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Everything posted by JFSOCC

  1. sure that's your interpretation, but I do see it as a college/government building of sorts. I have this national geographic society type idea in my mind. Combine that idea with the idea of an employment agency. The frontier seems a perfect place for such an organisation to thrive. There would be new pioneers joining the colonies every day, looking for work or adventure. and with the colonies largely untamed, there's a wealth of interesting things for which their services might be desired. So yes, I do envision a large overwrought building. One with lots of people going to and fro, business is booming. People are here recruiting for all kinds of work, protecting caravans, skilled labour for frontier towns, cartographers, naturalists, and scientists. I imagine that the service the player requires from the adventurer's hall (HALL, not tavern) is but a small part of their day to day business. (but part of their business nonetheless.)
  2. I get that. I dunno, it could be an open guild where hopefuls also tarry. I do actually hope the adventurers hall gets some place in the story. even if it is just a faction you can do some quests for aside from recruiting members,
  3. this sounds like a good solution for an alchemy skill, but I'd like crafting to be a bit more reliable. unless it's for complex machines rather than weapons and armour.
  4. if random, then at least from loot tables. This way you can still limit the drops to make sense for the type of enemy defeated.
  5. If the consequences are the same, there is no choice. That's pretty basic. choice should be more along the lines of "If I intimidate them, there might be less of them the next time I face them, but there will be more traps because they'll have to compensate for the gaps in their defences. So it doesn't decrease the challenge, but changes it to fit your playstyle. If you prefer to deal with traps to combat, this is the better choice.
  6. I imagine the adventurer's hall to be like a really big and beautiful high domed building (a bit like the Hagia Sofia) well lit by natural light during the day. And much like a giant council-house hall annex employment agency. With bustling scribes, potential employers, members and a few named NPC's all roaming the hall. The building dominates a square in the centre of the first big big city you're in. (so probably Defiance) "I'm looking for a" option with one of the named NPC's allows you into character creation. (price set based on what you require, so higher levels mean more cost/upkeep) and the response will be "I have just what you are looking for" et voila. you found your employee.
  7. right, bit of this then? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfn2aq4RVos
  8. it's force 11 out in some parts of the Netherlands right now, with windspeeds up to 138km/h (about 85 miles per hour)
  9. Yesterday I went to see a performance of the "jerusalem passion" not normally my cup of tea, but my mother was part of the choir. It was nice, performance was OK, director was really good. Surprise ending, the director got Knighted after the performance for his long years (40) of service to the community. (the man had a washing list of achievements and cultural contributions, so it was well earned) So now I can say I've seen someone elevated from mere peasant to actual knight by royal command. Eat that democracy lovers!
  10. the sequel, surprisingly, is even better. But fairly different. These movies are amongst my personal all-time favourites. Great acting, good plot, good pacing, respects the watcher's intelligence. And still a solid action film to boot. I don't think I have a bad thing to say about the film. Except the music at the start of the first. Earsore.
  11. no not yet, it's a progress video. I gotta say it feels pretty empowering, I hope you have to conserve your energy sneaking, but it looks like it's going to be too easy.
  12. Hail, I wouldn't be a good person to tell you about factions. It would be a good topic for a future update, but we would have to be careful to avoid spoilers because many of the factions play an integral part in the story. -Adam What? no "the ratsnatcher guild is going to be awesome"? I am disappoint.
  13. Could you tell us something about the factions we're likely to encounter? even a tidbit? It's one of the things I'm really looking forward to.
  14. sure that's true if you would still have to go through the motions of finding the recipe before you could use it. But otherwise it's a shortcut many would take to craft things they have no business knowing how to craft.
  15. you guys are kidding right? lighting is so much better in the directors cut. It just changes the style from that sickly yellow pale glow everything seemed to have,
  16. To keep it interesting, we might make the research tree "blind". I.e. you can invest time and money into heavy armor crafting research, and you will discover heavy armors. You wont know exactly what kind of heavy armor you will get, but it will probably be useful. E.g. "you have improved on your chain link technique, making your heavy armor plating sit more comfortably. Heavy armor penalties on armors you make are reduced by 2" or you could also get something like "through your diligence and experimentation in dwarven smithing you are now able to craft Master Dwarven Plate". The amount of research you can do in a particular branch can be limited by your characters respective skill, and some basic recipes and abilities might be awarded just from improving your skill through leveling, but if you want the really good stuff you have to invest. You can be a master smith in terms of your literal point based skill value, but your real specialty would be in, say, swordsmithing and the lost art of bloodstone armors. However, if someone asks you to make a spear, you can do it, and it will be good, but it wont make it into the bardic tales. Like the idea, but there is no security through obscurity, anything "hidden" will be on the wiki in a manner of weeks, including all crafting recipes. Dangerous. The problem with rapiers is they can be transfered. So someone else crafts that uber-weapon, but the fighter with THACO+9 gets the rapier. This might unbalance the game even if that other party member is slighty weaker for it. Because of this and other reasons I really like the ideas of either making crafting not depend on skill points or having crafting not the same things you can buy or find. Perhaps certain bonuses can only be added for whom the blade is personalised. personalisation, I think would be one of the boons of having a crafting skill. Any personalised blade would be unusable by others, or at least the bonus should be unusable by others.
  17. What, do deep lyrics somehow change their meaning in translation to become "uh-oh oh yeah, baby"?
  18. Wow that is really crap. Those lyrics could be written by a kindergärtner. the singing is boring and monotone, and the actual melody is generic as hell.
  19. Hey NSA, I just wanted to let you know, I don't know this guy. Who surely is joking. That said, I get your sentiment, it seems that if these rules applied to regular crowdfunding rather than equity crowdfunding (funding in exchange for stock) it would effectively kill kickstarter, indiegogo, rockethub and the like.
  20. I played old world blues at level 8, most fun I've had playing new vegas, after that it seemed too easy.
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