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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Indeed, WHFRPG can benefit a lot from house-rules. Of course most systems do, but being more obscure seems to keep people from rules-lawyering as much as I have seen them do with D&D. Then again, I have come to prefer to play with players who have never even seen the rulebook
  2. Decided yesterday to finanly get started on Hamlet.
  3. Today I accidentaly viewed LadyCrimson's profile. I clicked the mouse button, yet apparently the mouse cursor was not exactly on "what are you playing now?", hovering a bit lower of the topic creator instead. If I can't hit my target on a static forum, I gues I dont have to wonder why I am pants at shooters.
  4. Indeed Only tried Back in Action and wasn't too convinced (though I hear the old ones were the good ones). I am more an UFO: Enemy Unknown kinda guy.
  5. I backed them as well. And I expect fewer (or no) nasty surprises from them
  6. Picked up my Age of Wonders playthrough again. Finished the dwarven chapter, now on to the elves and the valley of wonders.
  7. The lab was better hidden than any Illuminati secret facility. Drive to hospital: 10 minutes. Drive back from hospital: 10 minutes Fill out the donor form and talk with doctor: 3 minute Donate blood: 5-10 minutes Find the bloody place after reaching the hospital: 30 minutes Goes to show how little people donate blood over here...
  8. They were probably too busy shooting each other in Unreal Torment to notice the mistake...
  9. See, I don't know your older brother, so his 50th birthday didn't affect me at all What usually affects me is walking through areas I used to pass through very often in the past and no longer do. Especially when someone walks past you and you realize that you have walked past this person before years ago...
  10. Eh, had that wierd moment when Heath Ledger died and I realized he was only a couple of months older than I.
  11. Do they have a dedicated writer, or does the writer also program? (on smaller teams people become multidisciplinary) For SRR they seem to have a dedicated writer. Or at least the writer is not a progammer. As far as I know Jordan does not code, he does the writing and has managerial duties, but no programming ones?
  12. How does writing or resolution affect the ability to code a save-feature? The writing is done by someone else in the team and so is most likely the whole graphicsystuff.
  13. This thread needs the proper musical theme:
  14. The stupidly success of 1,8 million? It's a lot but not that much. Compared to what they were asking and what other kickstarters get? Let's not compare to PE or Torment, those were really odd ones out. But they asked for 400k and got 1.8mil, 4.5 times as much as they claimed they needed to finish the game. It all looks like a lot of miscalculations on their part.
  15. The checkpoint system kinda gives me the "bad console port" feel without it being a port I'm not happy though that they has such a stupidly successful kickstarter campaign and then say that they did not have the money to implement a proper savegame function.
  16. Well, the book isn't out yet, I have time to learn restraint. If you are making excuses before the book has even hit the shelves, that doesn't bode well for the campaign
  17. So we don't get to have an online Obsidian forum Numenera campaign because you couldn't control your gaming urges...
  18. That's why I don't really read backer updates for anything but Dead State, where Brian told us he would not do story spoilers of any sorts
  19. Now I'm curious what the image was
  20. I think it does give the writers some itneresting possibilities to explore. I will try to not read anything else about the story though so I can find out things when the game is ready. Bad enough I know that I'll be the discarded shell of a body-hopping immortal
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