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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. You can simply respec at the ship of course. Talk to your factotum or what he is called and say "my team needs training"
  2. Happy New Year! For those still living in the past, spoiler: nothing changes, still no need for a Voight-Kampff test.
  3. That one has been out for a long while. In the new game you run an illegal dump for radioactive waste. But the Minigame is to drive very carefully so they don't go volatile. And once they do you drive really fast, like in that movie with nitroglycerin.
  4. I prefer the insurance fraud in this one actually. For the simple fact that it is one of the illegal ventures you set up while creating your criminal empire. The NPC you have running it has a software to simply hack the insurance companies, but you never listen to her and do it the old fashioned way.
  5. I understand the basis for the accusations. They took out the strippers. Instead of Shaundy having an ex in every street, here Kevin has random exes both male and female. And you don't have a Johnny Gat murder machine. You are the Johnny Gat murder machine... Same as the old boss really. They took out Professor Ghenki's murder TV show and made it an underground darknet webshow. The parties at the saint's hq are just normal people dancing and drinking, not strippers everywhere. There is no drug use but instead of blow up dolls, you collect hundreds of drug pallets. There is no sex toy weapon. There are no gimp suit ponyplay races.
  6. It is a fun game though. So grab it if you use EPIC. The "woke" accusations are *roll eye* It is a game I believe could even be enjoyed by Bruce. The problems: It is a bit too best-friends-squad It is not a grotesque like the old series. They made a few bad decisions (at launch you had only one garage on a huge map) It is aimed at a new, young audience, not as old gits who played the old series.
  7. Single shot bolter rounds not missing is silly fun. Argenta can see your toe? Boom! Headshot!
  8. Mine did in the miniature game. Lascanon to the face will do that...
  9. I thought Dragon Age Origins was bioware's best game, with Baldurs Gate being it's most influential.
  10. You guys aren't really selling me on playing the game.
  11. That voidship is tedious. Grand Strategist just doesn't seem worth the hassle. It kinda works on a psyker, because you can just put down the zones and then concentrate on psykering about, ignoring the whole grand strategist malarkey.
  12. I thought Aurora always destroys one shuttle, as that seems scripted to when he loses a third of his health. Even engaged in melee, he just walks out without triggering opportunity attacks and shoots the shuttle. But if you get him before he destroys a second shuttle, you can pick two options.
  13. Apella Games is winning it's legal battle against Apple. https://cyprus-mail.com/2023/12/22/cypriot-gaming-company-wins-trademark-battle-against-apple/
  14. Argenta on her advanced class just keeps firing non-stop. Then you get a passive on her to get buffed when someone activates them outside her turn, and suddenly your navigator/officer and her can clear all fights. Snipers are ok to take out far away targets and save you the time of running across the map. They can do some massive crits. The important point is that any to hit bonus above 95% goes to crit chance instead. So all those +to hit abilities are still worth it, even though you have already the max chance of hitting.
  15. And at least some have a problem if you encounter the event before getting the rumour
  16. I need to figure out toybox. But I am visiting my parents for the holidays, so I won't be playing for two weeks anyway.
  17. I got the bug where she didn't start it.
  18. I am a bit miffed that I am locked out of Yriel's companion quests due to a bug.
  19. Hmm, my crime lord who beat the local void pirates (basically by selling them out) got one conversation with Ryzza (the pirate npc on Footfall), which theoretically resulted in a 10% friends and family discount
  20. Federal Network: The cowardly bugs are threatening to overrun Federatsiyagrad, the Federation Headquarters on Kwalasha. But the brave men and women of the Mobile Infantry are rushing to stop them. Do You Want To Know More?
  21. I tried out Hogwarts Legacy, but it runs badly on my ancient PC, so I refunded.
  22. Hmm, I think that is the one where it suddenly got very hot and then very smelly.
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