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Everything posted by JFSOCC

  1. A poem, presumably PE related, about things you would not find in PE? or sorry, EP... Tasty elves more stringy than beef make for great eating beating godlike for grief quite delicious themselves in sour apple sauce, a tangy relief Orlans are too hairy except for their chief I plucked that old bastard for being a thief. His heart was rotten, his liver was gamy but after his brain was sautéed ecstasy fleeting I ranged my eye further beyond where the dwarves delve to fat for my taste and to sturdy to cleave Aumaua I believe maybe a dish worth repeating.
  2. I don't think it is logical to assume all dyrwoodians or all vailians would have received some basic training in the same weapons. That's like saying all Americans would be better at using the M16 over the AK74 because it is an American weapon and the AK is Russian. I'm sure there are many Americans who don't know how to even hold a weapon, let alone have a preference for a make or model. That said, I would not be surprised to see more M16's used in the US than AK74's, because it is an American weapon. So more of specific types of weapons found within a culture, absolutely cool and logical, people somehow being better at using them because of their cultural background, no.
  3. Hate mail +3 chainmail. cannot be removed except by curse removal spells/items. removes diplomatic conversation responses. For every three souls killed in anger provides a temporary +1 to defence (armour bonus) For every ten souls killed in a single combat confers three seconds on invulnerability.
  4. @Lephys: OK I think I understand what you're getting at; You want some reactivity in the world that doesn't just affect your character, but also the game world. That's cool, but what I don't want to see is a world where let's say the story is about an Army of Orcs invading the country, every side quest suddenly becomes slave to the main storyline of Orcs invading. This can work for linear games, especially when the big theme is a pressing issue. (Orcs are on your doorstep, it truly is the only thing that should occupy your mind) but not so much where the Orcs are far off on the fringes of the nation, you haven't determined yet what your interest in them is, and the local populace has different problems to worry about. Even then I'm fine with an occasional "supply routes are raided by orcs which is why we don't have item x in stock" but I mostly want to do my own thing.
  5. I don't mod, but I have big plans for P:E. My time on these forums have filled me with ideas, and depending on the game and the tools released I hope to build a huge content mod for it.
  6. If Karranthain's example is one to go by I'd be playing a Vailian rogue for sure! Yeah I like cultural items, at least the way you describe. I don't like it when some cultures are better at the use of certain items. But I do like distinct styles by culture. I do recall somewhere beginning this year it was talked about. let me see if I can find the thread... http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/63311-cultural-weapons/
  7. specific effects for some consumables, making them unite limited-use items could be an interesting way for players to find creative solutions to some of their obstacles. I love the wall passing potion, for instance. Especially if it is rare. Do I keep it on me so I can walk out of prison, do I use it to break into a nobleman's house without taking the quest for the key, Do I get behind the barricade and position my character for better damage? I think one of the problems with consumables is that you never know how common or rare they will be (at least until you've had one play-through) So I like the idea of crafting your own.
  8. I like playing with this idea. It could be a class or class specialisation. Perhaps getting accustomed to potions requires a character to also be able to handle his or her alcohol, finally a reason to get drunk in games! More booze, bigger potion 'acceptance' Or perhaps all potions come with ill effects negated by specific class skills/abilities in the same vein. (now flowing with alcohol instead of blood) Finally a reason for the dwarf racial stereotype of being mead/ale quaffers. Anyway, that deals with potions, but not all consumables.
  9. I mostly disagree; While I think it is a good idea to have most of the content support an overarching theme of the game,(such as the nature of the force in KOTORII) I think it will get thoroughly annoying when every single quest is hitting you over the head with the main storyline.
  10. This. There seems to be this idea going around that if someone states something as an opinion that it cannot be wrong or challenged. And that is nonsense. Yes many things are subjective, especially in art, but that doesn't mean that there is no objectivity involved in assessing the skill of an artist. Technique and taste are both part of art, Technique is something you could objectively judge whereas taste is more subjective.
  11. yeah, effect trade-offs could be an interesting idea, although it would make consumables more situational again.
