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Everything posted by JFSOCC

  1. Pff a new thread and 10 pages behind? I announced the closure of my facebook account today. I will be closing it on January first. I'm done having an abusive codependent relationship with that privacy invading, data selling, narcissism inducing time vampire of a site. I never liked it in the first place. I was on there to keep in touch with people I met on a forum, and since I'm not really in touch with them anyway, goodbye. Anyone got a good alternative for Youtube? Because I'm pretty much done with that parasite of a site as well.
  2. I'd like different animal companions/familiars to have different ability/skill trees. For instance a dog or wolf could maybe smell invisible or cloaked enemies, and could track npc's (seeing a trail where tagged NPC's walked, which disperses after a time, time based on tracking ability Monkeys could have acrobatics and some mechanics use, meaning they could climb (preset climable objects) walls and pick pockets or locks. (due to their increased intelligence and hands which can manipulate objects. (small) cats, ferrets, rodents, snakes(poison damage!) could fit through small spaces (preset interactive objects in the game) and could scout manoeuvre that way. They'd also have a stealth ability/bonus, allowing them to transfer touch spells and attacks as surprise attacks. Birds of any kind could fly over anything while outside, to scout, and are difficult to hit (bonus to reflex) plus can quickly flee the battlefield (use of an ability) by flying high. Bears get a big bonus to attacks and can knock enemies down. Big Cats get a decent bonus to attacks, can stealth in the wilderness and get a chance to score a sneak attack. (pounce ability) Horses and Mules could carry you, giving your ranger speed and attack bonuses (though I don't expect to see mounts) Bats give you darkvision and are difficult to hit, but nearly useless in combat Pet-animals (cats, dogs, some rodents, some birds) are welcome where other animals are not and may provide conversation options and disposition bonuses. (for the social ranger) I don't know what wild monster mobs there are, but it'd be nice if (since there are part of the natural world of P:E) they could also be soulbonded These could have different abilities, such as thick skin (immunity to some types of traps, damage reduction) (elephants?) I also imagine each companion/familiar to boost the senses of the ranger/wizard.
  3. I'd be very happy to see something new. camouflage trolls which blend in with the gnarly trees and vegetation of the habitat would be supercool.
  4. It's like the argument that they added item degredation JUST for a money sink. Now I am not fan of degredation, but I can understand if there are several underlying reasons for it. Simply one however, not a good idea. Same here... if the suggested 'fix' is simply only suggested for one reason, you have to put question marks at it for use in your game. If you can honestly think no other reasons, you simply should not use it, it's a bad solution! agreed, but I think there's several reasons why delayed consequences can be a good idea. besides discouraging, if not preventing, save scumming, it would give the player an increased sense of reactivity and their involvement in the narrative. I also think it's just narratively stronger not to have everythign neatly and quickly tied up right away. that's easy street. Bad guy dealt with, the end. Boring and not very involving. Finding out later that something you did, or a decision you made caused content to happen, reminds you of what you did earlier (rather than fire and forget quests) and provides the player something to do which feels has sprung naturally from the narrative. Otherwise you get that checkpoint feel of, step 1, step 2, step 3, end.
  5. I was wondering, those trolls look properly camouflaged with their green/bark like skin, will they be stuck on trees and suddenly jump at out you? that would be a nice variation on traps. And the dragon bones seem still connected to each other by some magical force would a lack of connective tissue scatter them about? I'd love to see more variation in greenery. lastly, maybe you could tell us something about the screenshots/concept art. Right now they're rather contextless, I get that this update was quickly made because the big one isn't quite done yet, but some narrative accompanying the images would go a long way. Tell us about the god of the hunt! or maybe about the dragon skeleton, how did it get to be there. Tell us, even a little about Twin Elms, or the Engwithan material. Nothing too spoilerish, but some context would be nice
  6. I'm curious about the architecture of the next big city, will there be tall buildings? is everything going to be camouflaged in nature? Should I think of "Machu Picchu" or is it more like a viking homestead? Really digging the Engwithan prop, If I could have armour or shields looking like there were made from that material, I think it would be really cool looking.
  7. But you're wrong, hipsters everywhere love it and say of how similar it is to Drive. that's not exactly encouraging
  8. I worry about the US remake of Oldboy, it can never be as good as the original Korean film. I know Hollywood, I know they will fail to understand the movie and make it another heroes journey. Last movie I saw was High Kick Girl, bad movie, good demonstration of Karate. I enjoyed it.
