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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Today I left the computer on so a download would finish while I was out. Came back and noticed I had forgot to unpause the download.
  2. It is very slow. Not slow as in too many steps to get to the fun bits, but slow slow. I played only in fast forward x2 speed, which for other games would have been normal speed. It puts a lot of weight into the Landsraat, which is badly designed, as you have no way to affect how others will vote. You can buy more votes with influence, but as we have already seen in Endless Space 2 with the Academy requests, if something is decided by how many resources are dumped into it, the AI will always have an advantage through the resource bonus it already has. Alpha Centauri worked, because different policies were tied to traits that the different leaders and societies favoured to different extent. Then it adds the houses minor for random vote distribution. This is a simple RNG though, so one resolution was marked as being favoured by the houses minor - it failed because while all major houses voted for it, all 300 house minor votes were assigned to votes against. In the end, the Landsraat is just a bad RNG system. The game does nothing truly right, while doing some things truly wrong.
  3. I wonder if they intentionally wanted old people think of Dr. Sbaitso.
  4. This sounds like painful AI narration:
  5. Having multiple characters also means Bartimaeus has more targets to repeatedly stab, so more characters may escape.
  6. Most games don't allow for protagonists with gnawed off heads. That is why people in Bartimaeus' vicinity have trouble identifying with video game characters.
  7. Brought to us by the same people who had proof of WMDs in Iraq but no proof of human rights violations by Israel. Yeah, I do not see how anyone can take anything coming out of the US seriously anymore.
  8. Why should you be having fun while your wife is at work? Game working as intended
  9. I didn't mind them too much until I tried reading the terrible, horrible novels. Before that, they simply had an elitist yet honourable air with their batchalls etc. Then you realise they send mechs against normal people for "training".
  10. I first thought "Cool!" then remembered that I can't stand the Clans - eugenic, fascist clone experiments they are - so decided against trying it.
  11. My problem is twofold: 1) if for whatever reason my internet is dead, I can't game. 2) if for whatever reason they kill the server (EA with Darkspore), I can't game.
  12. My regret: I couldn't find a nice old set of scales to put the gargoyle's quest cartridge on one side and chocolate on the other.
  13. Yeah, I boycott every company that doesn't force me to be online for my single player experience.
  14. Fired up Vambrace: Cold Soul Got an achievement for Starting the game The members of my tutorial team are Biggs and Wedge...
  15. I enjoyed transmog in GuildWars 2 and Old Republic. If you are going to try and get people's money by selling them a "look how you want" or generally spend hundreds of hours with that character, I believe it only makes sense to allow players to enjoy it.
  16. Not playing DA Inquisition. After spending several minutes staring at this, I Alt+F4ed out of it.
  17. Yeah, last time I accidentally romanced the Red Jenny lady, and the whole romance thing I just found so off-putting. So this time I'll pay more attention so that I keep everyone at arm's length. I loath Bioware romance more than most other romance things I have encountered.
  18. And now you basically described the Saints Row franchise
  19. The thing is, Bruce could probably quit his dayjob and live off the monetisation from that channel.
  20. I reinstalled that Ink-uisition thingy. Maybe this time I'll last through it?
  21. And they do want this outcome. Look at Greece removing art from the syllabus and replacing it with cheerleading.
  22. Word is the Russians are behind everything. They so zealously meddle, they even started the rumours that they are behind everything. And if you are missing socks - the Russians.
  23. Some of the extreme damage from old posts is due to an Argenta bug, where a certain ability would not raise damage according to the modifier provided by the stat (+1, +2, +5 etc) but by the stat itself. An Argenta with (I think Perception) 95 would multiply damage by 95 instead of times 5. It is still strange though how for a game with surprisingly few actual worthwhile choices when leveling up, it is easy to make all the wrong ones. And not getting the exact weapon you need at the exact time you need it makes a lot of difference as well - there just isn't a lot of worthwhile loot. The vast majority of weapons you just trade for reputation. Argenta progresses between something like 3 boltguns throughout the whole game, and only her alt weapon slot makes any difference between builds. Again though, there may be just two heavy bolters and two flamers worth equipping. Most likely, if you messed up anything it is colony projects, locking you out of two or three items worth buying. Again, most items you get from the factions are again just bloat.
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