  12. I've been on the fence for a while about how I feel about consumables in games. There's been some debate about potions which I mostly agreed with: Either you have an overpowered effect and the consumables become game breaking, or they fulfil a use which you can otherwise get using abilities of your characters, in which case they get unused. Consumables tend to be wasted if the intended effect is either useless, underpowered, or not applicable; or if combat is likely to resolve successfully without the use of consumables. Many consumables will either be too specific in application to be used broadly, or the intended effect is not certain to be worthwhile using a one-off. So here's an idea (but feel free to post your own): How about the consumables in this game, rather than having their own effects, boost the effects of specific abilities you have. Soul abilities affected by food or potions for instance, while class tools affect (class)skills. And I'm not talking about just buffing the effect, but possibly changing it. For example: say a "Day potion" will have different effect if you consume it for your defensive fighter, who's engagement ability now also deals damage over time to undead, your offensive fighter whose attack target can no longer use stealth, or your rogue whose attack temporarily blinds his target, if his target was in the dark. A player would be able to tell which abilities could be affected by the consumable using a colour scheme for skills/abilities and potions. For instance a purple coloured potion can affect any ability which has a purple icon. There'd be broader use for consumables and they'd be tactically interesting because of the different effects on different class builds. Consumables which boost or alter abilities which you already possess rather than give you something completely new and separate. Something which has nothing to do with your playstyle. (Currently consumables will always have only one type of use) thoughts?
  13. No, that's a bad question. The question is "How do I make combat fun and challenging both?"
  14. I wonder if silent kills are going to be possible on any but the weakest of opponents, since it's unlikely that you're going to insta-kill any enemy, and equally unlikely that an alterted, engaged enemy won't call for help. Maybe if a rogue deals the first blow, you have 15-30 seconds to kill the guard before he can call for help. It'd be a rogue special ability.
  15. What if part of the damage dealt to summons is also dealt to the caster? or alternatively, what if part of the damage dealt to summons is dealt to the caster's stamina, and each summon requires a stamina upkeep?
  16. I know it is a terrible stereotype, but my rogue will be wearing black, and a hood, and a cape. Black with dark purple, and silver trims. Two daggers, one with a handle made of white agate, and one with fire opal (dark blue) Anyway, personal fantasy aside, I very much don't like the motley assortment of clothing for a rogue, it feels mishmash. With the second image, much of the clothing seems cumbersome to stealth. You don't want much frills, but you do want it to be stylish. After all, a character whom loves wealth is expected to show it off a little. Anyway, subdued colours, yes, but rich in quality and work. The images above don't do anything for me.
  17. How about this: Summons turn hostile after a while. For instance after no enemies remain. (other than summons) Now their use is a tactical choice, too strong, and you'll have to deal with them after your other enemies are defeated, too weak and they're useless. You can summon as many as you want, but unless the enemy is harming them, you're going to have a problem if you summon too many. That ought to solve the balance issue, make players balance it themselves.
  18. True, but it's typically highlightable even on the other side of a wall and such. Thus allowing the player to go "Ha-HAH! The characters can circumvent their own perception restrictions via MY birds-eye view! MUAHAHA!". Of course, once they've seen it, that's fine, I suppose, to show you "where they remember it being." Especially with switches and the like -- things that you need. I was just thinking, in terms of the "let's walk around and then search around with the mouse-cursor to find spiffy lootable things" system. "Let's just highlight everything in this room that I haven't even walked around fully yet" just seems kind of self-defeating. I think it's probably fairly easy to only mark loot or levers or buttons which have been "detected" Just add a boolean to denote it. I too think a key to mark detected loot seems a fine solution.
  19. I think the game should be difficult enough that using consumables is going to get you through combat which you would otherwise fail. I'm sure those with great RPG combat skills could still do without them, but the general combatant should be constantly wanting to use it. It should be a challenge not to use it rather than vice versa.
  20. I had wanted to edit the Misandrist Madam a little, but I was called away. Small addition: During her time, she's managed to convince/manipulate three women into joining her cause, Each of these women has her own reason to follow the Misandrist Madam. Each of them have suffered abuse at the hands of men. It is they who have been shielding her from persecution and investigation. It is they who scout out locations rich in targets, and it is they who will participate in the ruse to lure men away to her. These three women are unknown, but they fight for the MM, whom they've come to fear and worship. Whenever they "save" a woman, they will attempt to make them join their cause. Initiation requires a woman to cut off the genitals of a man.
