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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Siamese And looks a lot like my cat in real life
  2. I finally remembered to set everything to maxium before taking Anno 2070 screenshots: Lady cleaning the windows while in the foreground police are raiding her neighbours... http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=121903280 Oil rigs: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=121903067 Fuel factory on the outskirts of town: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=121903135 Police Station and Fire Station: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=121903301 The Ebahi Trench: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=121903152 Aqua-farming: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=121903183 Can you find the cat? http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=121902990 Greener pastures: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=121903097 TeeVee: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=121903116 Random islands: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=121903222
  3. I would be more specific and say: anyone who finished it (at least once)
  4. You could check to see where and how the voice files are stored. Perhaps you can replace them with Minsc.
  5. Speaking of vets. My mother took the cat to the vet and he suggested annual blood cleansing/replacement procedures as preventative measures for kidney failure. His reasoning: many cats develop kidney problems at old age and therefor all blood should be swapped once a year before problems arise... and he should be paid a hefty sum to do so. My reaction was: Never take the cat to that charlatan again.
  6. My cat is 19, but she isn't doing too well. Still miss her sister who vanished nearly 10 years ago :/ And sitll feel that nagging guild that I should not have let her out, should have searched more etc
  7. I'm playing "argue with trolls on the internet" I should learn not to, but its damn addictive.
  8. Meh. I was hoping you would have said it was because of your curious nature
  9. The only silly question that keeps nagging me is "Why?" Medical reasons or just boredom or the notion that one should try everything once?
  10. So when do you have to go for the follow up, check up or whatever?
  11. In retrospect perhaps that should have been a clue
  12. I thought you guys were talking about an Icehockey game...
  13. I loved Dune. The series becomes gradually worse though with each book. The final book, Chapter House, I personally did not enjoy and only read it for completion's sake. The prequels perpetrated by Brian Herbert are an abomination to literature. They are also the reason why I shall in my will forbid any offspring of continuing any literary work I produce, should I ever become a well know author
  14. I have been pondering starting a counter thread to this one: "What else you did today" And try to reap the success this thread has been having. I'm scared a bit of the ensuing legal battle, where I'll have to reinburse the views and posts generated by the similarity of thread names. Though I guess if I hire Nepenthe, he'll take care of that. That only leaves the problem of havign actual success with the spin off thread. I may have to do a bit more market research first and then decide on a clear and distinct brand positioning.
  15. Check how many backers the assassination in the first image has and how many in the second image. Then compare the Plot Power scores. Took me a moment to realize what I was looking for.
  16. The magic system is nice. The new careers they added really rubbed me the wrong way though so whenever I try to pick up the rule book I remember "Eh, that's written by the people who thought putting in random starting careers that dictate the players background was a fantastic new thing to do". To me they just missed the whole point of having generic careers that could be anywhere in the Old World, leaving it up to players and GM to flesh out the characters. I know, I could just ignore those handfull of careers and use the rest of the system, but as I said, it rubbed me the wrong way
  17. So still better than going to the movies?
  18. Tale, you play adventure games. Go play The Journey Down, then tell me if I should buy it or not
  19. I backed another kickstarter: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1065983707/the-red-queen-of-oz-two-fates-an-adventure-game The Red Queen of Oz: Two Fates - An Adventure Game The Red Queen is gone mad. Or even more mad than she has always been. And after rampaging through Wonderland, she leads her card soldiers down the yellow brick road to the Emerald City. It is up to Alice and Dorothy to stop her.
  20. I remember quite a few parts of SWTOR. Some because they were great experiences, others because of sillyness (especially the way dark and light side points are awarded). Cademimu is a great experience for example. The first rakghoul flashpoint was very well made. Hoth and Tattooine are fairly well made planets, even though my experience with Hoth was rather lonely as we would be only a handful republic players at peak time. There are quests I remember on Nar Shadaa, Hoth, Coruscant, Dromund Kaas, Taris. I remember doing quests on other planets, but other than bits of the class story, memory is fleeting. I remember playing WoW. I don't remember Darrowshire. I remember some troll pyramid near a goblin race track. I remember the Deadmines. I remember Gnomeragan. I remember a lot of terrible pop culture references being quests that I would prefer I didn't remember. I don't really remember why we did any of them other than XP and Loot. I do remember that tauren druids fight to have the Ashenvale forest cut down... I do remember pretty much every mission I did in City of Heroes and City of Villains. I remeber people being robbed, abducted and murdered on the streets if I didn't intervene. I remember missions from Auto Assault (If it is clean air, it is HestiAir! 99% contamination free). I remember some missions from Warhammer Online.... barely. I do remember both sides fighting each other though and not simply shooting blindly even if no opponent was around... I remember most missions from Champions Online, especially the Crisis Zones, the Nemesis arcs, the Adventure Packs and Comic Issues. I remember many missions from DC Universe. I even remember missions from Free Realms. I remember drop ships flying in in Tabula Rasa and enemy troops ambushing me. Sorry, while I'll happily critisize SWTOR for a number of things, and a barren empty world is part of that, WoW is not the game I'd put up as the example of how thigns are done right. Perhaps with later expansions they did things better - after all, Blizzard is very good at seeing what others did right and integrating it (and yes I see that as a positive thing). The huge demon every now and then attacking the entry gate in TBC certainly was a move in the right direction. But living worlds and immersive quests were done far better by other MMOs, that did not think that clever quest design means escorting a robot chicken or Chasing Amy (seems I remember two quests after all).
  21. Finally build a Tycoon monument in Anno 2070. Was great that my economy was doing so well, I could simply buy most of the materials for the construction. Even having them flown in by cargo plane. Tools flown in at the ARK: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=118643337 Final Construction phase: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=118872713 Constructed: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=118872794
  22. Pretty good article. I don't think you can gimp yourself as badly as he says in the opening of the article, but otherwise I agree with pretty much everything.
  23. I thought you meant City of Heroes
  24. I never played either of the IWD games. Tried playing Fallout 1 but only after I had finished 2 and by that time I wasn't really up for it. Did not like the premise of BG2. I had fun with BG1, but I found the story was not my cup of tea, so a sequel held no interest.
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