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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I stripped Palengina naked and hit her with aoes to do that. It ****ed up once because Durance's dumb ass shot what she was fighting and killed it. When I have a lot of traps I scout forward and place them in the path I assume an enemy will take. If they don't set it off I kite then until they do, even if it would be faster to just kill them. I never sell unique grimoires, I keep them as trophies in my stash.
  2. If all factors are applied at once. For the Black Jacket if bonus weapon damage, bonus penetration, and accuracy penalty are applied at Level 1 or spread out through levels. The difference between (+20% Damage, +3 DR BYpass, -3 accuracy) at level 1 with no changes with level and (+10% Damage, +1 DR Bypass, -1 accuracy) every 3 levels, if that makes any sense.
  3. If class abilities will be different for some sub-classes or even restricted for some. Like say a Black Jacket gets a higher damage boost when using Weapon Mastery for weapons an enemy is vulnerable to but a lower constant damage boost. Probably won't change much, but the Ghost Heart for example seems like it's companion centered talents and abilities will need tweaking to compensate for the lower duration the companion is summoned. The other thing was if subclasses got all extra abilities at once. For instance if the BlackJacket gets quick swap, bonus damage and penetration, and lower accuracy at level 1 or if those bonuses are spread out, like +X% damage penetration every X level and X less Accuracy every X level.
  4. Looking through this I have to wonder how class abilities selected at level up will be handled and if subclasses will get all their stuff at once.
  5. 3 actually. Except Paladins and Priests which have a required subclass of Order or God respectively.
  6. So it looks like Krakens are actually Primordials and not Beasts. Which leaves me confused on what Primordials are supposed to be, besides a dumping ground for creatures that don't fit other categories.
  7. I see your point, but tell me: what's wrong with this? Magnitude, class values for certain stats, and concentration being poorly implemented. Otherwise it's pretty good. Move over nerds, it's muscle wizard tyme.
  8. Well there's a certain Archmage who already fits that, but I agree about wanting more undead and the lore perhaps disqualifying that. I think they could do it with more animancy research, sort of like how those fampyrs in Caed Nua managed to stay Fampyrs despite being there for an extremely long time, seemingly without many kith to eat. Not sure where they'd go though, as far as humanoid undead go Pillars managed to hit most of them. I guess there's also spirits and non-kith undead(Fampyr Dragon plz) that they could do, ot things like wichts.
  9. Grand Budapest Hotel. Made me sad.
  10. That'd be the Geordie Shore mage. Why do people like Yoda? Probably not because he's green but because of the immense power inside a small frail looking body which makes the character *interesting*. Yoda is from a different fictional universe where getting a gf makes you turn evil and some creatures in your blood lets you mainipulate an energy field created by all lifeforms. Why would you expect PoE's fictional universe to follow the same rules as Star Wars or Forgotten Realms? Magic is fantasy after all, and if lifting weights means your spells are stronger that is fine for a fictional setting.
  11. That's just reinforcing that the tome does most of the work. Why are you people so butthurt about a mage having to lift to do more damage with spells?
  12. Remember when we were laughing at Mitt Romney saying Russia was the US' greatest geopolitcal adversary? Anyways I'm hungry and gonna have an alternative salad for lunch.
  13. As opposed to socdems who like soviet aesthetics and haven't read theory?
  14. The attributes need tweaking and Health, Accuracy, and Deflection should be based more on Constitution, Perception, and Resolve. But the system is decent in theory and wouldn't be improved by spliting magical and physical damage.
  15. I'm gonna be a god damn pirate and raid everything I can.
  16. Where's those fish things from White March? Well it's an ocean covered area so I'll go out on a limb and say we'll see all those sea creatures, tentacles creep me out so any chance to exterminate krakens, squidmen, or other mollusks is good in my book. So that's a wilder and a few beasts that we're getting. For Primordials I'd like to see more varities of Delemgans and a seaweed lurker. Spirits I think more ghosts, varities of blights, and a sea banshee siren would be cool. Vessels I'd like to see more automations. Oh, and a ghost kraken, fampyr dragon, army of squidmen, a giant primordial ooze or spore, and an ancient automation-lich thing as part of a mega dungeon for the expansion or dlc.
  17. Alex Jones is actually Bill Hicks.
  18. Yeah, in NWN a +2 in Hit and Damage doesn't mean much for a low ac character with 2 attacks per round and the loss of spell slots and spell DC is damning. Anything outside of pumping Intelligence as much as you can is a waste for a NWN wizard because spells will be superior than melee 99% of the time. And let's not even get into how you couldn't pick up a sword or put on armor without spending a once every 3 level resource. Comparatively in PoE my Wizard's spell casting improves with every stat besides Constitution. Might increases damage, Dexterity increases casting speed, Intellect increases AoE and Duration, Perception increases interrupt and accuracy, and Resolve improves concentration. Resolve is dumpable because concentration wasn't implemented very well, but otherwise every stat improves my Wizard's survivability and/or spellcasting prowess. If you want to argue that PoE stats are small in factor that's fair, but they allow more choice in theory than D&D's pump your main stat or suck.
  19. Meanwhile in France: http://fiscalkombat.fr/
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