  21. Misandrist madam. A monster which looks like a woman and hates men. It is NOT human, but can effectively conceal its nature to all but the most observant. The Misandrist was created when a victimised soul failed to get closure before her death. The Misandrist is an intelligent undead creature which tries to trap men by their assumed character flaws. For instance, tricking men by flirting with them, isolating them, and then killing them. It is not uncommon to find men dead in their bedrooms having bled out when their genitals were bitten off. Anything "Typical male behaviour" might set off the Misandrist Madam. From cupping a feel, to whistling, to even paying a compliment based on looks. The Misandrist madam has already made up her mind. Men are evil. And she will continue to see everything they do in a negative light. Any man who shows anger probably beats his wife, any man who smiles at her is probably a lecherous hump only interested in her body. Any man who is nice to her is trying to manipulate her. The Madam will first attempt to subtly ruin a male's standing amongst his peers, sometimes she will change tactics and try to seduce him. This change in tone can be very surreal and herein lies the key to recognising the Misandrist madam. Once exposed MM will flee, as she depends on surprise. She will run and scream for her life. Shouting things like "You filthy rapist bastard" or "This man hit me!" attempting to fool others into attacking her victim for her. The abuse is directly related to the abuse which led to her creation, very real abuse that went unresolved. The Misandrist Madam is not unknown in society, although she has yet to be dealt with. Rumours abound of women "getting back at" abusive men. She's viewed in different ways. Some of her victims truly are misogynist men who deserve to be confronted with their behaviour, and she's inspired some women to stand up for themselves when previously they could not. But the Misandrist Madam is incapable of fair assessment, and many of her victims are innocent of the crimes she accuses them of. Women have nothing to fear from her directly, but she might still go after their male friends or family, certain that they've brainwashed this innocent woman of thinking nothing is wrong, or having cowed her into refusing to admit any wrongdoing. The Misandrist Madam stalks places men of low standards frequent, bars of ill repute, brothels, gambling dens, approaching off-duty soldiers. A player may encounter the MM when she helpfully distracts a guard on one of their missions, leading the guard to his doom while the player can choose to take it as a blessing and move on, or investigate. She can encountered in a place of ill repute, coming on to a male PC, trying to lure him away. Or the player can encounter her after seeking revenge for one of her victims, investigating the crime spree, or searching for a missing man. She can be defeated through combat, or the player can investigate the crime that led to her creation, which may, if they're very lucky, resolve her horrible tale and allow her to let go and move on.
  22. hmm, reflection time. What degenerate ways do I play in? Well, for one, I always give the best equipment to my character, even if my companions are horribly under-equipped. They can get what-ever is left over. This often means my character is much stronger than the others. I tend not to move on from an area unless I'm sure I've done everything I could. I don't want to miss content I don't have to. This usually means I reach the level cap fairly quickly in a game. I hoard consumables. From potions to ammunition. I'd pick melee combat simply because I don't want to buy arrows. (I lose them, after all) Sometimes I finish a game having used none of the consumables. In some games I've noticed I only use consumables to clear inventory space or because another is lying on the floor and I can only pick it up if I decrease my stack. In that case it's "Ok, no money out of my pocket" I actually enjoyed doing Old World Blues a lot at level 8, because it was too difficult not to use even the consumables. I really had to manage what I had, and holding on to these items was a challenge. I have at times abused (especially in stealth games) the "alertness level reset" You damage someone, you flee, you return later when that npc has reverted back to being neutral or in a lower alert state, and re-engage. As long as the game saves the damage you've previously done, you should be able to slowly take out some harder targets. Luckily many games don't allow for these shenanigans. I hope that an alerted guard will not say "Guess it was nothing" and return on patrol after encountering the corpse of a friend. That makes no sense. I think this ties in with allowing players to screw up and fail. If you've created a situation where you can no longer succeed, you can always choose to reload. It's not the responsibility of the game to make sure you can always proceed. lastly, while I don't like to think of myself as a min-maxer, I do tend to max out one stat, often persuasion. which has sometimes resulted in being able to bull**** my way past more encounters than would be realistic.
  23. Monday I celebrated my 27th birthday. It was great fun and great weather. I've also been playing a lot of minecraft lately, which is why I've been neglecting these forums somewhat. I'm catching back up today.
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