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Everything posted by Frisk

  1. I just thought of this as I was commenting on weapon usage in a different thread. I don't like it when a game prevents me from making "non-optimal" decisions - when I am not allowed to train certain skills, or choose some feats because they are not allowed for my class, or not suitable for my race/gender/whatever. If I want to make an oddball character, with sub-optimal skills or abilities, please let me (assuming of course that I meet any reasonable prerequites)
  2. I agree 100% with this - it simply makes sense, unlike the various artificial weapon restrictions in various RPG systems. However, those reasons apply primarily to the starting skills - If I want my Cipher to train in Warhammer fighting, I don't see why I should not be allowed to do that - sure, it would be a waste of my abilities, and training time that should be better spent on something else - but the game should allow me to make stupid decisions if I want to.
  3. My group mostly uses Pathfinder rules, with some "house" variations - but some of us have been playing together for over 25 years, and we have tried a huge number of systems....some of which we liked, and others we hated.
  4. I got the Sony e-reader over two years ago for three reasons: I wanted something that would fit in a shirt pocket, I wanted something with really long battery life and I wanted something I could read in bright sunlight outdoors - at that time, the Sony was the best of the s-ink readers. If I was getting a reader today, I might also consider the Nook, or the smaller kindle - but all the small e-ink readers are pretty much equivalent. I loaded the reader up with Sci-Fi and fantasy books (bought pretty much everything Baen offered, but still waiting for Tor's store to open). I also have a Google Nexus 7, but I don't use it for reading e-books - too short battery life.
  5. I have never noticed this in any game, but yeah, I agree - it is a bit silly. In PE, this might become an issue if you have an Aumaua weapon and give it to an Orlan character.
  6. Are there any undead in PE at all? Why shoulc they be, to start with - do they fit into the world?
  7. Great update, thanks. I like just about all the details that were mentioned, in particular the inventory and combat...and yes, I am happy that the game will probably look great on my 1680x1050 display. I hope the Obsidian staff has a nice winter solstice break, and I really look forward to seeing the fulfilment site in the new year.
  8. Uhm. There are many types of whale, and the endangered ones are not hunted. The most commonly hunted one around here is "hrefna" (pilot whale), with around 43.000 animals - and the yearly quota of 200-400 has limited effect on the population size...in fact, if it was not hunted for food, we might even have to hunt it just to "cull the herds" - to keep the population down to a sustainable level. However, there is a good reason for not eating whale meat - it contains too much mercury and cadmium (due to pollution) - in fact, in the Faroe Islands, they have recommended that pregnant women do not eat whale meat for this reason, so who knows - maybe we will stop eating whale meat for health reasons ... would be a shame, though. Now, to get back to the subject....some other unusual food I have tried is frogs (overrated...tasted just like slightly slimy chicken), kangaroo (meh, no wonder it is not a major export from Australia), zebra (not bad, but very similar to beef and horse meat), In fact, I'll try just about anything, as long as it is dead when it is put in front of me - I really don't like food that tries to wriggle or crawl away when I am supposed to be eating it.
  9. Or maybe the next update will be the announcement of the fulfilment site, the forum badges for the various levels and so on....
  10. I am slightly confused regarding the high and low poly models mentioned - because an earlier post had said the idea was to use the same character models for the inventory screen and "in-game", which I had assumed meant that only high-poly models would be used. Are the low poly models then used when you zoom out ?
  11. Player models (and presumably also NPCs and monsters) are 3D, as are certain types of "interactive" objects - for example I assume that "smashable" barrels are 3D models as well. There is nothing that prevents Obsidian from using different angles or zoom for different areas, and it might for example make sense to use different angles for indoor and outdoor areas. However, the decision basically comes down to two questions: Does it look good, and does it benefit the gameplay? There is another separate discussion on whether to implement "run-time", player-controlled zoom or camera movement. I believe player-controlled camera movement is out of the question - simply because too many objects on the screen are basically just 2D pre-rendered representations of 3D objects, and that pre-rendering only makes sense if the objects are viewed from a particular angle. Player-controlled zoom on the other hand - now, that would be a possibility - but within limits. otherwise the pre-rendered backgrounds will start to look too pixellated - personally I would limit it to 2X zoom or so.
  12. Some more twists on "Kill the rats in the basement": "The Rats" are really a group of street urchins. Some other group has already killed the rats, and don't like the player interfering. The rats include an intelligent, polymorphed being, who will try to communicate with the player. The rats sought refuge in the basement, as they were escaping from something really nasty crawling through the sewers.
