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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. FFVIII was one of the worst ports from consol to ever disgrace the PC. The idiots forgot to add a Quit option and you had to kill the game through the task manager every time you wanted to exit. FFVII was a LOT better. But yeah, they got Just Cause, Hitman, Sleeping Dogs... they are trying to move away from being a one trick pony. They even got an Obsidian game in their store DS3
  2. My first campsite in Don't Starve. Since then I also have planted one field in there. Will need to find some gold to build my research machine. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=123993416
  3. Don't let the players read the rules. That will give you more freedom to play it loose, which benefits them as well
  4. Went to dance lessons. Group lessons and the group was about twenty people, so way too large for my liking. *grumble* people shouldn't be allowed to take more salsa lessons than ballroom lessons if they are taking both *grumble* they pick up terrible habits *grumble*
  5. The Square store has a sale on. Everything 75% off except for FFVII which is 50%. Personally I already have Deus Ex and Startopia and my original copy of FFVII seems to work fine in compatibility mode, so nothing of interest for me. But maybe there is something for someone else.
  6. Trying out Don't Starve. Seems fun enough. Died just before nightfall of day 3 because I got greedy and decided to collect a bit more gold and ran into a big monster which jumped up and down on my head.
  7. Just remember that its a game and about having fun. Don't stress over it.
  8. I'd go with MotB or PST. ToEE turned me off. I think there were loads of little reasons but the "Ach, sod this for a game of soldiers " moment was that the autosave when zoning wasn't before you zoned but after.
  9. I'd avoid roses altogether. They are risky flowers, often with too much read into them. Since you don't realy know her, if you do get flowers, get something you like. Then, if lacking for words, you can always still say 'I realized I had no idea what you may like, so I just chose something I thought looked pretty" Silly question though: How are you meeting? If you aren't picking her up from her place and you would get flowers, what would you do with them all evening? They are a nice guesture, but it can be rather inconvenient having to carry around some flowers everywhere And for the Raithe-Date-Club: The Raithe-Date is now open for bets. First bet: I bet 3 Obsidian Forum Digital Shillings* that the mystery date wil turn out being a lurker on this forum. * currency may not actually exist, in which case there is no obligation to pay the debt should this bet be lost
  10. And of course you lied and told them "this is how I always behave" I like the way you operate, I like the way you operate Hey that is the way I always behave. Except for the origami. I can't do origami cranes. Though if I realy tried (and practiced at home a LOT) it would be more likely to turn into an origami teddy bear as I am not all that interested in cranes...
  11. Yeah I spend a weekend in an Anno 2070 - UPlay flamewar. People keep flaming about UPlay without having noticed what changes UBI did do. The scary thing is, turns out that in the flamewar people "proved" that the old DRM still exists because the DRM wasn't removed from their retail disc. They had to install and patch the game and only then would the DRM through a patch be removed... try to explain to internet trolls that Ubisoft is not the toothfairy. When you have DRM on an old game, you do not put the disc under your pillow at night and when you wake up there is a disc without DRM... Sometimes I wonder why we still come to the internet
  12. And it never hurts to be flexible. When you meet, ask? No point dragging her to the theatre if it turns out she isn't into that. Then again, the prospect of going to the theatre can be a good conversation in and by itself. Edit: and don't take advice from Nep, remember he's a lawyer. He charges for advice given by word count
  13. If you're an expert in persuasion you get an extra follower, and the dog doesn't count either. And I think you can get higher than that in practice. If you stretch the definition of "follower". Summoning for example gives you a permanent familiar on top of those.
  14. You need dice. Loads of dice. A roleplayer can never have enough dice. A GM even less so.
  15. awwww =( It was this tiny little house. Hardly qualifying for the term "house". All walls were clad in wood (except for my GM's room where the walls were covered in drawings of DnD monsters) really cozy. In the back there was a staircase leading to the roof, which in the summer was great for hanging out during a break or for waiting if the GM had to talk to some players without the rest of the party there. Got torn down and an apartment building build there instead. My GM's mom apparently got locked up in the psych ward and he moved to a different city. Yeah, going to that neighbourhood really does bring that "The good old days with no worry but passing a saving throw are gone for good" feeling.
  16. The other day I drove past where the house of my old GM from school once stood...
  17. But you aren't doing it, the tiny important difference
  18. And I think I spy the Vampire novels in teh far right of the picture?
  19. It does not get better I am affraid. By the time you wrote this I assume you have mastered all your weapon skills. That means half your action bar is done with. You get skill points fairly rapidly, so you will soon have most skills you want from the right side of the action bar.
  20. Send my CV to a major consultancy. Now I am terrified of their eventual reply...
  21. Hmmm... I can see GoG appearing on my screen saying: All Your YES Are Belong To Us.
  22. They did back down. UPlay is the backing down. They moved away from SolidShield/Tages with a 3 PC activation limit and made it so that your games bind to your UPlay account and that you can play single player stuff offline (UPlay can load offline just fine) after you have activated the game online through UPlay once at the begining.
  23. I need to play both of them as well.
  24. Shouldn't you have ended that post with "End of Line" ?
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