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Everything posted by PrimeJunta

  1. Uh... yes? Here's a hint though: if you want to take things more slowly, just recruit one or two companions and flesh the party out with hired adventurers of the classes you're interested in.
  2. Personally I'd rather ignore the hyper-touchy SIJW's who turn the Internet into a bonfire of nerd rage every time someone voices an objection to something. But I'm willing to contain my side to one thread if you're willing to contain yours.
  3. This place needs an official Social (In)Justice Thread. It's the same shouting match every time anyway. Keep it contained, like the Official Romance Thread.
  4. Hoo boy, are you ever setting yourself up for self-punishment. Just reload and do something else. Or play Trial of Iron, depending on how hard you are.
  5. I did read them. I just didn't think you addressed them. E.g. the unkillable tank, you replied "how are you going to pump those three stats?" By dumping the other three, duh. If you want to be taken seriously, you'll have to do a lot better than that.
  6. @Ligtzy start by addressing the criticisms instead of ranting. Your system isn't very good and several people ITT have pointed out exactly why.
  7. I agree. I barely ever get to the point where I get to use an invocation and by then the fight is already won anyway. They need to come one phrase sooner.
  8. @Zwiebelchen have you tried making an interrupter build? I did -- for a bit -- and it was rather lulzy.
  9. Yeah, most of them are really silly and kinda jarring. The Club for Refined and Prestigious Gentlemen was awesome though. Oh, and, @Monte Carlo -- I have good news and bad news for you. The good news is, you can wear a golden codpiece. The bad news is, it used to belong to OldManPaco from the Codex.
  10. There isn't a transparent aggro system in the mechanics ("do this to create threat"). Insetad, the AI does whatever it "thinks" is most effective, and different enemies have different scripts. Phantoms, shades, and such target your casters first, for example, and there's simply no way you can "make" them target your tank. The AI has improved a lot over the course of the beta BTW.
  11. No way. NO WAY! One of the biggest kicks I get is poking my nose in places it shouldn't be and consequently getting it pushed in. Fortunately I would rate the likelihood of this getting implemented as around one snowball in seven Acherons.
  12. Yay, let's have the respec argument again. Just put it in a savegame editor for crying out loud. My list: Per-character stealth with vision cones instead of circles. Counterspell features, not necessarily dedicated counters, but buffs countering thematically appropriate debuffs, e.g. a buff to Will could also dispel Confused, Frightened, Charmed, etc., and a buff to movement speed could counter Hobbled, Stuck, Paralyzed etc. Remove the out-of-combat restrictions on spells and abilities. The durations are short enough that they won't become rote anyway. Fix the Chanter. He takes too long to get to the Invocations. By the time he gets to use one, the fight is over, or as good as, but they're his coolest abilities. Buff the wizard. The iconic Fireball is anemic. The damaging spells should be on par with the druid's, which is currently the nuker par excellence (and should NOT be nerfed). Edit: and, most importantly BRING BACK PIRATE PISTOLS! I want to dual-wield a saber and pistol. BOOM! Slash! BOOM! It worked in one of the BB builds but you ... unprintables ... misdiagnosed it as a bug rather than a feature. Pirate pistols back!
  13. The cipher rules btw. Sort of like the warlock minus the demons, except it's fun. Great selection of powers targeting different defenses; turns many of the tougher fights e.g. against incorporeal undead into a cakewalk.
  14. As an aside, over the course of the beta we saw tons of suggestions for attribute systems, including some very similar to the ones here, some by devs, some by beta testers. All of them, including the one that made it into the game, had one or more of the following problems in various degrees: Counterintuitive. "Why does Might make guns do more damage?" "Why does Int make you harder to hit? (when Defl was on Int)" Pumpy/dumpy. "Dexterity adds Accuracy! Dexterity FTW for everyone!" "Might only pumps melee damage, dump for casters!" Overly complex. "Let's see, I want to make a damager, and Damage is split between Might and Resolve, crit chance is spread across Perception, Intellect, and Dexterity, action speed is split between... argh, what did I want to do again...?" Cosmetic. The effects were so nerfed that a toon with 3 in all stats played more or less the same as a toon with 18 in all stats. By now I'm fairly convinced that six attributes is just plain a bad idea. The classic AD&D system might as well not be there at all because the optimal stat distributions are so obvious for each class, and the D&D3 solution of layering on arbitrary stat requirements for feats which were arbitrary requirements for prestige classes just created a different and larger set of forced optimal stat distributions. IOW carry on folks, but I think this is a bit of a . The stats are what they are, and while you might be able to strike a balance between the above problems that's more to your taste, you will have a hard time convincing everyone that it's 'objectively better.' Because I'm pretty sure it will be easy to punch holes in it based on one or more of the above problems.
