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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. There is a Smurf pen&paper RPG just launched on Kickstarter...
  2. I think the forgeworld is the hardest of the three. Not as hard as going unprepared into the mechanicus voidship though, which you can stumble upon right after leaving footfall for the first time. After that everything on the forgeworld is manageable
  3. Isn't that basically what New Vegas does? You have to do the powder gang and Primm and everything in order because simply going directly northeast to vegas would have you pass deathclaws you can't yet kill.
  4. Tried the demo for: Flint: Treasure of Oblivion has such a terrible tutorial, the demo doesn't deserve my time past that. I want a refund and I don't care that it was only 2 minutes of a free demo. Trash Goblin is probably a relaxing zen thing. They aim to be the power cleaner simulator for a fantasy trinket shop. Not sure games like this are really games... It is very cute, so it gets bonus points for that. DinoCop plays in a world where Jurassic Park like experimentation led to a society where humans and dinos coexist and you are the token dinosaur in the police force. Fun setting, controls a bit wonky in their simplicity. The fact that there is an ingame clock makes investigating a bit strange when you are a bit slow figuring things out. New Arc Line probably tried to be humorous in the dialogue of the first two npcs (you care nothing about) sending you off on some errant you care nothing about. I ran into some enemies I cared nothing about while trying to do the quest I did not care about. They killed me. For some reason I had an npc in my party. The one game I actually wanted to try. Turns out making a good demo is hard. Trash Goblin and DinoCop both had demos that didn't make me want to quit and actually give the games a chance. New Arc Line I removed from my watch list, Flint I decided not to put on my watch list. DinoCop may be something for Keyrock and other people who could enjoy a police investigation point & click & smell clues game.
  5. Let's face it, Khorne cares not about skin colour, gender or sexual orientation of who spills the blood or who's blood is spilled. In the end, everyone will be corpse starch. And in the eye of the hive fleet everyone is just biomass.
  6. Check this out: https://steamcommunity.com/app/2081080/discussions/2/ Daedalic actually made an SBI subforum in the Capes steam forum because of this crusade. Just in hopes to maybe give people who want to talk about the game a chance to do so.
  7. That's literally the woke accusation for Capes: The team includes a black guy and a girl with blue hair (her hair in fact is purple).
  8. I am clever; I simply ignore every idiotic thing Mat Miller and the list guy say. All that is left is "the Plan"
  9. Barely survived wave 2 in the base defense. Except for George. He ran out of ammo and grenades trying to hold the radar. He retreated to the med pad outside the generator building but got surrounded there and torn to shreds before the squad medic could reach him. Luckily we got enough d-sumthin-ium to call it a win. Even if the rating was 1 star. Things I learned: You can never have enough ammo. I have no idea how armor works and how much health is in an alien's health bar. Maybe building two harvesters was not such a good idea. Maybe that spawned twice the number of aliens and that is why I was outnumbered 10 to 1.
  10. I had my Argenta with the blessed bolter shell that makes single bolter shots never miss. It is nice for taking out anyone who could be annoying otherwise. Operative is my least favourite class. I can't truly see a point to it.
  11. USC - Counterforce First Impressions. I knew going into USC that it was a UFO/XCOM style game on the heavier end. Still, I did not expect it to be this heavy. I tried firing up a campaign and the game prompted me to play the tutorial. I like playing tutorials, so I did. Two crew on a spaceship, a tech and a medic, go to fix some tech stuff. The medic isn't strictly needed, as she points out, but regulations are that no-one ever does anything alone. It seems they have watched enough movies to know you don't walk along a spaceship alone. In short order you learn how to walk, how to open doors, how to use a device in your inventory to fix machinery, how to use another device to unlock a locked door, how to use a blowtorch to breach a sealed door. How to pick up loot. How to equip the gun you looted, reload it, then split ammunition with your squad member. How to jump over environmental hazards, how to shoot and swap between different weapon modes. How to overwatch. How to extract from a mission. Then you learn how to set up a squad before a mission. How to equip the each member. How to train them. Some rudimentary bits about specializations. You learn about different weapon types, directional armor, crouching so people can fire over the soldier in front of them. About AoE and things going boom. And when you then click "Start New Campaign" the game informs you that perhaps you should play some one off skirmishes and all the different game modes first, to ensure you know what the hell all the bits are. I said "Nah, I am good." The campaign puts you in orbit of a planet, with 24 soldiers under your command, to split into squads as you see fit. With (what seems like) loads of starting cash. And with a whole planet where you can drop into any region you like. No hand holding, after all, you were warned. GLHF So I backed out into the main menu and have started a base defense one off. Hold off against 10 waves or earn at least 10.000 detherium or what it's called. 40 minutes later, we have wiped out wave 1. We have ~5400 of the stuff. I spend all my cash reinforcing the base. Maybe I should have saved some to drop some supply crates with ammo boxes. But if we survive wave 2, at the rate I extract, we can evacuate with the resources and write it up as a win. Recommended for: People who want a UFO game that has an action for every interaction you can think of. People who know that obviously the scanner for bio signals can't be simply re calibrated to scan for minerals. Obviously you need a different scanner for that. And a third scanner for other stuff. People who realize that the most important thing you can learn is the thirst for knowledge, not knowledge itself. As Gotthold Lessing would have said: "It is not the truth that a man possesses, or believes that he possesses, but the earnest effort which he puts forward to reach the truth, which constitutes the worth of a man." This game has a tutorial that teaches you everything it can, then leaves you needing to learn more. And more. So this game is recommended to those who want the values of Enlightenment in their gaming.
