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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Because you have been trying to take over the world?
  2. We will know on Frday I guess. but the wording that the Berlin DLC will be a one-time-update to the DRM free-version is a bit strange. Because as much as some people want to say that "All it means is that you will only need to install the Berlin DLC once to run it." I just can't take that explanation seriously So the question is why say that? *shrug*
  3. True, for Haunts, scale was very likely something that played a major part. I wouldn't go as far as using terms as "malicious" and hope I didn't come across that way But I do think that HBS knew they were announcing something not everyone would be happy about but chose to go the "exciting news!" route regardless. But we'll seee what they'll have to say Friday.
  4. To a large part the wording of the update was quite poor though. They did not say that for reasons XYZ they are going with Steam exclusively. They said they looked into things and then decided that it will be awesome to go with Steam the same way other awesome games have done and that Steam is awesome. They tried giving it a rather cheap marketing spin. In that they went completly against the transparency a lot of people expect from kickstarter projects. In stark contrast I'd place the Haunts kickstarter which actually failed to create the final product. The updates outlined the problems and how that happened and the majority of backers were very supportive. Maybe if HBS had tried less to play the iconic used car salesman and instead explained part of the process of how such a decission was reached, then more people would be more understanding. I can't promise I would be. I do know though that I did not ask for a refund when Rick offered them for Haunts; instead I tried to be as supportive as one can through the kickstarter comment section. So I do know that a bit of openess works wonders with me at least.
  5. They added him in an update for subscribers around the time it went F2P I think. (though it was known he would be added since before release) I hear the missions to get him are rather tedious.
  6. Actually I knew this really pretty lawyer once. Tried to go out with her. She didn't want to go out with me But yeah, I agree with you.
  7. It's not a what may happen thing. It's the "We know we promised you this stuff DRM free, ok you'll get it. But anything after that, patches and the planned DLC will be Steam only." And actually, believe it or not, there are hobbies outside gaming Draconian DRM on everything that would make me want to not game? Awesome, I'd get less distracted from drawing and writing
  8. Good post on the SRR forum, Shady
  9. On an unrelated note to the merits and faults of Thatcher. BruceVC, am I a bad person for looking at this thread this morning and thinking "Thatcher may be dead, but !" ?
  10. The demo is terribly bugged as well. Definitly worth staying away from the demo. But the game isn't hard, though ettins etc can be really annoying.
  11. Just don't expect the bestestest story ever. I find some of the side quests and faction quests rather good and the premise has potential, but as a whole, the story falls short of all the advertising they had done for it. But it can be a pleasant, fun run if you give it a chance.
  12. Meh, even with headstart, Pancake was taken as a character name on every server I tried. So no running around as a Padawan Pancake :/ Ruined the whole Jedi thing for me
  13. Fascinating isn't it? A game that has been critisized for being way too short can still offer a 100 hours playthrough. I noticed the other day that my playtrhough as about 120 hours. I had the most fun as a backstabby dagger person.
  14. At least the low to mid level flashpoints you can return at a higher level and solo. I had to solo Cademimu because I never found a team. Which wasn't too bad as it meant I could play it at my own pace
  15. I would hope that both games will have better gameplay than a game as old as PS:T. Gampleay seems a bit easier to evaluate objectively than writting, so I would expect developers to have made more noticeable and broadly welcomed progress in that part
  16. The "some of" obviously just meaning that, while a number of the intellectual pygmies are beneath contempt, others, though still intellectual pygmies, aren't beneath contempt. Now if you wanted to react the way you did and be justified in doing so, you may have wanted to say: "Some of the people attacking her legacy are intellectual pygmies beneath contempt." But an educated gentleman like yourself does of course not require lessons in syntax from random people on the internet.
  17. Been reading HTML tutorials and looking at sites' source codes. Tryign to make my own page, but with an editor to make it easy I feel restricted by the editor when it comes to making "my own" stuff, even when it's something as simple as wanting a navbar that isn't a preset colour. I see many more headaches in my imediate future.
  18. Ah yes, insulting people. That always raises oneself above contempt and helps underline the truth of one's own opinion *nodnod* Interesting how the most venom in this thread does not come from the people who disliked her, but from her supporters.
  19. You have upgraded your cave with cannons on the surface?
  20. I'm now more interested in the P&P Numenera than the comp game... Three months 'till that coms out, right?
  21. Throne of Night just pased it's funding goal as well.
  22. Recrutied only 1 more in the void? Or only 1 so far?
  23. Damn sales. It works out cheaper to buy stuff I am not interested int han to just buy what I want
  24. Stretch goals I have no problems with. What really bothered me was what Obsidian did with Project Eternity: add content based on number of backers instead of total cash. Kinda puts a different spin on the whole "we need funds for content". Turned it more into a "This is market research that gains us cash. Now prove that there is enough of you to make it worth for us to truly dedicate ourselves to the project." Then again I get cynical with things like that.
  25. Hmm a Hutt from Hutt Space who is not wearing a hat is building huts for men in hats in HD.
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