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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. So since LadyCrimson got into the trouble of starting a new thread, someone needs to post in it: Slowly trudging through my Age of Wonders playthrough. Wrapping up the challenges in Saints Row 3. Car surfing is a pain. Made a character in Defiance. Have started Planescape Torment and NWN2 playthroughs for when everything else gets on my nerves. Working on building up my Tycoon population in my new sandbox Anno 2070 map. Juggling supplies for so many different groups of people is getting quite tough. Arguing with my computer that she is cheating when we play Magic the Gathering.
  2. The second edition is different. I think quite a few of us weren't all that convinced. I like what they did with the magic system, the rest though I was rather unimpressed with. It is lacking something. I am not sure the first edition really had it, but with the second edition I found myself asking "So what exactly makes this Warhammer 2nd Ed and not just a system with the label stuck on?"
  3. Yup. It's fun in a sadistic way when the player realizes that yes, they will live because of the FP, but nowhere does it say that they will do so in one piece
  4. The easy to use chart to work out whether Melkathi liked an episode of Game of Thrones: Everything is cumulative For every scene staring Sansa substract 3 For every scene staring Theon or Jeoffrey substract 2 For every scene staring Cercei substract 1 For every scene staring Rob, Jon, Bron, Varys, Ygritte or Jamie add 1 For every scene staring Tyrion or Dany add 2 for every scene that includes Dany burning stuff ignore this chart and simply note: "Yes"
  5. The important question: Is the cat ok?
  6. then she has been in breach of contract for quite a while now
  7. There is quite a bit of sex in the books. The problem with the series is, they had to cut a lot for obvious reasons. The one thing they didn't cut was the sex, changing the balance quite a bit. Especially the first half of season 2 seemed to have some episodes that did little to advance the plot but a lot for providing some sort of fan service Also, what is a TMH locking pin?
  8. I was thinking of Tricia Helfer in BSG. When I first saw her in the pilot and season 1, I dismissed her as a former victoria secret model trying herself at acting. But twinning her role with that of James Callis and the writers giving her a chance allowed her to actually do more than be a pretty blond. By the end of the series I absolutely adored her Then of course there is the Wire... Or some of the young ones in Game of Thrones (though I am not yet 100% convinced by the show as a show - too much sex just for the sake of saying "We are HBO and we have sex!").
  9. The digital $65 Dragon Commander tier is now sold out. So it's now available only as an addon or at the $80 tier. Things look good for the Traits and Talents stretch goal. Less than 60k needed in 4 days. The Companion stretch goal on the other hand... would be great though.
  10. I'd need a group to play with... My hopes are with Keyrock doing an online Numenera Skype/Ventrilo/Sumthin Campaign for forum regulars
  11. Have you seen some of the stats some of the others got?
  12. A bit of both? And I guess chemistry between people is important too. Especially if the good people are the kind of "good" that helps the others to unlock their potential.
  13. After working in a press office, I'd say never trust a journalist
  14. Nope. Last hot person to send me a random invite was a scammer on linkedin who wanted to make a "business proposal"
  15. I need to learn not to accept random facebook friend invites. Guy from Brazil spammed me with car adverts. Woman from Greece asking me if I am married...
  16. I haven't been there either. The prospect scares me, since I the reactions from "hardcore rpgers" I have seen was one that would get on my nerves.
  17. When you think it can't get worse, there is always the Youtube comment section
  18. I don't think I'll ever venture near a Numenera forum. I had enough "A billion years? That is not possible! Monte knows nothing." from a real life aquaintance.
  19. That's why I don't watch that kind of movies
  20. Seems I have experienced some wierd glitch then. *shrug* It's tech stuff. There are bound to be things going wrong for me. I got magical aptitude in the arcanum sense. Ring the door bell and in the flat the light bulb dies. The other night I was walking down the street and ever time I passed under a street light the light would flicker until I was a few steps away again. But my magic is dying.... when it was strong I would look at a friend's monitor and windows would crash. Ah those were the days.
  21. Update: Today I figured out that clicking "like" on another person's post is not a kindness but instead an act of trolling. A "liked" post can no longer be edited. This is probably done to prevent people from having the object of their liking changed to something they would not like at all. The real world application of this though is far more sinister: by "liking" posts, the likers prevent the poster from correcting spelling mistakes and typos, preserving them for posterity. So next time one of your posts is "liked", be not too hasty in thinking there are kindred souls on the internet. Chances are you had made a typo and are now victim to a gang of typo-preservists.
  22. Indeed, WHFRPG can benefit a lot from house-rules. Of course most systems do, but being more obscure seems to keep people from rules-lawyering as much as I have seen them do with D&D. Then again, I have come to prefer to play with players who have never even seen the rulebook
  23. Decided yesterday to finanly get started on Hamlet.
  24. Today I accidentaly viewed LadyCrimson's profile. I clicked the mouse button, yet apparently the mouse cursor was not exactly on "what are you playing now?", hovering a bit lower of the topic creator instead. If I can't hit my target on a static forum, I gues I dont have to wonder why I am pants at shooters.
  25. Indeed Only tried Back in Action and wasn't too convinced (though I hear the old ones were the good ones). I am more an UFO: Enemy Unknown kinda guy.
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