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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. More screnshots, including the creepy dude edition. Non-creepy 1 - Ronja pulverizing with the "Pulverizer" powerfist: Creepy 1 - von Bach: And a break from Defiance: Non-creepy 2 - Surrounded: Creepy 2 - Leering halfling summoning mermaids:
  2. I've been trying to adapt the system from The Lichmaster for managing large fights. It's too unique a situation though...
  3. Hmmm, would need a it more dominant role of Myrmidia in that calendar I guess. While she does not have any set holy days, I guess you could create some of your own based on past crusades launched by the Magritta temple. You could even start your own calendar at 1500 IC when the first religious war with Arabia started.
  4. For marketing you have to click on the Hype bar at the top of the screen during development. A large marketing campaign has so far been a waste of money for me. I got a loyal fanbase. Especially the Bearplane franchise which has an active modding community (someone ported the original Bearplane from the original DOS version to the newer operating systems). I would say Gameplay adds the fighting system. Story greatly affects content, but so does level design. Engine I would say allows you to get the most out of the capabilities of your engine. So if you have a lvl 3 3D graphics capable engine, you spend all your resources on graphics but none on engine, the graphics, while great, wont truly reach the capabilities of your own engine. On the other hand, if you push engine but not graphics, then in the real world, people would be commenting that you can only truly enjoy the game with a texture mod So for an action game I go full gameplay, quite a bit of engine, and a bit of story, then add good level design and AI and try to push graphics as high as possible. It works quite well. It's the action RPGs that I have trouble with. I have to spend resources on story, world building and dialogue and that takes away from gameplay. For a strategy game I found AI to be very important. You want the AI oppenent to be a challenge.
  5. Not sure what you are doing wrong. I am usually doing rather well. The sequel for Bearplane, Bearplane: Blue Skies was my first title to reahc double digit profit in the millions. (very fitting as Bearplane was what got me out of the garrage) Since then Ursus Ex: Bearvolution, though not getting the scores I wanted (8.25 I think) did great financially and so did T.B.O: Teddy Unknown. Had a couple of games at a loss, but mostly because I chose publishing deals that weren't all that great. Strategy games and 2d adventure games sell well on the PC. So do flight sims apparently. Action and casual games sell well on consols. Specific audiences can be tricky, so I wouldn't tackle those until you are certain you can deliver. I'd say do not bring out sequels until you have a new engine. With a new engine and new tech, the press is generally positively disposed towards the sequel. Early on I'd say concentrate on specific aspects of each game: an action game needs little to no story, same for sports and racing games. An adventure game needs little gameplay and less AI. If you are launching a new engine with new graphics options, then its good to put those to good use and show the customers what your new engine can do, Also: PC never has a huge market share, but does have dedicated gamers. Nintendo is great for consols once you have the cash to pay licensing. Once Sony starts on consols they are also a great source of income. Sega is great for the early two consols but the handheld and the dreamcast will vanish very fast so may not be worth developing for. My Legacy of Bear series of mature action RPGs about a vampire teddy bear are a bit of a disappointment even though they made a nice profit.... edit: make sure you don't overwork your team. When assigning them to tasks, keep them in the green. Even if its a very light green. If you drive them too hard during a project, they will make mistakes. And remember there are three stages with three areas each. So you have to assign 9 people to a project (in a three man tam everyone gets assigned three times on average...) So if you have a small task, assign it to someone who will have a large task down the line.
  6. Defiance has little video unlocks for the enemy factions. Still from the scrapper video: Taking a swing at an Arkfall crystall with a powerfist: Running with a powerfist: Shotgun to the face: Sneaking up on raiders: Racing towards an Arkfall (love them at night when the sky goes all funky colours) : When the enemy is unfairly big, bring an unfairly big gun: And still fail to get the kill shot:
  7. Quest for Rum, a (point and click) pirate adventure game did equally well as Warbear: Tactics. But what really rocked the gaming world was a flight simulator (using my improved Beargine v1.1 with Joystick support). Bearplane did amazingly well. Getting only one 9 in reviews (from All Games), the rest were solid 10s. It made around 2mil in profit. So I got an office space and hired two young developers. Sadly Speedbear 1, the attempt to create a racing game for a young audience on handhelds was a complete failure at a -51k loss. Forced us to get a publisher for the next couple of games. Brought out Bears of Magic, a fantasy stategy game on the PC which did rather well, though it also got pirated quite a bit. Bearstronauts 2 and Bears from Mars both did quite well on consol and handhelds and Speedbear 2, with 3D graphics and aimed at a more casual experience ressurected the Speedbear franchise. Now I am considering bringing out Bearplane 3D without a publisher. Or try something new in the Sci-Fi genre with Ursus Ex Machina...
  8. Started playing. Screenshots in the appropriate threat
  9. Back to posting screenshots: Teddy Bear Softworks releases its first game: Bearstronauts Expanding the Bear-franchise and the developer's commitment to gameplay Bearlympics is released The attempt to reach a larger audience and try something new is less successfull. The Bears of Avalon, a story driven rpg on the G64 is less successfull, but does earn enough to allow for the developmenet of the in-house engine Beargine v1: The return to the PC in a new genre and debuting the new engine gets media coverage and great reviews:
  10. Playing Game Dev Tycoon. Created a small start-up in my garage called Teddy Bear Softworks. We just released our fourth game and the first game using the inhouse engine Beargine v1 Warbear: Tactics got great reviews, so I hope it will earn me back part of the 120k I spend developing the engine.
  11. I guess we can't all be dunmer smurf mages living in mushroom towers that require levitation to reach the bedroom.
  12. All those places in Cyrodiil look the same
  13. Yup. And guess what: outlaw character background Chose the frisian spelling though Now if only I hadn't left GW2 unpatched since November, I could get a screenshot with the รด instead of the o. Defiance doesn't like that kind of letters.
  14. Worst threat I have issued to a player: "Do whatever you like, but know this: I do not kill players. But I do not allow them to make a new character until the old one is dead either."
  15. Are we talking imperial calendar? 0 for the Empire and Cult of Sigmar is Sigmar's rise to power. Interestingly enough, first edition Warhammer RPG states a number of dates differently than the link Elerond posted. So GW probably redconned a few dates as they fleshed out various cultures in the Fantasy Battle setting. The original High Elf year 0 was -6000 IC, while now it seems to be -4500 IC. The new date puts it far closer to the Dwarf Year 0 at -4000 IC. The realy question is what kind of setting you are running. If you are palying 1st ed. and are using the adventures and stuff published for that, then your campaign is not really compatible with the newer fantasy battle stuff. I would then (and thats what I do in my own campaigns) ignore wiki entries and stick to events and characters as described in the old books.
  16. Grabbing a big experimental gun: and putting it to good use:
  17. Have you done the Weapon Shipment random event? It gives a huge experimental gattling cannon with about 5k ammunition. My dream is to take one of those to an Arkfall. Already managed to solo a Wandering Hulker that way Will put up screenshots in the screenshot threat.
  18. Isn't that pretty much the whole concept of Epic Mickey?
  19. Cyanide games have stupid DRM if bought directly from their own store. They have only steamworks if bought through Steam. I was very happy when eventually I could bind my Blood Bowl games to Steam and be done with the stupid online activation through Cyanide.
  20. Still playing Defiance. Having more fun now that I have started to get the hang of it and don't die as often as I did two days ago. Managed to rank first on a minor Arkfall event. Yay Spend a good hour exploring and searching for stuff only to give up, do a story mission and have the story mission lead me right to them...
  21. I did the same. Played it a very very short bit and realized it would be a full-time job to even begin to understand it.
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