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Everything posted by Jasede

  1. What if mana potions were rare and worked only outside combat by slowly regenerating some mana? Hardcore enough? Call mana "soul energy" or whatever if it makes it sound more hardcore for you. Would work for me. But it'd be hard to balance and rarely is something that's supposed to be rare in theory actually rare in practice in a game. You know what'd be interesting? If casting spells drained Soul Energy, and when you run out, you die. So you can only cast so many spells. Ever. You'd end up managing your soul energy very carefully, always worrying if you should expend some to win a tough fight or abstain and possibly lose the battle. That'd make an interesting setting.
  2. What do you expect? I know what I expect: a game like Baldur's Gate 1/2, IWD 1/2 and PS:T. That's what the pitch advertised. Supporting cooldowns in a game like that would be the exact same thing as supporting minigames.
  3. I am backing out as soon as cooldowns are confirmed. That's nothing like an IE game. As if people can't handle their wizard not doing something _AWESOME_ every single turn of combat. Ticks me off, actually. Let's hope for the best; maybe he will see the light yet.
  4. Sawyer didn't rule out cooldowns? That bodes ill. Nobody likes cooldowns, only RPG designers.
  5. I've got it! Dusk Elves! They will be the mortal enemy of the Afternoon Elves.
  6. I don't know what other races to expect. Truth to be told I'm more than a little surprised that there'll be dwarves and elves... again. What can change the nature of a fantasy RPG setting?
  7. One of the most enjoyable things I ever did was solo BG 1 and 2 as a wizard. It was so entertaining I did it twice. In my opinion that says a lot about what system is the best because my opinion always coincides with the truth. Edit: Sorcerers have the most boring casting mechanics; I can't stand them.
  8. No, unless you're expressively playing a hack & slash campaign and every player and the DM agreed on the campaign being exclusively about mechanical challenges, or unless you're playing a war game.
  9. The more the merrier as long as the quality is there. If they're even half-way decent more optional and, to some degree, mutually exclusive quests do nothing but increase replay value.
  10. I'd be happy with BG 1/2 style inventories with a carry capacity stat to deal with bulky/heavy items. Abstraction is fine.
  11. Under no circumstances; good grief.
  12. Vancian casting is perfect. It rewards planning and foresight, qualities a wizard ought to possess. It also fosters versatility.
  13. Mark my words, it'll either be delayed or unfinished. I have no problems with waiting. I'd like to see an Obsidian game that doesn't seem like I have to read a Let's Play of it just so I can see all the (important) cut content- I am looking at you, KOTOR 2.
  14. You've got to be joking. You aren't experiencing any trolling in this thread, even though strictly speaking you deserve severe mocking. Fortunately for you the forum rules prevent me from telling you exactly why your thread is pointless in the manner I am accustomed to. Frankly it seems like you are the one who is trolling.
  15. Yes, it's pretty safe to assume there won't be a boxed version after this is over, which is unfortunate. Printing, distribution and retail costs are insane I'm afraid.
  16. AF/UU are a completely different genre of RPG for which different mechanics are more appropriate. I feel that an IE game ought to focus on different mechanics than the semi-open world Ultima 6/7 or the first-person dungeon crawlers UU and Arx Fatalis. Unless this game came with a dedicated food system there is really no reason to bother with all the additional time this would require. There'd need to be a fishing skill, various fishing outcomes, a system to cook or process the fish and so on and so on. And what for? People would still just buy food at the next inn. I know I walked around with a giant bag of jerky in Ultima 7 because it was the cheapest even though in theory I could have baked bread for free.
  17. This is a fine idea for games like Ultima Underworld, Arx Fatalis or Ultima but I just don't see this having a place in an IE-like game.
  18. I'd like Climbing as a skill to be used during certain quests or at specific hot-spots. Maybe your Rogue can use the Thieves' Highway in a city or you can climb upon a rock to see what enemies lie up ahead, or to roll a boulder on them if you are strong enough. I am not talking about physics objects here. I am talking about hotspots you can click and then you get a dialogue-like text-adventure interface, sort of like interacting with objects in PS:T.
  19. NPCs shouldn't automatically divine your class. That said I do believe in additional, exclusive content for thieves and wizards because that was never bad in QfG or PS:T. Think Wizard School or Mebbeth's magic training or a thieves guild. It shouldn't be tied to the class as much as the ability to steal / use magic, but it's not a huge deal.
  20. I find this unnecessary. IE games aren't Fallout/Arcanum.
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