plane.
  15. That's just not true, Arabs living in Israel don't have the right to vote, and are continuously discriminated against in person and in policy.
  16. Supermacism & Racism. WASPs> Jews> Other West Europeans (French, Spanish etc) > Germans > Blacks > Asians > East European untermenches > Native American's. Not where I live. Many do see the injustices done to the Palestinians. That story isn't finished yet. What are you referring to specifically? Slavery is illegal most everywhere in the western world. You realise those doing the trafficking are crime syndicates, especially RUSSIAN crime syndicates. Schools here are not segregated, but it is true that there are schools which have a large portion of poor immigrants in relation to the number of non-immigrant children. This is a demographic problem. This is so disconnected from reality I don't know where to begin. You are wrong. I'm happy to find that there are equal rights for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transsexual persons here in the Netherlands. I think it's abhorrent the way Russian society treats them as pariahs, bullies them, beats them up, throws them in prison, all for being who they are, as if they have some sort of moral high ground. It's vile what happens to LGBT people in Russia. I hope you are not part of that. All cultures have their problems and inflated egos. The nations where patriotism and nationalism are whipped into a giant fervour are the worst off. These nations are blind to their own flaws and to even discuss them is taboo and can earn you trouble. The United States is such a place, but Russia is just such a place.
  17. I'm just saying I didn't know him at all, and I don't know what to believe. Awful dictators can still leave mixed legacies. There was an awful dictator in the Dominican republic, who cared a lot for nature. The Dominican side of Hispaniola is still green, while the Haitian side is completely deforested.
  18. She was an atheist. what a cynical view. Here's one example : http://news.investors.com/business/042012-608418-ssdi-disability-rolls-skyrocket-under-obama.htm?p=full Another would be families living for generations on the government dole, there are also constant reports of massive fraud in the foodstamp program. May be you don't see that so much in the Netherlands. That's a large amount, tell me, has getting disabilities become easier in recent times, or is this rise purely from people who can't get unemployment welfare anymore because their six months are up? (IE fix one and you may fix the other)
  19. pretty much this. Welcome to the forums! I look forward to seeing your contributions.
  20. I like them ideas, but this caught my attention. Doesn't sound like a Cursed item at all, there's only benefits. Maybe if you're a rogue with low ligth vision (in which case, why would you need a torch?) But if you don't know the torch goes out, because you don't know whether or not it's the cursed variant, and suddenly you're in darkness, surrounded by enemies, yes, I think you'd call it a cursed torch. I think one way to see cursed items is as items which have a function but if you don't know it will work against you. But we discussed that in the cursed items thread.
  21. No, what I mean is, if everything is linked to something for the player to do, you get the sense that the entire game-world is made for you. that's incredibly immersion breaking. If everything has a purpose, you know automatically when you see something "Oh, I guess I should find out what's going on, otherwise I might miss something useful" By adding content which is completely superfluous but still very stylishly done, it gives the player the idea they're in a much larger world where everything does not revolve around them.
  22. I'm enjoying this playthrough a lot so far. I willing to take the time to watch it all. I don't want to see any cuts.
  23. Because he was so unpopular with western governments, I don't know whether my image of him is correct. He seemed a passionate man who believed what he was doing was the right way to go. He also seemed a bit paranoid. But then, going against the grain in geo-politics may qualify paranoia as wise, rather than crazy. I do know that the news article I read about his demise in the Dutch paper was a carefully crated and very subtle character assassination. I doubt we'll ever get the full true picture here in the west.
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