  12. Honestly, if you massacre every living being, eventually you will kill someone you pretended to have been a target all along.
  13. Yeah, first screen when starting a new campaign is not overwhelming at all.
  14. I don't remember any grenadiers on Janus. Argenta probably killed them all too fast. She has a tendency to do that with a lot of opponents.
  15. Speaking of XCOM type games. I just started the tutorial of USC: Counterforce. If you don't hear from me - send help.
  16. Thank God, mine only figured out cupboards and brings me chocolate, bonbons, and books instead of dead animals.
  17. Kassandra showed the vets that she paid attention when I was playing Saints Row.
  18. You just want to know what she looks like, in case you truly anger me and I send her to take you out.
  19. Vet 2: I'm okay. She bit me. But I am wearing gloves. It hurts. But I am imagining how it would hurt if I didn't wear gloves and that makes it easier.
  20. Took my cat to the vet's. Right out of the carrier she went for his throat. No "where am I? What am I doing here?" Just "I remember you feth!" He tried those thick leather gloves. She ripped them off his hands and tossed them across the room. I tried putting her in the straight jacket like contraption. I'll now have some cool new scars in my face. It took over 30 minutes to restrain her and then she still bit through the leather gloves into the hands of one of the three vets (the fourth had fled and locked herself in the surgery room). Take aways from the experience: Vet 1: if you ever visit any vet again, first give her something to calm her down. I've never had such a violent cat ever. Vet 2: her bite is like a cobra. Suddenly she strikes. Like a cobra. Vet 2+3: she is really smart. She knows exactly how to block every move we make. Such a smart cat. Vet 4: if I don't make eye contact she may not pay attention to me.
  21. Showgunners was a fun little indy game with XCOM style TB combat. I may personally scoff at the virtue signalling of having one NPC being explicitly Ukrainian when no nationality is mentioned for anyone else, but that doesn't change the qualities of the game as a game. It has fun combat, a predictable, niche story that appeals to men my age. But it lacks random encounters and enemy variety, meaning that after one short, fun romp the game is done. Capes suffered from bad reviews from people who wanted a different kind of game - a party based RPG with custom characters, instead of the Chimera Squad style superhero themed xcom clone they got. It also got a concerted attack from right wing trolls who see the game as a conspiracy to remove blond white protagonists from our culture and to besmirch Elon Musk. The game itself though is fun, even if the odd mission can be frustrating. The characters all have different powers meaning it matters who you take along on a given mission. Again, there are no random missions, but at least this time all missions are repeatable. Troubleshooter is huge and not everyone's cup of tea, especially with the Asian grinding for components to craft better and better gear required for the dlc enemies, but it did well enough for them to be working on the sequel. And honestly, an xcom clone jrpg instead of a final fantasy tactics clone was a big step. Lamplighters didn't offer anything. The combat in Shadowrun was uninspired and dull, the games enjoyable because of the good writing, not the gameplay. Battletech didn't have all that great tactical combat either. Harebrained had the IPs, but they didn't really make gameplay to convince they could pull off a good XCOM clone. And the good Americans Vs Nazis has been overdone - the world didn't need the latest Indiana Jones movie either. Harebraineds success was built on nostalgia. Far fewer people would have given the Shadow run trilogy a chance if Shadowrun Returns didn't have the "but it is the only shadowrun game we have" going for it. Even I, who hated Battletechs gameplay the first time round, made three attempts to perhaps enjoy it enough to play for the setting. I chose to watch the 80s cartoon instead (it is terrible, you have been warned). Harebrained has been a bit in a bubble. There are a plethora of games in the genre coming out that are worth looking out for. I am waiting for Mars Tactics. Others will enjoy Every Day We Fight - I personally hate the real time overwatch, but others may find it engaging. The genre has something to offer for everyone. Maybe not everyone has something to offer to the genre.
  22. Tried Disney Speedstorm. It is an Okay Mario Kart style racer. It is also a nasty gacha game, so it could have been published more honestly by Paradox. It would have endless DLC, but it would be less predatory.
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