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Everything posted by JFSOCC

  1. this guy plays battlefield as if it were real, it's pretty funny/awesome. (I think)
  2. Obduction is stalling http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/cyaninc/obduction/ Battleworld Kronos is released tomorrow! http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/kingartgames/battle-worlds-kronos-turn-based-strategy-revisited/posts
  3. I got far cry 3 at gamersgate for 15 bucks, and while I should be able to run it smoothly on ultra, somehow it still has a crappy framerate at low graphical settings. Still a tremendously beautiful setting and an entertaining game with frustrating crash to desktop bugs and other weird issues. (like seeing threshold height objects as high enough to stop me) I gotta say, the low framerate makes combat all the more interesting, and by interesting I mean frustrating. especially sniping.
  4. sick, stayed in all day and played games on my computer with 3 layers on. same as yesterday. I feel like doing nothing else. Ah, I'm never sick for long, and I haven't been really sick in a while so I'm OK with it
  5. klaus ohne kopf has a credit in that, hilarious.
  6. you know, I've heard and seen this come up a bunch of times, and I don't think it's true When you break up an asteroid into a lot of tiny little pieces, you increase the surface area by such a large amount, that I believe it would burn up a significantly larger portion of the meteorite in the atmosphere, rather than if you can one big chunk with a limited surface area.
  7. I watched limitless for like the 6th time. I love that movie. It's one of those movies which allows you to imagine "what if", and since I spend most of my time dreaming, that's right up my alley.
  8. ... such as? No disrespect, as I understand what you're getting at. The desire for it to just REALLY shine as a game name, like an amazing fireworks show versus a merely-good one. But, can we really act as though there are a plethora of "more appropriate word"s floating around, just waiting to be plucked and inserted into the name, if we can't actually come up with any ourselves? http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/62934-what-will-the-real-name-be/
  9. American culture is so dominant that even though we don;t officially celebrate Halloween here, it's stil lsort of celebrated, there's pumpkins in the supermarkets, (not many, but usually none) there's lots of horror movies on tv, some people do even have decorations. It's spreading... And you know what. I like Halloween, it's a fun holiday I hope we'll one day officially adopt.
  10. I know it's awful. Like, I am sick or go on vacation and I still get paid just the same like the rest of my friends that make salaries in other jobs. Also, when my boss says "Allan, I noticed you were working late a couple of days last month. Do you need some help with your tasks? I don't want you getting burnt out." That and the other annoying things like RRSP contribution matching, reimbursements for buying gaming software and hardware (EA gave me money for contributing to Project Eternity). Never mind that they still feed me when I do work late. Or that time that I sustained a serious concussion playing ball hockey and was bed ridden for 2 weeks with post concussion symptoms and they said "don't worry about work or money. Just worry about getting better" and accommodating the 2 weeks of half days after that as I slowly got better. Or when my personal life went into shambles in early 2012 with huge fractures in my social structure and I was given free access to a professional to help me through that. I'm sure many people in sweatshops look over at me and go "dude, we're totally the same." But I'm sure pre-EA BioWare was a beacon of proper working hours and non-"sweatshop" conditions, right? Fans don't care about employee working conditions in the slightest, all they care about is whether or not they like the game. Plenty of people here that enjoy games that are oblivious to the fact that they were made on an 80 hour work week for over a year with epic employee attrition after the fact when they realize it's not sustainable long term. Well I'm glad to be wrong about that then. I've read some awful stories. Still the benefits you describe are pretty standard here in the Netherlands. (except maybe giving you money to spend on P:E)
  11. Well, maybe not the Polish But that's not the point I'm making, that's more of a geographical issue.
  12. I am Cornholio! Bring me TP for my bunghole! My code is being updated soon.
  13. insert snappy topical joke here "Rape is never funny, unless you're raped by a clown" (oh how I hate that joke, it isn't even funny) insert anecdote about personal life here "I did some things and then went back to bed" or "spent most of my day browsing this forum like a junkie. Also, I took a long walk with my friend because it's wise to make use of what light there is in winter when you are at risk from SAD. Made my own dinner" (actually that was yesterday) insert funny or self-depreciating comment in order to get people to like me better "I might shake up this post by deconstructing it, it will be so meta!" or "My life is so interesting, lol" return to voicing opinions in treads to help alienate others. "EA sucks balls"
  14. I'm not sure, but I believe it was said that there would be no fast travelling. So I guess map travel will be like in Baldurs' Gate.
