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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Get well soon Ros, I know hallucinations can be pretty damn scary. Woldan, you should be an action star. Go around with a mini gun, a cigar, and a muscle shirt and randomly shout cheesy one-liners.
  2. Whatever floats you're boat. I've never understood foot fetishes either.
  3. 1. Agree 2. Agree 3. Agree, but my original point(most likely made badly due to intoxication) was that other religions also have bad things done in their name but we don't see posters(specifically licketysplit) on here railing against them. Use Orange Volunteers or Baruch Goldstein's little massacre instead of Israel for more parity to Islamic Terrorism. Oh and I like the typo in point 3, I've been ****ing up and using "of" instead of "if" fairly consistently lately.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jk8D7L7EPcg Makes me want to roleplay a Bard who sings and dances.
  5. Enjoy having that schlong planted firmly in your ass.
  6. I would argue that lack of education and lack of separation between Church and State is what contributes most to the violence in the region. Oh and scarce water and the high heat as well.
  7. That sounds...kinky. I find the best way to consume spirits is off an attractive woman.
  8. I now have an image of Woldan destroying piles of unhealthy food and forcing people to exercise. No idea, ancestry is German and Irish, so I'm pretty much bred for heavy drinking. Although I have to protest the "being" drunk bit, it takes an enourmous amount of alchol to get me suitably intoxicated to be labeled drunk. I'm going to try that next time, thanks Dr. Wals.
  9. Not Judaism, Israel; not parity, using religion as an excuse to do something unsavory. In case you misread it, the point was "Israel uses Judaism as an excuse to oppress Palestinians" not "Israel is just as bad as Al-Qaeda". If that upsets you too much, substitute "IRA" for Israel", "Roman Catholicism" for "Judaism" and "bombing public areas" for "to oppress Palestinians". Now that we have that cleared up, why should Muslims be scrutinized more heavily than other groups, as licketysplit argues? Statistically they aren't the most likely to commit terrorist attacks(at least here in the US), the vast majority of Western Muslims seem peaceful enough(this thread is even about Muslims speaking out against terror), and that whole "innocent before being proven guilty" bit. If you believe that Muslims should be scrutinized because they happen to share the same religion with violent lunatics, what about other groups? Since Jews have committed more acts of terrorism in the US than Muslims, we(the US) would statistically discover more terror plots of Jews were monitored than Muslims. Would it be OK for the US to monitor and scrutinize Jews, or more prudently Latinos, because a few(relative to the general population) individuals from those groups have committed acts of terror in the name of their respective group? I suppose one having a bomb could be a way to encourage dialogue, not the positive kind however.
  10. I drank a lot of alcohol and am now at the point where I want to sleep but can't.
  11. Jews have carried out slightly more acts of terrorism than Muslims(who are just ahead of the Communists) in the US actually, while Latinos have carried out the most. Keeping Hispanics, Jews, and Extreme Left-Wing groups under surveillance would statically detect more terrorist attacks than monitoring Muslims, should we do that? Yet they can't form political parties that don't recognize Israel as a Jewish state, there is unequal funding for Palestinian Israeli education and other services despite paying the same amount of taxes, and less constitutional rights for non-Jews(apparently religion is marked on ID, which must be carried at all times). About 240 years ago a certain group had similar representation, and I don't think they were very fond of it. Care to guess how that turned out? Funny thing is, the vast majority of Muslims don't seem to do that either. Scrutinizing Muslims for because of the actions of a few is like scrutinizing small-government conservatives because of Timothy McVeigh.
  12. Yes the thread is about Islam, specifically about Muslims speaking out against using Islam as an excuse for violence. I don't see why the majority of a people should be scrutinized for the actions of a few. Caucasians shouldn't be monitored more heavily for insanity and stockpiling arms because a few individuals decided to go on killing sprees. What about Judaism? Israel is practically running an apartheid state, guess what they use an excuse? I don't see you clamoring for Jews to condemn the actions of Israel. Would you argue that creating laws designed to oppress people is a decent method?
  13. Religion. You keep assuming I'm coming from an extreme right wing stance when I'm not. I'm against dogma and untruths that are inherent in all three Abrahamic faiths. Why do Muslims feel the need to protect and defend the true image of Islam anyway? One would think an omnipotent being could take a little criticism. Of course what that statement implies is that any vocal opponents of their faith will be met with active opposition. A stance not compatible with western democratic values. That is true of all religions, so why single out Islam? Why do Christians feel the need to protect and defend the true image of Christianity anyway? Why do Jews feel the need to protect and defend the true image of Judaism anyway? I assume the answer is something along the lines of "because our faith is important to us and we find it insulting to see it dragged through the mud". Oh and spoiler, I'm an Agnostic.
  14. Check for dust on the fans, that can cause them to be less efficient. Or make sure the power source isn't complete **** and all cables are in good condition, ibuypower delivers a pretty **** product from what I've read.
  15. Yeah, Christians sure agree on the true image of Christianity, just look at how well Mormons are received by Southern Baptists! God forbid we assume that some people may have no interest in Jihad because a group that follows their religion does have that desire.
  16. Console gamer, feh! Interesting sewing machine in the background though. Her floor seems reasonably clean. So nothing like Felicia Day?
  17. I wouldn't say most of us are that uptight, just an incredibly uptight group that has time to protest bull****. Isn't that essential to being English?
  18. How does one go about purging foreign invaders from a public forum? Does it have something to do with peni5s?
  19. By that logic, shouldn't we be integrating into the culture of several immigrant groups?
  20. Wat? Well if we follow the logic about wanting immigrants to integrate, the colonists should have integrated with the Indians and adopted their culture.
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