  13. Can you describe what whale tastes like? Does it taste like beef, pork, chicken or is it a totally unique taste? Depends on the whale type. The meat of smaller whales (pilot whales and such) has a texture similar to beef - tastes different, of course, but hard to describe. The meat of the larger whales, on the other hand, has a more coarse texture, and personally I don't really like that. If you ever visit Iceland or the Faroe Islands, you could give it a try. We also have some other "specialities" - the sheep heads were mentioned earlier in the thread, but here is one more dish: ....pressed, whey-marinated sheep testicles. Enjoy!
  14. I wouldn't mind eating rats or reptiles ... dogs or cats, though - no thanks - too much of a cultural issue for me. On the other hand, some of the things I eat (semi-regularly) are not considered proper food elsewhere - horse, reindeer and whale meat, for example. It's all relative and culture-dependent, I guess.
  15. I was kind-of hoping he would mention something new - something which had not been said elsewhere, but no luck. However, near the end, when she was asking about alphas/betas, he said they would like to see players start playing this early - now, we know there will be a beta, of course ...after all, there is the "Beta key" from the Kickstarter, but I am hoping they will have something even earlier than that - say, release a stand-alone character creation module (which would be a great way to get community feedback on the character creation, and get more people interested in the game) - also, maybe there will be a closed "alpha" as well - although I would expect that to be only under a strict NDA, and perhaps limited to hand-picked people. Ah, well ... we will see.
  16. Hmmm... higher than I had expected - I had estimated 2K in some post in some other thread, but again, I am glad to hear that you are not sacrificing quality. And, as you said, you can alwais scale it down easily if it becomes necessary.
  17. OK, this answers one question from the Quality of 3D models.. thread from the tech forum They are going for option #2 - meaning that the in-game models will really be a higher quality than is actually needed (or rather, higher level of detail than the graphics card is really capable of displaying, which will mean a little extra work for the hardware, but gives us better quality. I'm not complaining - that's for sure. And then they are talking about cloth physics ... I wonder if that will mean we are going to get cloaks that look realistic with no clipping?
  18. I don't mind having the option of an animal companion - regardless of whether it is a mangy dog or an invisible pink unicorn - but if the animal takes up one of the regular companion slots, I'll probably not want to use it, The ideal option for me would be some unusual, intelligent/interactive companion - even something like Morte from PS:T or maybe even a magical/sentient weapon.
  19. Great update! Stuff like this is exactly why so many of us hang around here every day, even though the game is a maybe a year and a half away. Any chance of getting a few technical details, like estimated poly count for the character models ?
  20. I want multiple endings, but the key issue for me is not whether they are "good" or "bad", but whether they follow logically from the choices I made during the game - I want to know what effects my actions will have on the various factions and the world in general. Depending on the character I am playing and his/her motivations I may be hoping for an ending that is optimal for me (and who cares about the rest of the world), or I may be hoping for an ending that solves a particular problem in a particular way, or which benefits a particular race, organization or faction - even at the cost of a personal sacrifice. In fact, I kind-of disagree with the idea of asking whether I want a "good" or "bad" ending at all - something like that may makes perfect sense for a movie - or a computer game that is essentially like a movie - a predefined storyline, perhaps with a few different outcomes at the very end (like Wizardry 8 did). I don't want PE to be like that - I don't want to feel like I am watching a movie where I have no control over the storyline when I play the game. So, basically, at the end of the game, give me a set of multiple outcomes, for multiple factions/races/problems - don't give me a single bad/good/grey ending.
  21. I don't know about you, but I don't want to kill a group of orcs, and end up with "12 sets of dirty, soiled orc underwear". No, please - I'm happy with looting just things that are of obvious value (like coins), or which serve the story purpose. Excessive realism is not necessarily a good thing.
  22. I really, really doubt it will be possible to mod in co-op play, unless the game is designed from the start with that possibility in mind, but another kickstarter project for a came with co-op - in particular if it had something as easy to use as the NWN toolset (just with up-to-date graphics) - now that might be interesting. That's not this game, however.
  23. I would really like to know a bit about the "background", so to speak. Where to deities come from - are they in some sense "ascended" mortal beings, were they created by some outside entity, or do they simply drift in from elsewhere - do they draw their power from worshippers or specific places - can they be destroyed, do they fight directly, or are they limited to interact with the world though mortal "agents". Do all the different races have their own pantheons, or are there deities that cross racial boundaries, Are there regional deities? Do the gods have similar powers or are there vast differences in their "strength" ... etc. There are simply too many things we don't know.
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