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Everything posted by JFSOCC

  1. One game which did this well was Quest for Glory, depending on which class you were you had different solutions to the same problems. For instance if you needed to get pegasus feathers, you had to get them from a hard to scale eerie. A mage could levitate, a thief with rope and grapnel and a sufficient acrobatics skill could pathfind it's way up there. Paladin's and fighters had to make use of a sort of catapult system.
  2. I think it's been a while since I agreed with you. I'm not sure how I feel about this. it shows that we're all not diametrically opposed and that each of us contributes.
  3. I like the idea of areas you can't explore until you've gotten the requisite skills. IE Acrobatics to climb an object, or levitate to get over that wall, or a sufficiently high lockpick skill to get past the gate. The existence of the area itself will be incentive for the curious player to find a way to pathfind themselves in there.
  4. excellent example, though this is a typical example of something I'd leave up to the player. Say a fireball is relatively slow travelling, a noob player won't know it can be avoided, an experienced player will have positioned his team around side tunnels/exits the moment he encountered a firemage, so that they can easily step out of the way.
  5. it's still a shame we need to get our dev interaction via a different forum. I know it's not something we're entitled to, but it was something I greatly enjoyed.
  6. I loved what I heard about the sneaking, not so much this. I was hoping to craft my own blades, to fit my own playstyle. But since there's hinting at item-creation quests, I guess I can hope there will be a measure of customization in what you create that way.
  7. Is it possible to search which posts are the most popular

  8. If you have a reputation as a do-gooder, or someone who takes all jobs without question (and I hope that gets tracked) it'd be cool if there are some quest givers who use you to do their dirty work. And for once it shouldn't be obvious that they're trying to manipulate you into doing something wrong. And when you get back, you don't get the reward you were promised. (but some potential of revenge or another resolution in the future) Not everyone has your best interests at heart, after all.
  9. understandable, but even so, the quest should not be some half-assed, go here, kill 10 of that, return to collect your reward.
  10. Make a list of responses per locale, or a few lists, and have npc's cycle through them. (randomly) I do like the havemet boolean idea. And if you want the same response for true and false, you can set that too. though I'd rather see it a numeric than a boolean, because that allows for a broader range of options. Then there is the question of time passing, if I click an NPC 10 times in a row, he shouldn't all of a sudden be familiar with me, so perhaps it should be saved by area load, or by day, I suppose. I guess it falls in the categorty of reactivity, it most certainly has to do with immersion. As for the poisoning the well argument, yes, if MOST NPC's are bitching, no doubt that's going to be true, I guess we'll have to pay attention to that and make sure not all NPC's sound like theyhate your guts. (unless they do)
  11. Can anyone show me some cool new world weapons? Blowpipes and obsidian axes, stuff like that.
  12. He got told not to pursue the kid, and he ignored that, he got into a brawl with a 17 year old, and he felt threatened enough to pull the trigger, racism or not (I'm going with yes, because he racially profiled the kid) he chose to end someone's life when he really didn't have to. He says there have been a lot of burglaries of late, as if that is ever a reason to kill someone. But then, as much as I think it would be cool to own a gun, I'm for a government monopoly on force. I don't think he should have had a gun in the first place.
  13. You want to avoid penalizing a player for his work, taxes are most certainly a penalty.
  14. Action Hero backers: I'll be backers. Travelling backers: Backbackers Bulk-buying backers: Stackbackers Scottish backers: MacBackers Careful backers: Step Backers Insane backers: CrackerBackers Wannabe backers who can't afford to: Lackers. Pirate backers: Hacker backers. Hungry backers: Snacker backers. Oppressed backers: Get of my Backers Gas company employee backers: Fracker backers. Anyway, I could do that all day, but still not come up with a suitable alternative for Slacker Backers.
  15. that's an impressive post, I don't agree with everything, but it's got some good suggestions and you really thought it out.
  16. I'll probably get some hate for this, but I thought Sis was pretty memorable.
  17. the only radio prank I've ever thought was funny:
  18. I'd be OK with a sort of a civlopedia type thing.
  19. I think no-one is going to convince Sacred_Path. Who wants to have the last word more badly?
  20. No, if you need a manual to learn how to play a game, you've failed to make a game which a delivers the information a player needs itself.
  21. As long as I don't see big exclamation marks on questgiving or related NPC's heads.
  22. if people want to ruin their own game you really can't stop them. You can make it less interesting, but you can't prevent it.
  23. I think it'd be cool if you recorded yourself and posted it to youtube, because that would be an interesting game to follow.
  24. Flase. Arms and legs are parts of the body that move the fastest and are hardest to hit. Fighting techniques focus on gettinga hit, thus targeting parts of the body that you are most likely to hit. Torso and head and the center focus of swordplay. i have a friend who was practicing kendo and sometimes we sparred for fun. the thing he told me, is that most of the things you can do with a sword in modern sports is limited by the rules and the teaching methods of swordplay is thus limited accordingly. in some rule free practice matches he had, he found that a most effective trick, was to attack the opponent's attack move instead of defending. and the most vulnerable spot for this kind of trick, was the hands as he showed me. Koté!
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