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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. But you could zoom out to an isometric view instead of being forced to deal with an over-the-shoulder view in DAO IIRC. Someone who has recently played DAO should verify this. EDIT: The panel is supposed to be today right? Will Gaider wear a propeller hat? Can I romance a broodmother? Will Arcane Warriors be back and can Mages use swords?
  2. I will confirm that going from average/skinny/chubby/generally out of shape to some sort of fitness does attract more women. I believe it is because being in shape shows that you take care of yourself, which is very attractive to almost anyone. When I transformed myself from average / slightly skinny to bulked up I've not noticed any increase in popularity with women. Maybe I'm simply ugly or I'm an ass. Probably both. Different thing, most women stop caring about looks after their minimum criteria are met. Other things come into play after that. I've always thought that this was a damn shame. I've always been impressed by women who manage to stay fit(or at least doesn't let themselves go to ****) after hitting a certain age and/or having kids.
  3. Well they've said something similar to "tailored PC experience", so who knows. I would assume that Bioware is aware of the fact that PC players generally have different wants than console players and do want to please them to make more money.
  4. Go for a five-some, if you think you have the stamina. Today I drank beer and got all of my books. Tomorrow I'm going out with some friends to a party.
  5. I believe that agreeing with Volo is sort of like wanting to have sex with your ex. You know it's crazy and that they're insane, but sometimes it just happens.
  6. For me, I generally prefer RPGs to have a setting without clear references to real-world factions or regions, like not-Catholic Church or fantasy-France. That said, I think that incorporating elements from certain cultures into a fictional culture does make sense if they live in similar geographic areas as the real-world culture. As for time-periods, I generally prefer either a medievalish setting or a modern/futuristic setting, because I tend to like the whole notion of slaying dragons clad in full plate or using a powerful energy weapon to blow away mutants and/or robots. On genre, I can enjoy almost anything that bucks realism to some degree, but I would really like to see "genre fusions" like Fantasy Post-Apocalyptic, Steampunk Western, and Sci-Fi Horror. I would also really like to see a well done superhero RPG, but I think that balancing the system would be a bitch.
  7. Hmm, Wderanged and Wals both getting attention from women? Aliens must be attempting to invade England by taking over bodies of random people. I suggest you make sure that all of your orifices remain impenetrable.
  8. "For example, if you fight a dragon in a rocky clearing, you may be able to take cover from its breath weapon behind boulders. However, the dragon can flush you out by concentrating its fire to melt the stone." “You can individually target their limbs, and they react to the damage to a leg versus another one,” says Laidlaw. “I think that helps ground the encounter a lot more. If you need to get in close to the legs, we open up a whole new realm of counter-moves. He can take a swipe at where you likely are, which feels more like what a real beast would do. It grounds the encounter, and keeps it very physical.” Meh, sounds like Twitcher or some other action game to me.
  9. I disagree. Sure, you don't know exactly what your PC will be fighting, but if foes are essentially a dozen types that use the same abilities, the same tactics, and are level-scaled to have the same attributes, battles will be incredibly similar and generally not very complex. Take DA2 vs BG2. In DA2, every enemy mage used the same spell list, and unless you were playing on Nightmare and they had some random immunity slapped on, tactics against them would be the same. Ditto for Warrior and Rogue foes as well. In BG2, Mages were much more complex and fighting them you needed to cast certain spells to remove their protections and dispell any effects they caused your party, but Thieves backstabbed and Warriors(Barbarians, Fighters, Paladins, Rangers) hit **** with their weapons. In a Pathfinder game, battles would be much more complex because with the large amount of feats, spells, and special abilities, characters that are of the same class could be vastly different than in BG2.
  10. I don't know if this would work very well in a isometric game like PE. I do like the idea of loot that is more than "pretty diamond" or whatever though. Perhaps there could be options on what to do with such things? For example, if the PC finds a painting of a famous person, they can sell it on the Black Market, sell it to the family or organization the person belonged to, or give it to a rival family or faction to desecrate. Tie it into to faction reputation and I think that it would be a nice break.
  11. So alanshu, now that PAX has started, are you going to reveal anything good? On complexity: I've always thought that complexity in a game was derived from the variety of enemies, in which case DA2 is definitely not as complex as BG2, which isn't as complex as a game made using the Pathfinder system would be.
  12. I'd go for Ultima 7 first, I couldn't ever get into M&M myself.
  13. Tonight I cooked proper mac and cheese with a roux thickened cream sauce and some thick cut bacon folded in.
  14. I always attributed it to drinking myself.
  15. Looks like you can now light up in peace Shady.
  16. When I think of "sexy and fit woman" I think of this Not oby was posting.
  17. I'd say that she has definitely used some sort of performance enhancer to attain arms like that. It doesn't look natural at all, it looks like a woman replaced her arms with a man's.
  18. I googled her and saw an... interesting video. Not exactly my type, but would bang if sufficiently intoxicated.
  19. Well the reaction here ought to be interesting at least. http://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2013/08/28/romance-in-dragon-age.aspx Ignore is for the weak!
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