  9. In a world without printing, I expect books to be expensive, and lore equally so.
  10. The silence before the storm I'm doing light therapy again so I won't be online when it's released (if past updates are anything to go by) But I have a feeling it is going to be a busy forum here in the coming days.
  11. I love multiple planes of existence, but maybe for a sequel? there is still so much to explore on this newly created world
  12. I'd like to be able to tell campfire stories during downtime. each companion has a few stories to tell, listening to them will tell you more about their character, cultural background, personal experiences, etc. Maybe you can "relive" a story (game loads a map with the protagonist as your player character, and you proceed to play the story)
  13. Variety is the spice of life. But I love building things up. Questlines where you are set a set of tasks, and how you overcome them determines how you end in the organisation. I'd love for it to go in several maybe even radically different directions based on player choice, but also skill. I love complex quests, which aren't finished in single bound.
  14. when I voted my vote made things exactly equal. I wonder what it is at now.
  15. put a feather on the helmet on your full plate guy and you can colour the feather to distinguish players. problem solved? Personally it doesn't matter much to me, but I think there are a lot of people passionate about their armour, as evidenced in the armour thread.
  16. hmm, what was my password again? Hey OP, for 10$ I'll vote rtwp, otherwise it's going to be turn based
  17. Wasn't that what steel battalion did? Edit: I for one, will be happy that I can take risks and see where they lead without having to worry about having to start from scratch. That doesn't mean I'm going to recklessly chaerg! into everything, because reloading isn't fun.
  18. Feathered hats are key. How else are we supposed to differentiate between the dashing rogue and the stumbling barbarian?
  19. Oh you sweet talker you, you have no idea how happy you just made me! I remember a thread when I was fairly new to these forums about tags, and I admit, I may have cared a little too much about it, and that may have affected my posts in that thread. But woo, am I glad to hear this.
  20. Not explaining everything leads to the sense that the world is greater than your story. Explaining every single ffing detail gives a very artificial feel. Besides it's a very easy and convenient way to seed potential future content (be it expansions, new games, or even just allow fans to make their own quest mods) My favourite example is Avatar the last airbender (tv-series) That show is so good! 1. it respects its audience's intelligence (though yes, its target audience is children) 2. it has an arc. (remember that, tv series? when stories had a beginning, middle and ending? rather than return to status quo every ffing episode?) 3. Believable characters, each with their own arc. and #4, which is why I brought it up, it seeds a bigger world by not explaining everything. So there is this secret society, General Iroh is part of it, members know eachother by playing a board game. That's it. allusion to something bigger, and you know that there is something which may or may not be explored later It's one example out of many.
  21. I'm looking forward to toggable game features, I'm a fan of objective XP, Chris Avellone's writing is what brought me to this project in the first place, I'm looking forward to having Forton in my party, I love this community, I love that you can add your own portraits, and I love most of the promises made, though seeing is believing. I'm probably going to add a lot to the list when the big update hits next week. Edit: ooh, I loved the dynamic lighting in that one demo-video.
  22. #1 and #3 can be dealt with by random seeds. You save the game after you enter the room with the randomly placed loot, the random seed is saved with it, and so the loot will always be the same. Similar for skill checks. Although for #3, I believe most loot will be handplaced in P:E #2 I think could be solved by offering alternatives after failure. Like bash. Maybe if you expend a certain resource which you have limited access to, you can retry later. A long time ago I had a nasty idea, it wouldn't be popular, but I think it would work. tracking how often a savegame is loaded, and for each time above the second time you load it, add five seconds to the load time (hidden) Perhaps this could be reset everytime the game is shut down. (because turning off the game and booting it back up takes long enough in of itself.) Eventually a person will stop bothering to save scum, unless it is REALLY important to them. It's still possible to save scum
  23. This is a REALLLY good point. I bought the just out Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition from Beamdog and wanted my main character (fighter) to go a different route than normal. I thought, hey I bet bastard sword and off hand short sword or shield might be cool? I am not dumb though and did my due diligence. Come to find out there are hardly any bastard swords in the game and the best bastard sword is a joke compared to even the second or third best long sword or top two great swords. If I went that route I literally gimped myself simply because the game did not have a great end game bastard sword... period. this is one of the reasons why I wanted crafting so badly. If you can make your own damn Bastard sword, you don't have to worry about what the game provides, you can provide it yourself.
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