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Everything posted by rjshae

  1. Graphics and visual effects equal to ToEE (or better) would be most excellent, in my mind. About the only thing I'd miss is the beautiful long view renderings you sometimes get in games like Oblivion, but I can live without that. Question: even though it sounds like this may be a 2D isometric display, what about the possibility of supporting 3D displays at some point? I.e. including some depth information.
  2. For a Paladin-like feel I'd think you could just split clerics into warrior and scholar branches, with Paladins leaning toward the former. Shrug.
  3. If it's a fixed isometric viewpoint, does armor or weapon detail really matter that much? There's no point in blowing a bunch of resources on graphics you're not going to be able to view up close. I'd much rather have good magic and environmental effects.
  4. I had a notion: instead of letting the player just buy a house, how about allowing them to acquire a mysterious old Pub? That would not only give them a place to stay, but also provide an opportunity to interact with visitors if they so choose. Maybe it can start off as a run-down dive that attracts a criminal element, then, depending on how the player spends money on upkeep and improvements, it could gradually turn it into a warm and cozy place that attracts merchants and travelers. Or by spending a lot, it could turn it into an elegant establishment that draws in the spoiled upper crust. Depending on the state of the place, different types of customers can lead to unique side quests. The player could even start a family there and have their spouse run the place in their absence. (But beware of staying away for too long...)The player could shop for beverages and find the right staff as they travel the realms. The pub could also have a long, complicated history with mysterious secrets and hidden rooms. What do you think?
  5. Yes, it's been ages since we've had a party-based fantasy game where real tactics matter. Most modern games just seem to be about managing the mayhem, mashing the mouse button, and watching the health (and mana) bars. The isomorphic perspective also seem fine to me, both because of the table top feel and the more natural expression of terrain artistry it allows. I'm definitely looking forward to this one.
  6. Mostly I'd like to see visibility effects because it would make tactics matter. Thick fog or heavy rain (or smoke from a forest fire) should hinder ranged combat and provide cover for concealment. As for random lightning bolts... ah, not so much, unless it's specific to the circumstances.
  7. Rather than crafting a multitude of magic items, I'd actually like to see rare items of legend that scale distinctively with the advancement of the bonded character. That would make enchanted items feel unique and precious. The available legendary items could be varied with each game, making replay more interesting.
  8. I wouldn't mind seeing simple firearms of the flintlock variety; requiring a long time to reload in melee but giving dramatic effect when it is used. But I'd also hope that the designers give it a unique magic-realm twist so it can't be mass manufactured. It could be this realm's equivalent of Greek Fire, which was available in the middle ages in Europe.
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