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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. And to combine the subjects discussed here: Maybe we should let kobolds write the children's books. That way they don't steal dev jobs in IT, and we get less violent, more age appropriate children's books (possible about invisible tiny red haired troublemakers (Hurrah, hurrah)).
  2. As if life wasn't bad enough, now we get Alanis Morissette Lyrics in the video game news
  3. No, you got them confused with ZANU. Though you have to differentiate between ZANU-PF and ZANU-Ndonga nowadays. Or you are thinking of ZUM. That doesn't exist anymore.
  4. The problem is, she wants to skip the "get to know one another" and "see if we actually like one another part", because that is a waste of time. A commitment to having kids. Then the other stuff. Basically already planning us moving in together and our holidays and stuff.
  5. I took a long break and will try to do an illustrated picture book once more. But I am looking more at pre-schoolers. Mostly because I want to draw unicorns. She might not get the message, but I am noting the idea down for consideration.
  6. Have a look what qualifies as children and what as teen. I found that to be the hardest, but it can be important for who even looks at your work. But children are very different, so it is rough to try and determine age.
  7. Went on a second date. There won't be a third. Need to find a nice way of telling her
  8. Even Exogate tracks relationships between randomly generated staff. Sometimes it feels that every genre does better generic npcs than rpg games do.
  9. Nice. I found the rumour dudes annoying.
  10. I used MO back then, and it was strange changing to Vortex for Skyrim.
  11. I am quite far along in Capes. Overall a very enjoyable turn based tactics game. It gets some flack for having specific characters, similar to Mutant Year Zero, Chimera Squad. There are no random missions. You can replay any mission at any time with a different configuration. The story is pretty dark. Years ago a group of villains killed the superheroes of the city and took over. Now the survivor sets op a team of young heroes to take revenge. It is interesting, because unlike many superhero games, there is no attempt to obfuscate the fact your team kills people. They pulled off the powers quite well. The team ups let characters enhance one of their powers with help of a nearby character. The speedster sets fire to where she runs with the help of the fire hero for example. The missions can be tough, but I enjoy figuring out how to best utilise every character to solve the problem at hand. There are people who complain the game is too puzzly. I feel there are a group of gamers strangely entitled. They believe that in a strategy game their strategy should win. In a tactics game their tactics should win. They don't want to work out a winning strategy, just to pretend they are good strategists. History is full of generals that lost battles. They had their strategies, just not winning ones. If they had access to steam forums, they'd have spammed that "Nerf the Roman legion. Slings are underpowered. These Devs know nothing of making a fun war. Why did my cavalry die charging fortified gun emplacements? This war sux"
  12. I couldn't bring myself to put up with the guy's rambling. He talks too much. Repeats himself too much. But the gist seems to be that there are plans for a year and a half of content. Some of it Cathay.
  13. The combat isn't bad once you get used to it. It isn't great either.
  14. I was hoping for a bit more Dwarf love than what was added in Thrones of Decay. I have trouble getting into the game though. Any faction you ally with will basically stop playing and get overrun. If you play Kislev, dwarves will get steamrolled by orcs. Empire will get wiped out by nurgle and vampires. If you play Dark Elves vampires will get wiped out by the Empire. So basically, if you have a favourite faction and want to see them win, play one of the opposing factions - the faction you like will wipe out the map and all you have to do is lose to them.
  15. Necromunda part1 The Ratling Slopper. Funny coincidence, I sent photos of this guy to the official Necromunda Facebook when they were asking for community pics. It was not shown and a few months later GW announced a ratling slopper of their own. Obviously I go by the theory that they were inspired by my mini and just don't want to admit it
  16. If this forum were a robot/mecha anime, you could merge @Gorth and @Gorgon to create the Super Moderator Mega-Gorthgon. Just an observation.
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