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Everything posted by JFSOCC

  1. No, you made the controversial claim, you better back it up.
  2. That depends on the game. Anyway, that's why I also posted a screenshot.
  3. Am I allowed to brag in this thread? http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=201312884 http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197977070143/stats/MarkoftheNinja?tab=achievements
  4. someone is dumping his hard disk all in one go
  5. 95 is a fair age to die at, if you look at the responses, you'd think Jesus himself had died. That just goes to show how impactful this man's life has been. RIP. 1994 was the age where I started to become aware of the world (in large part due to the fact that the Netherlands has news for children) and Mandela's presidency is one of the first noteworthy world events I have a recollection of.
  6. Execution beats originality. We have a saying in the Netherlands "Beter goed gejat dan slecht bedacht" or "Better stolen well than poorly thought of" Besides, there are very few truly original ideas, it's not really possible, since we need input to get output, even if we're creative. I like many in the list Aluminiumtrioxid linked, as well as Underground gardens. It's important that every level fits to a theme, and that everything in it is in support, or in contrast with that theme. here's my suggestion A crater (stark walls, feels underground but open to the air) in which the crater itself is a Large garden/maze of plants and trees, colourful, different styles, plants work as traps with entanglement, poison, hallucinations, and cover for hostile animals, with in the centre a Japanese architecture palace with the way out inside.
  7. I've finished X-com: Enemy within, I thought it was alright, not great. Yesterday I started Mark of the Ninja, which today I finished. Tomorrow I'll start new game plus and get those last few scrolls. Ton of fun, wholly recommended. Stylish, maybe a little bit too easy, but that's perfect for me since this isn't generally my type of game.
  8. Story content, sure. But I hate random encounters with a passion. They are arbitrary obstacles placed in between you and what you really want to do. They're generic, tedious and superfluous. Want to rest? oops, no, **** you, you HAVE to do this first. They're a grind. tl;dr
  9. It'd be nice to have a mage with only utility spells, some of which just so happened to be useful in combat. telekinesis used as knockdown, but usually just used to move stuff out of reach. Dazzle as a cantrip to entertain kids, but easily used as a flashbang, entangling roots is actually a gardening spell adapted, etc.
  10. Machete Kills. I love it. I thought the first was 'ok', but this one is what I expected. Robert Rodriguez is a genius. The man understands cinema!
  11. that's a nasty surprise to come home to for sure. I hope that her mother didn't die young.
  12. here's an idea, do away with random encounters. I would be so happy.
  13. So thinking about getting darksouls, but steam tells me it's best to play it with a xbox controller, which I don't have. Is this true?
  14. yeah I didn't pay attention to them, being a dutch speaker myself. @hurlshot, glad you're watching. @walsingham, the benefits of mass surveillance have not been proven. Compared to the cost of blanket surveillance, there hasn't been a significant downturn in terrorism.
  15. usually it's one every two weeks, but I hope so.
  16. I don't think stamina would be a balanced difficulty modifier, since you're basically always at a disadvantage unless you're well rested. You'll get the same rest-scumming they've been trying to avoid.
  17. Well no, because with data retention your personal data will remain on their servers until one day it's felt it might be needed. Then if you ever become an undesirable in any way, it's nice and handy. But lets have this discussion when you have watched it. There's another documentary which is about much the same things, called Terms and Conditions may apply. I think that's also a worthwhile watch, especially for laymen.
  18. I had zero interest in the pointless remake, but if it is so bad that it gives Rifftrax some work to do, then i there's a possibility that i might watch it thanks I hadn't heard of rifftrax, though it's what I often do with my two best friends.
  19. I like the concept of having origins as gameplay influence, but no background will ever be close enough to my imagination, so I prefer to write my own background and start young. My history will begin here. The alternative is vague allusions you can pick up as traits, like "fought in the war" or "orphan" or "well to do" and just compile your own list. But you'd need a pretty wide range. IMO these traits don't have to have a gameplay effect, but they could have.
  20. I think soul-bonding an animal is not just understandable for mechanical reasons, but also narratively. It makes the connection rangers have with their companion animal deeper and spiritual, and it reminds me of the "wit" as described by Robin Hobb in the farseer trilogy.
  21. I get where you're coming from, but I believe what you describe is exactly what is going to happen. (when stamina is depleted a character falls unconscious, gets up at end of combat. Death, which is a different HP pool does cause permadeath)
  22. If I were to travel for 48 hours, you can bet your ass I will be resting along the way, there's no way in hell a sane person who is not trying to report on a victory at Marathon or evading hostile pursuit would walk for 48 hours straight without resting.
  23. The one thing I've wanted and not seen is proper dialogue and rewarding gameplay for intelligence as a trait. It seems there is a giant misunderstanding about intellect in fiction of any kind, where 'smart' is obnoxious, anti-social, verbose, book-smart or knowledgeable. That's not a true depiction of intelligence. Truly intelligent people are social, generally much wiser and measured in their approach, and (with exceptions) don't need everyone to know. Intelligent people are good communicators, which isn't the same as being wordy. I cringe when I see intellectual or smart characters written by authors with average or slightly above average intellect as they never seem to get it right. It bothers me because I want to play smart characters, really smart characters, not badly clichéd stereotypical smart characters.
  24. How long can we use this excuse? Presumably they've been working on it for over a year plus outsourcing, yet a random forum post can show them up with 3 hours of work. These screenshots are bland, uninspired, and appear to have been thrown together in about 10 minutes playing in a world builder. I wouldn't be so quick to show off unfinished work like this over a year into production. No offense, but updates lately have been sparse and extremely meh. Nothing impressive since the animated waterfall scene. Updates like this do more harm than good, but maybe I'm alone on that. But on the bright side, Obsidian seems to have the full support of a loyal fanbase. Hard to go wrong if a few cut and pasted object clashing against a grass backdrop can generate dozens of "Beautiful! I'm dreaming! Looks like my ideal game!" comments. The concept art is pretty cool. no not really alone, at least concerning the environment art. I didn't want to say anything because I don't want to come across as overly critical, and I've already mentioned it before. But I agree, I find the environments to be very bland and ultimately disappointing. I think mazhlekov's reworked screen shows some nice work. Now maybe it's because it needed a few more passes, which it would get, but I guess it's best to criticise now rather than when it can't be changed. I should've done so in the first place.
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