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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I had no idea elves were the fantasy equivalent of fanboys.
  2. I haven't played TOR yest, so maybe I should try it. Are there any storylines that are gut-wrenching?
  3. I'm not seeing the ear thing... Although I am trying to avoid looking at it.
  4. My apologies. I don't mind quite a bit of Bio stuff myself, except for their most recent entries, Jade Empire, and KOTOR after playing KOTOR2.
  5. I would sell one of Nep's kidneys and put the proceeds towards that High School RPG MCA is always talking about.
  6. The last time I got in a fight, I got hit with a bottle and had to pick out glass from my arm. Wasn't a very good experience.
  7. Keyrock's Hopefully Cute Animals"? "Attractive" makes me think of sexual appeal, not general cuteness. This thread is still better than the oby knock-off.
  8. My opinion on cinematics: They don't add anything to the game for me. I wouldn't miss them if they were cut.
  9. Sometimes volo trolls so hard he ends up coming full circle and making a valid point.
  10. In my experiences with Witcher fans, they don't shut up about how the series is the best RPG ever. So much so, almost every thread they enter devolves into "Well, the Witcher did this great...". As for Bioware fans, I just think it is that forum that is ****ed up. Nep seems sane at least.
  11. I was using the definition of abilities. If that confuses you too much, I gave you a definition to help you out. I will only be referring to "Abilities" when I use a capital A. I don't know what "pretent" is. Is that something you do before constructing a tent? The thing is, I don't have to prove a quantity. If you had any comprehension skills, you would have understood that my argument wasn't "PE will not have 90% combat abilities to 10% non-combat abilities" but "With the information available, you can not make a quantitative statement about abilities". Since you can not prove your assertion that "over 90% of abilities are combat related", your example is flawed. "Rage Phase" LOL, no. I couldn't care less what some double-chinned neckbeard thinks. That is English, if you can't understand it, I suggest using a dictionary to illuminate the big words that confuse you. 1. Enemy AI being slightly more intelligent than a brick wall. 2. Again, my ideal system, not PE. Learn English. I sure envy your ability to whine on the internet. I'm sure that is a hit with women. It is just something to do so I have something to laugh at during work. Honestly, anyone who takes a moron like Valorian is just as gullible as someone who takes oby or volo seriously. Except he actually rages, so calling him out on his bull**** is funny. I have to say, that looks absolutely fantastic. I'm sure I will get quite a bit of enjoyment out of it.
  12. I went to a work meeting and then looked at scantily clad women.
  13. That sounds fantastic. I hereby change my opinion of an ideal system to that. I'll try to make sure you stuff down as much popcorn as you can.
  14. No, what you keep doing is dodging the question. If you had a gram of intellectual honesty you would admit you were wrong instead of throwing this butthurt tantrum. Again: Prove that it PE will have a ratio of 9:1 combat abilities to non-combat abilities, with "abilities" meaning "a skill or talent", not the PE resource "Ability". Either link to a post where it was explicitly confirmed or show the equation you used to find that ratio. Using Inductive reasoning will not be valid, as that is not designed for absolute proof. No, I'm explaining how my ideal encounter XP system would look and telling you to go away if the idea of no-combat XP bothers you that much. You should learn English instead of using a translator. Says the guy who has been in able to answer how he arrived at a very specific numerical conclusion. In my ideal system, yes. However, unless the Rogue was INCREDIBLY adept at stealth or every enemy was sleeping, the chance they would be detected would be almost certain. Keine entschuldigung. Man up, you lowlife virgin reprobate.
  15. A threesome with her and Iron Bull is a required quest.
  16. Hmm, this got me thinking...is it be better to include several variables(like one save, limited resting, etc,) and allow players to create their own "Ironman" modes than to create a certain set of conditions and label it "Ironman"? I believe it is.
  17. Jesus Titty ****ing Christ, why does every damn topic about children devolve into discussions on the merit of killing them?
  18. Snark aside, this sounds like it to me. Frankly, I don't really play these types of "hardcore" modes, and instead prefer things like Sawyer's Mod for FONV.
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