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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Mostly playing King of Dragon Pass. I founded a tribe together with a large part of my neighbours, then supported one of them for leadership of the tribe. Now I am trying to do PR work with other clans and build up my clan's wealth so that the next time a king is elected it will be me.
  2. That's a game? Oh! I get it! You were answering a question, not saying what game you are playing
  3. Hehe, yeah. When I tell friends that "Woohooo! I got paid royalties!" they do seem to expect me to be rolling in cash. Then they ask how much and I get to say "Since summer 2009? 209 euros"
  4. So at least you are done with the windows. Or are you trying to scrub the sun out of them ?
  5. Agreed. I also was disappointed that there were no choices in the campaign. I do not mind if the choices in Wings of Liberty result in a canon choice and one that didn't happen come the expansion. I still had fun with those choices. Heart of the Swarm I just watcha story that isn't very good, knowing that it had been more engaging before.
  6. Drawing is like training for a marathon, you should start by building resistance and drawing a little more each day. Doesn't matter what, but eventually you will get a lot of practice, you will be able to get through the basic steps faster and draw for longer periods of time. If you having trouble getting yourself on the right mindset because there are other things you want to do then remove those temptations and give yourself no other choice but to draw. Thanks for the advice. I'm an architect - drawing is part of the job description (especially as when I was a student, we didn't have fancy ArchiCads and stuff. We still learned to draw by hand ). But I have been slacking, so I am going through the various motions of forcing myself to ge back in the game.
  7. Finally forced myself to start a deviantART page. Now hoping it will force me to draw more.
  8. And in that they differ from the male npcs how exactly?
  9. They take other species' genetic material? Sounds almost like the Genestealers Tyranids got fleshed out and their evolution and gene gathering got further looked at over the years. 1993 in particular saw a lot of Tyranid love with Tyranid Attack for Advanced Space Crusade and the novel Space Marine by Ian Watson. They showed very clearly how Tyranids take genetic material to evolve the swarm. Of course after the popularity of Starcraft, GW had grounds to rethink the appearance of the Hive Fleets. (especially as the 'nids of the early 90s looked a bit silly) That SC2 is moving closer to 40k is only natural: Andy Chambers wrote most Tyranid stuff for 40k and now is the Creative Director for SC2.
  10. Well, 4 was just going to be an expansion for 3. Enter the Dominatrix. Then apparently the content became enough to justify turning it into a stand alone title and push its release back nearly a year. We'll see. I guess from a tech point of view we wont see any advances. But possibly they'll improve on the world.
  11. My guess would be that GW wasn't so trigger happy back then. It was only after StarCraft that they realized just how much money others were raking in with basically their ideas.
  12. Dead State first combat alpha video:
  13. It's also about teasing RC, the fan turned forum moderator / community person. Awesome guy
  14. Well, hope you do give the game another chance. It is a very itneresting experience once you get past its failings.
  15. What really made me warm to the Witcher was stumbling through the town at night, drunk like a pirate crew on shore leave, and trying to fight off things in dark alleys. Loved the bleak atmosphere in that situation.
  16. Yeah its around that part of her body. Seems as if the textures are the wrong way round, with the belt buckle being on top of the actul undies. Never played a sith slavekeeper, so never met that npc myself.
  17. I'm hoping they don't pull a Frozen Throne this time and derail the story just so they can announce an MMO. I felt the whole of Wings of Liberty (and thus the expansions in turn) were only meant, storywise, as world-building in anticipation of a MMO. After all, already in WoL they scaled down from the "epicness" they always seemed to aim for, to tell a much more personal story which did not call for a "And you have vanquished all your enemies. Everyone is dead Jim. But once we make a sequel we'll have to figure out how to bring people back to life." I think they are trying to make a more gradual evolution in the story towards the MMO type world with the required loads of factions, locations etc than what they did with Frozen Throne.
  18. That is a fair analysis. I like Led. The long dungeons were a pain... searching for the ladders to take you to the next level... And we all hated Monolith (read: evil publisher) for what they did to the game.
  19. Care to share opinions? Bought it last year, but still haven't played. I loved that game. I am very fond of the characters and did enjoy the magic system. The world design is interesting. Of course j-rpgs aren't everyone's thing, especially not if made by westerners. The devs were a great bunch though and it was fun hanging out with them on the forum.
  20. Going to try out The Missing Ink. Seems promissing enough.
  21. Or way too much experience If you do a speech every other day for years, then there will be little nervousness left. For us normal people though... I got lucky. I was a best man at a wedding without speeches
  22. I'll swap over to the NA server. As I said in the PM, I'll be out of town from Friday morning until Monday noon (graduation for my Masters (yay)). So if you play this weekend, Lephys will have to fill in for me
  23. Heh, have you tried any of the Liaden Universe books? Best described as "Pride and Prejudice meets Star Wars..." Nah. Starwars no longer is something that labels things positively for me Is it space opera? I prefer my scifi to at least attempt to create some sort of (pseudo)scientific bit. So if it is just a "there are spaceships and lasers" but other than that it could have been any fantasy setting, then it probably isn't for me.
  24. I can only tell you what isn't going on: war changing.
  25. Sounds like a lot of fun, Hiro. I kinda envy you a little bit
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