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Everything posted by JFSOCC

  1. Lol and where would I do that? On their support forums? No-one from Google but their appointed (and unpaid) moderators show up there.
  2. You guys keep ignoring that the majority of takedowns are not legitimate. and that there is still no way to challenge the takedowns. How much evidence do you need of people facing takedown notices for games *THEY THEMSELVES CREATED*? I'm just a little surprised at the general attitude in this thread, but I guess that's why we have these discussions.
  3. Several Youtubers have moved their videos and are now considered in violation of their terms. http://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/1teg0v/over_400_polaris_partners_transferred_to_rpm/ http://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/1teg0v/over_400_polaris_partners_transferred_to_rpm/ce74x8q
  4. If petitions to Ubisoft worked I would be playing Beyond Good and Evil 2 now.
  5. konami code will haunt us all.
  6. http://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/1t7f7r/hello_im_a_full_time_gaming_youtube_creator_lets/
  7. They will helpfully trigger all traps you passed, coming to the door with the lock you just failed to pick "let me help" (luckily I could turn that off)
  8. and less choice. I've been trying to see with what you've released how I would build my character, and I find it to be challenging (but fair) I would have to make some real choices, rather than some obvious ones.
  9. There's no vancian system. I believe there is a per encounter system and a cooldown system.
  10. Rjshae, I get that, as long as I can't use meta-game thinking with my journal I'm OK, I'm sure there are many flavourful and useful things you can add to your journal that aren't quest involved. Like descriptions of places. "I saw the hanging gardens of Babylon today, it's a large stepped building from which water flows down all the way from the top across intricate and elaborate terraces each with beautiful and carefully maintained gardens. It was truly a paradise oasis" That's something I'd certainly want to put in my journal if I came across it, and it wouldn't have to be linked to a quest. I just want to prevent the immersion breaking meta-game thinking of "Oh, there's a journal entry about this, so I guess I have to check it out" knowing full well that there *HAS* to be something to it, or else it wouldn't be in my journal.
  11. I'm glad you're enjoying it. I played it for a bit when it came out and found it to be vastly inferior to the original RTW and basically unplayable thanks to all the bugs. Eventually I stopped when it became clear I had grown large enough not to have any competition any more. Enemy AI was terrible, btw, so I'm curious and happy to hear that it has been fixed.
  12. Right, I must have missed that. I'm wondering how much of that is nostalgia though. While the current Xcom can certainly be improved upon, I think it's probably better balanced and has better difficulty progression than the original. (although late game is too easy)
  13. In DnD it was usually two stats for each character that stood above the rest, is that similar here? If I don't invest much in stamina, can I augment it by using buffs from other classes? (other than the dreaded paladin) It's been clear for a while that rogues no longer are skill-monkeys. (The also dreaded 18 intelligence DnD Rogue) I'm curious are there any attributes which affect skill-points? If not will there be alternatives for players who like skill-based characters? (like traits/feats) Or is it required that you specialize most of your party members each in different skills to get the best out of your party? What about skill synergy?
  14. bunch of threads on this already. It's pretty even split by the last poll, however, multiclassing is out. Already decided. I'm disappointed but I can live with it. You can't make everyone happy all the time.
  15. That's about all I have to say to that comment. I think you're mixing opinion with fact. You don't like TB, and that's fine, but having played the Xcom-enemy unknown, I thought it was very enjoyable, tense and tactical. That's my opinion. I'm fine with RTwP though. I get to have my cake and eat it with T:ToN and PoE.
  16. I just hope there will be enough journal entries for unrelated but noteworthy things, so you don't automatically know that anything in your journal is part of a quest. "The captain of the guard saw something strange last night" usually means you go question for what ever he saw. Would be nice if you couldn't automatically assume that there was anything interesting he saw. Maybe it's just a red herring. That'd be nice.
  17. Don't know your gender, but I'm going with female for the rhyme, fix as needed: Here lies what remains Fluffle As nourishing in death as she was in life With puffy cheeks she sweetly reeks Hotheaded as she was soft A stick held her aloft With her feet held to the fire Her condition was most dire When the flame fell to an ember it was too late to remember: if the blaze persists Very little can resist (And then in the grave would be the ring of fire resistance)
  18. that was really nice! maybe a repost
  19. I'm still amazed no-one has mentioned Alexander the Great yet. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_the_Great Guy had anger issues, and a short fuse. Everywhere he went he made priests confirm he was indeed a son of god, or a god himself. Story goes that one of the high priestesses (of one religion or another, I forget) refused to do so, which resulted in him tying her by her hair behind his horse, and galloping in the streets until she relented. Another such story is the Story of of the Gordian Knot. The knot was supposed to be a test much like the Arthurian sword from the stone. Alexander didn't have the patience to solve it, and cut it with his sword, declaring that it doesn't matter how it was undone, only that it was. A few years into his campaign in Persia, after having already conquered most of it, called all his crippled and wounded veterans, to settle there, He founded several such cities. Lovely fellow was a bit of a drunk. Everywhere he went he ordered temples to Dionysus (God of wine)to be built. While unconfirmed, story goes that in a drunken fit of pique he decided to burn the palace complex at Persepolis to the ground, leaving them the ruins they are today. This was after it had already been conquered. Near the end of his life he would have drinking contests with his generals, some of which died from alcohol poisoning as a result. Eventually a mysterious ailment sapped his strength, and killed him in his prime. I believe he died from liver failure due to alcohol abuse. Alexander the Great had conquered most of the (then) known world when he died, aged 32. That doesn't scratch the surface of course, but most people know who he is.
  20. Wow thanks Josh! I think you've released more information that the past ten updates combined. It's really cool to learn more of the world of PoE. If I wasn't sure I was picking Vailian before, I am now Those special steel types, March Ymyran, Durgan, Skein, are they on par with eachother or is any of those types strictly better? It sounds like they each have their proo's and cons, but I'd like to be sure. The living lands - Am I thinking of jungle?
  21. likely true, but the unity engine is being used for a lot of different things, almost every indie developer these days is using unity for their project, and they vary wildly
  22. I am very glad that I didn't get to read that then. Likewise I'm now glad that season 3 did not get made. Thanks. I'll have the happy memories of season 1. some of season 2 wasn't too bad. I did like the introduction of some characters, but I did feel it was a lot less mature. back On Topic, ehh, I did see Ip man 3, it was still BS and not enough kung fu.
  23. Yeah I miss rainbow six, I did not like the removal of the planning phase at all. I always built the perfect plan and then just watch the team execute it. Ravenshield was the last proper Rainbow Six title imo. I've been playing race the sun. Arcade, pick up and play, great for if you don't want to spend ages playing. Ton of fun.
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