  15. It's actually not. Look at the spell/ability descriptions. They're an even mix of attacking the various defenses. Quite often you will/should be looking for ways to debuff Deflection though so your non-magical fighters can get damage through.
  16. Yay, this again. Becomes dump stat for wizards, ciphers, druids, rangers, chanters, and priests. Becomes pump stat for fighters, rogues, paladins, barbarians, and monks. I.e., no material change. I.e. no material change. Becomes pump stat for rangers and ciphers. Dump stat for everyone else. Pump stat for wizards, druids, and ciphers. Dump stat for everyone else. Pump for priests. Moderate for fighters. Dump for everyone else. Your system isn't any better.
  17. I'm actually not auto-attacking with the wizard all that much of the time. In the easier encounters, I use his two Arcane Assaults and sometimes Grimoire Slam, and by then it's usually over. And in the harder ones when Aloth gets to open up with the spells, stand clear everyone. But this is the type of game where casters are the "big guns" you bring out when the going gets tough. I haven't really run out of spells as a general rule once I hit level 4 or so, which happens pretty quickly. By the time I'm out, I'm also low on health or fatigued or both. Also am finding two camping supplies is plenty. But then I am feeling my way forward and going somewhere else if things get too manly.
  18. I'd go with a tank-built fighter + ranged cipher. Ciphers get lots of seriously good abilities that synergise with a companion. Two ciphers would probably work too, if you made one a frontliner with high Deflection and Concentration and the other one a glass cannon nuker.
  19. Think of it this way: When dungeon-delving, you're limited by your "strategic health." This includes the health your characters actually have, plus the resources you have to heal them. In the IE games, this was potions + spell slots. In P:E, those potions + spell slots have been replaced by the health + endurance mechanic. Health has the same function as the potions and Cure Light Wounds spells you're carrying. Why? Because priests. Especially for less experienced players -- like me not too long ago -- the priest's primary function was a Cure Something Wounds battery. I was essentially wasting a character, doing nothing but carrying strategic healing. With that removed, you're pushed to using the priest's more varied spells intelligently to avoid taking damage in the first place -- which is how more experienced players (like me more recently) play the IE games. The second health bar doesn't really change anything else, except of course it removes the option of cheesing fights by stockpiling and slugging potions. Either way you're limited by something. And finally, if you do find yourself needing to rest much more often than dictated by fatigue, then I do contend that you're not playing the game all that well.
  20. Yeah, I love the music. I was thinking of posting a thread about it once things quiet down here a bit but Longknife beat me to it. It's just too bad not all of it is performed live. The synthesized tracks stick out somewhat. The sound design in general is really good, the very occasional mixing wonkiness aside.
  21. I'm not sad about the removal of long-duration prebuffs. The combat-only restrictions on stuff are kinda silly though, and in particular render the wizard's self-defense spells useless due to opportunity cost. I wish they'll change that at some point. Overall I'm digging the combat a lot though.
  22. Hm... you can't actually ignore it, not on Hard anyway. You do need to understand the mechanics and work with them, otherwise you'll get roflstomped. Like, chipping at a high-Deflection, high-DR enemy with dual daggers and no Weapon Focus just won't work.
  23. It feels a lot more hectic because a lot more of your characters have a lot more active abilities. I think the movement speed in combat could be tuned down a notch.
  24. There's time. Hit pause, pull everybody back except the defensive fighter. Then fight. Tactics do make a huge difference though; do it right and you'll barely get your armor scuffed, do it wrong and it's TPW in 30 seconds or less. How is that a bad thing?
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