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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. But otherwise your ok, right? edit: on a personal note: am having a Nepenthe moment in regards to university and final papers...
  2. Winter Sale is on. For the next 24 hours (of 23 hours 48 minutes) that means Bullfrog games are 75% off. The package is Populous 1-3 + Dungeon Keeper 1-2 + Theme Hospital + Syndicate + Magic Carpet = $11.92 Among other great deals: 50% off: Torment now at 4.99 Alpha Centauri at 2.99 Master of Orion 1-2 at 2.99 Startopia 2.99 The Witcher 2 60% off at 14.99... My definite buys will be Deponia and Battle Realms
  3. Naked Esseles runs. Watching an ugly sith threaten a jedi in his underpants. Or my smuggler wearing jedi robes instead of smuggler gear to trick the RNG into thinking I was a jedi, having decided that it is biased in favour of force users (who seem to affect loot and conversation roles with the force).
  4. Yeah, had enough of that from my dance partner
  5. Wasn't much of a fan of DK2. I own it, but the game is about offense where DK1 was about defense. Or aggressive defense. Or offensive defense...
  6. Hard when they are loud and make a point of trying to be the center of attention. What are you going to do? Get up from the table every time the person sits down? It gets tedious after a while. Esecially when you have too many cowards in the group who will not do so because then they would have to have an opinion. Though I will point out to university again in spring, that I would have expected them to handle someone like that more efficiently at least during lectures.
  7. I got issues now that I didn't have at lunch. Extreme audio corruption within instances.
  8. Wasn't possible. You would have gotten a speech on why you are a narrow minded person who needs to learn to accept other people's opinions.
  9. Yeah "obnoxious" that is a nice way of putting it I think half of us do not talk to him at all anymore. Have him blocked on facebook and his emails tagged as spam. But I do dread the possibility of him being present when we are due back for the graduation ceremony, as my upbringing prevents me from punching people's teeth out...
  10. I'll give them $50 when I get home from the office. That looks very promising and right up my alley.
  11. We had this one guy during the masters programme... Had to put up with him because there were only 20 of us and we would see each other every day for 9 months and the class was the social group for that period of time. And some people were too lazy, cowardly, naive to say "yes we are a tiny group and we should, when doing something as a class invite everyone in the class, but if a certain someone chooses to be a racists, sexist, chauvinist piece of filth we would be ashamed to be associated with, then maybe an exception should be made".
  12. I'm just amused everytime I see someone claim that they are "forced" to pirate
  13. I am sticking with the Startopia advice
  14. All I am saying is that one person has to do the first step and saying hat "they are insincere therefor I refuse" is not it. It's ok if people decide they are not interested in salvaging a situation, but unless there is good reason, it can be seen as equally insincere to the accuse the other side. Just speaking as someone who is on reltively good terms again with a formerly estranged relative
  15. Work blocked whatever you posted, so I have no clue what "this" is... though the Daenerys comemnt suggests its one of the Game of Thrones games by Cyanide (not too fond of Cyanide. I feel there is always something off with their games. Miss Chaos League though. BloodBowl is lacking a lot of the charm of that game)
  16. Well, one has to decide whether one is interested to overcome the estrangedness with family. If one just says "we are estranged so any contact is only out of family duty" then of course one will drift further appart. It's really up to each person to decide whether they are happy this way or not. *shrug*
  17. I was not impressed by the force users' stories or the trooper one. The bounty hunter one I foudn the pasing on the starting planet to be off and completly failed to connect with the story. I had a lot of laughs with my smuggler (not wearing cowboy hats. though you can see most of what Ronja looked liked in this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=234058 ), though she had a lot of moments where she would facepalm again and again. Sith side I found the agent most agreeable with me to the point I played sith side, as I could play them as someone who does their duty in a state that is messed up.
  18. Or they could polymorph you into a rat and have you learn how to stealthily evade newbie adventurers then stealth kill them from behind. Rename the whole game into Rat's Creed: Rodent Revolution.
  19. I don't care what -mance it is. I don't care for any -mance. Unless it has been given enough work to truly anchor it in the story. Deep relationships between npcs and/or between the player and the npcs can enhance the game experience. Simply outfitting every npc with a romance dialogue tree because the game needs to offer enough virtual relationships for as broad a target audience as possible does not provide what I find worthwhile. Perhaps JRPGs have it easier there by not necessarily having one single player character in the same way that for example Mass Effect does. Thus for example FF7 can spend a lot of time on the Cloud-Tifa or Cloud-Aeris relationship or even the Vincent arc, stories that are strong in the "relationship" department, without turning your party into a soap opera or the shrink's couch (and all the FF charcters definitly need a shrink). I am quite happy in seeing a great love story in the game if the writing team feels they can pull it off and that it will enhance the experience - I by no means feel the need to be the protagonist in it or the object of desire all the npcs fight over.
  20. I sure hope so. I loved the Brotherhood aspect to the war of the four kings.
  21. The differences between the books and the series are more dramatic in the second season, Riverrun, Brynden & Edmure Tully and Meera & Jojen Reed being rather glaring omissions. I hope they don't keep that trend going as the series continues. I realize they sacrificed faithfulness to the book in Arya's story to make Tywin Lannister an actual character rather than just this looming shadow, but it's surprising for HBO to be going to lengths to tone things down and soften them up, considering how Arya deals with Harrenhal in the book, which was more interesting in her development as a character. What a friend and I have been wondering is:
  22. That's part of what ruins Guild Wars 2 personal story missions.
  23. Thanks *nomnom* Going to wait to see what games you write about.
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