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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Pretty good article. I don't think you can gimp yourself as badly as he says in the opening of the article, but otherwise I agree with pretty much everything.
  2. I thought you meant City of Heroes
  3. I never played either of the IWD games. Tried playing Fallout 1 but only after I had finished 2 and by that time I wasn't really up for it. Did not like the premise of BG2. I had fun with BG1, but I found the story was not my cup of tea, so a sequel held no interest.
  4. First that Crhis Avellsomething person hasn't played Arcanum. Now you haven't played Planescape Torment. I am waiting for the person on this forum who will say "I am playing Hide & Seek for the first time. I am excited to try the playground classic for the first time"
  5. And at least the english translation I read was not the best. That is why I will never criticise the man's style and use of language. But for what I am missing in the book, for the translation to be at fault, the original would have to have been 300 pages longer :/
  6. I moved from Cyprus to Greece and then locked myself in the basement playing Anno 2070 Metro 2033 is a book by Dmitry Glukhovsky. I heard god things about both book and the game that was based on it, so I read the book. I did not like it. At all. The setting allows for great exploration of society and human nature, as like minded individuals flock to specific metro stations and create their post apocalyptic micro-societies. But while the world and politics of the various stations is fascinating in and by itself, which could have made for a fantastic series of books (or TV series or movie or whatever) even without the supernatural aspect, it is given no depth at all. Instead, the character stumbles from encounter to encounter, like Hercules or Xena in certain tv series stumbled from episode to episode. To make matters worse, with the supernatural aspect, the character does not even need to get out of the encounters through his own effort, as the main plot takes care of everything. While this works well for a computer game, where atmosphere is key. The book is (in my not really all that humble opinion) ruined by it.
  7. Shame the book was such a let down. Great setting with fantastic potential turned into... meh... something... meh
  8. Yeah, wish they allowed for a skip there. Then again I'd also want them to let you skip dialogue and cut scenes, to make replays more enjoyable.
  9. Actually you aren't even supposed to zoom this close to the whale. They made complete models for big whales, orcas, dolphins, but they are meant to be only seen from above sea level. If you zoom this close in below sea, they quickly swim out of view and despawn. Takes a lot of swirling the cameras wierdly to quickly grab a shot of a whale that thought it was outside the view area So I was actually kinda impressed they put this much effort into them, adding eyes and everything. But after 91 hours of game-time (according to Steam anyway) I finally found out that hitting F1 enters "Postcard View" That would have been nice to have known before... So I made a couple more screenshots with that view: Trenchcoat's carrier anchored off the shore of my main colony of Sunset: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=117673269 One of my little ships pulling up alongside the carrier to trade: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=117673152 zooming in on Sunset: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=117673366 my research colony with Rufus Thorn's ARK and cargo ships in the background: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=117673482 and my off-shore rigs: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198007554934/screenshots/?appid=48240 Still believe Trenchcoat's floating market is awesome. Some day I'll remember to crank the graphics settings up just to take a screenshot of it And not in Postcard view and less peaceful: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=117618539 A warship sinking below the waves, after being hunted down by submarines near the E.T.O facilities (though Doctor Ebashi was not involved in the skirmish, besides selling me those submarines...)
  10. I just realized that I must have played close to 30 hours of Anno 2070 in the past 10 days... I took wildlife screenshots. Deer Crossing: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=117618624 (though I think those must have bugged out as they aren't moving away from the road) Colourfull fishies: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=117566621 Whale: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=117618687 Dolphin archeologists: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=117566696
  11. I haven't given up as such, I am taking breaks between attempts That's the forum I thought you were refering to. I have a stupidly high post count there...
  12. Heh, lonliness What game is that? The Baconing (read: Deathspank 3)
  13. I don't really care about achievements. The friend list is nice and it makes (spontaneous) multiplayer quite easy, especially with friends in other countries. But the real bonus for me is that it made it easy for me to have access to my games even though I moved 4 times in the past two years and am hoping to be moving again soon.
  14. You didn't complain much though as I hardly remember those complaints
  15. Yeah keyboard player here as well. Did the exact same thing: Took a couple of days break. Then in frustration I watched a Let's Play and noticed with what ease other people did it. Went back to the game and suddenly passed the point in one go.
  16. Is that where you have to slime/box jump onto a platform with rotating skulls/smiley spikey faces and then jump to the next platform with those? That gave me quite a headache. The rest of the level is a cake walk in comparison and so is the last level. The final boss on the other hand... completly different story. Stuck there for a week now.
  17. Honorable mention for Dishonorable That sounds wierd.
  18. Tried playing some The Secret World. The writing is great, but man am I not enjoying the gameplay. Don't think I can force myself through more of it.
  19. Here let me help you: I own over 100 games on Steam, but I am disappointed with the recent sales. This is my point. Anything else you need help with? Didn't need help in the first place. But since you are offering. how about you come over and do some dusting.
  20. Finished the campaign in Anno 2070. Loads of fun, though I had some real trouble trying to salvage my economy. Was good though that the combat bits were just that: bits. Building a fleet to attack the enemy may be the objective, but it really only is a minor thingie. Cleaning up the oil spill that has thrown the eco-balance to beyond catastrophic, while keeping people fed throughout the cleaning process... May not be marked as an objective but its what made the level memorable.
  21. Noone is telling you to buy anything from specific retailers. Don't want to buy from Steam? Don't.
  22. 1. Giana Sisters Twisted Dreams 2. Adventures of Shuggy That's all I remember for now.
  23. Don't ask anyone, Do what I did: walk against a concrete beam Just do at a higher speed than me. I'm still concious so it didn't work...
  24. Low ceiling basement. Was absendminded and walked into a low beam. Now my head is bleeding... Ouch.
  25. True, got carried away with vowels and added U to the list even though U is a case by case thing. I guess if it has the latin root such as uniform or uranium etc then its "a". When it doesn't then its "an" urgency, "an" ulterior motive etc. With abreviations its wierd, but it isn't the sound of the letter but the word that is the name of the letter that is actually pronounced. So what you are actually saying is Gorth is an excom Operative What I find confusing is things like "an EU council meeting" if using the abreviation, but "a European Union council meeting: if you don't use it.
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