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Everything posted by WebShaman

  1. @SlayerDorian Your example has nothing to do with evil, you know. By your definition, all of Nature is evil (doing harmful things for personal gain). And in the game itself, there is no reference to any Good vs Evil conflict. None at all. You see, Nature contains no good or evil. These are terms that us humans have given certain viewpoints. And PoE mirrors this. PoE goes further, however. In our world, those who believe in the Christian & God related faiths have this universal viewpoint of a Good vs Evil conflict (sin yadda yadda). PoE doesn't have this. @Volourn -try harder.
  2. I avoid combat when there is nothing worth gaining - XPs, Items (powerful magic items). Why fight when it is not worth it?
  3. Have you tried figurine spam followed by status/ranged/summons spam? That is what I do. What level are you, btw?
  4. The Viths were great! Started with figure spam, then status spells followed by ranged spam. Concentrated on one after another, no real problems. Cool fight.
  5. He is obviously trolling (you can see this in the hyperbole used like "awesome! Thanks Obs!" Which is solely designed to get a rise). Don't feed the Troll.
  6. Most will be disappointed, I believe. The XP will be like TotSC and not a BG2. It is a question of, as usual, time and money (i.e. "zots"). Many resources from PoE will be re-used, of course, with a little extra thrown in. And I probably will not be purchasing it (and that is a bad thing).
  7. As expected Volourn, you pontificate without offering any proof. Now, there is Right and Wrong, certainly. You are most likely confusing this with Good and Evil. Prove your point. Offer ingame facts that support the existence of Good and Evil in the PoE gameworld. Show us your evidence. Don't point to things and measure them with your opinion - like "so as so does so and so, I consider that Good/Evil" because that is just opinion and not a fact or evidence of such.
  8. Lady Webb and her organization is a reference to Madam Web from Spiderman.
  9. In my game, I chose to keep the souls, becoming a god myself. I then proceeded to destroy all the false gods, until all were gone. I then returned all the souls to the Wheel, and re - established the natural state of existence again. I hope the XP is this - where as the God-Watcher, you have to penetrative each God's realm and kill it. Then at the end you have to decide what to do. I now no longer take this route, but instead kill Lady Web at the last possible time and quietly go crazy in my Stronghold as all the other "options" change nothing.
  10. What level are you? That basically will determine what strategy you use. As I was level 12...Tank and Spank. I basically sent Eder forward alone (the rest held back in a group before the "activation" point. Eder goes forward, activates the encounter. Spells (grease is good, and status ones from Druid, whatever). Figurines (summons) to "hold" them there. Ranged until dead.
  11. Who says there are no real god/gods in PoE? All we know is that there are false gods. We have no idea if there is something beyond them outside of the natural order of The Wheel.
  12. Oh, go away. So does anyone have any reliable new data yet?
  13. Ok, now we are getting somewhere! It is a perfectly fine motivation to have empathy and want to help. I was just objecting to the "evil" bit. @Voss - I was comparing the difference between PoE and D&D.
  14. I think he means Gilded Vale and surrounds.
  15. Ok, thanks for the reply! Not everyone experiences the same thing, so I thought I would ask.
  16. I normally use summons against charm/dominate foes, then slam on the status spells and concentrated ranged fire (pistols, blunderbus, rifle, warbow) and those casters go right down, fast. The charmed/dominated summons wear off, and are negligent threats to my tank.
  17. What exactly did you find challenging in Act I? I'm curious what you did in what order. I went straight to Gilded Vale (alone), got Aloth, did the tree, got Eder, did the temple (only interesting battle were the Shadows, but with a certain item Eder just plowed through them, though he was the last one standing). I played a Ranger with bear, so I had really four party members. After that, I wandered a bit, picked up Durance, then Kana. I then did the Stronghold. I didn't encounter any real difficulties in Act I. Even in Act 2, since I did not fight the Lighthouse, there was no difficulty. By the time I got to do the last of the Bounties (because you have to be able to get to Twin Elms and beyond) I was already level 12. I had more items than I knew what to do with. Never used potions, scrolls, or food (wasn't really sure what was for what or useful when, and since combat was so easy, it wasn't necessary to learn). I still haven't touched the crafting system. And yes, I am running a Companion party (no GM, no Durance, no Sanaki). For 99% of encounters I use auto-attacking with minor use of encounter abilities. For major boss stuff (Raedric II) I started out with the big guns (summon figurines) and spacing tactics (send Eder out, etc) and used movement/status spells. Fight was over before I needed to consider anything more. The 2 other dragons just rolled over and died to the same tactics. Adra is different, but the tactics for that are already known and work reliably. So basically that is it. To compare - I had many reloads in D:OS!
  18. Wow. From sales to wot ne role playin' game? Amazing. What a fantastic community here. Could we please get back on topic?
  19. I was able to talk with them and convinced them to let the prisoner go.
  20. It all doesn't really matter on a larger scale, because they will all be reborn in other lives, and the cycle continues. Only...The gods are false, so...anything done where they are used to justify it is clearly flawed. Personally, all that really matters is your journey, and how you complete it. You yourself decides. I personally was overwhelmingly benevolent and diplomatic, with some cleverness sprinkled in. I was interested in helping others where I could. The Skain Cultists attacked me (I had no choice) so I defended myself. I had no real interest in killing them, but they insisted on dying.
  21. It is bollocks is what it is! Souls also go through animals (see Sanaki's Quest)! So why isn't there a complete shortage of animals, insects, fish, etc in the region? If the lack of souls is so great that human babies get born without souls, then animals would be born hollow all over the place! But nothing of the kind...just another illogical problem with the game. As for the Past - you have no choice in what happens, it is forced on you. Your (insert whatever you decided the woman was to you) informs you that the gods are false but you follow Thaos anyway. So no need for a conflict here - you decided. You live (and die) with the consequences. But nooo...you go crazy because of this due to being Awakened (which is how I end my game now). No more Thaos and stumbling around, I have what I wanted my little stronghold. One more crazy in this fantasy cesspool won't (and doesn't) make a difference. At least it was nice to include this ending. As for Eder - I never said that there was no end for the Companions! I said there is no closure for the questions they have and the answers they seek, even though you are in a position to obtain such, solely due to how the Devs want things to be. That life goes on (well, for Durance not necessarily, but his soul, certainly) is obvious. Depending on what one chooses in various convos, one gets various outcomes. But none of them include full closure of the original questions.
  22. We first need to make very clear that there is no alignment in PoE. That said, most "evils" don't get along without some sort of construct to "force" them together (like mutual gain ala robbery, etc) or organizational with consequences that are quite severe for non-cooperation. Viconia goes along with the party because they save her from death. She still "betrays" the party in BG2 SoA (it was planned in the Underdark but was changed). And so on. Evil just doesn't mix well together.
  23. Prove that good and evil really exists in the physical world of PoE and not as some meta-concept in your mind. There is no god of evil, no construct that points to this. Just an artificial pantheon of false gods overlaid on some natural Universe (as far as we are informed, that is). No evidence ingame supports the existence of good and evil - not even as a conflict. Those thinking along these lines and reacting accordingly are badly informed. There is only "beneficial or not" depending from perspective.
  24. You have the gods by the balls - you can demand anything as YOU are the only one who can stop/hinder Thaos. Tired of fanbois responses defending a complete farce of an artificial construct designed to leave the Player like a complete idiot - and you all sucks it up and cry for more! Fine if you like that sort of abuse (or if it makes at least sense ingame, which it doesn't). I certainly will NOT be supporting more of this pure and utter crap with my money!
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