  15. that sounds like the very definition of grind to me. having to do the same repetitive task to get incrementally better at something, without there being a real challenge (other than fighting off boredom) That is not something I want to see in any game.
  16. I imagine many of us would have known Latin had we lived during Roman times. It's the lingua franca of most of the scientific and trading world.
  17. Really? that's interesting. I wonder if there will be animus technology in watch dogs
  18. EA is a plague on artistic expression. Their work is mediocre at best, they're run by businessmen, not artists, they play it safe. It is them and their ilk which stands in the way of Games growing up as an artistic medium. EA business practices are exceptionally shady to boot. Their employees are not paid by the hour, and they often work in sweat-shop conditions. EA buys shelf-space in stores (So does Ubisoft, btw) so the competition can't get their product to market as easily. And I can't stand a company whose mission statement is "to be the biggest" rather than to be the best. That's not to talk about origin and their DRM schemes. They are the Universal studios of games. It surprises me not one bit that Disney, a similarly morally corrupt company, choose them to license their newly acquired Star Wars franchise to, ensuring that it will be raped even further. --- Dead Space 3? The story was terrible, but the core gameplay was fun and solid, especially in coop. Command & Conquer was looking decent. Its cancellation and closing down of Victory Games wasn't due to fan backlash, but corporate mismanagement. Sorry, you're using Dead space as a positive example? Jump scares and hordes of enemies to shoot (with always enough ammo) is hardly good horror. Dead space is seriously lacking in what makes horror good: Suspense, suggestion, and a feeling of impotence against overwhelming threat. But then, so do by far most horror games, which is why I hate it as a genre. so I'm biased. I liked command and conquer, but it was average, not good. Does any of these; Battlefield 2142, Dead Space, Dragon Age; Origins, Brütal Legend or Mass Effect qualify? Battlefield 2142, average. Deadspace: see above. Dragon age, awful, I've posted before more in depth how much I hated the bad design of that game, I'm sure you can find it if you search my posts for dragon age. Brütal legend I haven't played, and mass effect was the plot of Knights of the Old republic 3, where the intelligent creature Canderous Ordo mentioned having followed to the edge of the galaxy is the scout reaper. I finished Mass Effect, I thought it was alright. With the exception of Brutal Legend, for which I can't account, none of these games particularly elevate the medium.
  19. Geeeeeez JFSOCC I've never known you to be so vindictive If EA goes under this would effect Bioware and why would any lover of RPG want something to negatively impact the company that has brought us some of the greatest RPG of all time ? the same reason I would shoot my mother if she had turned into a zombie. That's not my mother any more! And not shooting the zombie that is EA would mean other publishers keep getting bought to have their brains eaten and then closed down.
  20. That one always puts a smile on my face. I dunno, the absurdity of engineered boybands, or girlbands as it so happens. It seems so fake and I can't help but laugh at how obvious it is. And if that doesn't work for you then pretty girls in highly sexualised clothes might.
  21. trees And my personal favourite and my (if I do say so myself) impressive personal collection of pretty environment images
  22. no it's expected you up your pledge by 8 dollar.
  23. Obduction seems to be stalling. I hope it will gain some more momentum but that requires Rand Miller to start working on interviews or other media attention.
  24. Not before they release Beyond Good and Evil 2, after that, I don't much care what happens to them. (Though Watch Dogs is shaping up to look pretty impressive) But tell me, aside from sports games, which I could not care less about, what was the last qualitatively good game EA released?
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