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Everything posted by limaxophobiacq

  1. If it was a combination of subtraction and % reduction (and possibly deflection), I think the subtraction would have to be before the % reduction, or characters could probably get ridiculously though. I'm a bit sceptical to the need for having a seperate deflection stat for armour, assuming subtracting armour wouldn't a glancing blow just be represented by a low damage roll that gets completely absorbed by the armour?
  2. Pretty self-explanatory I think. Personally I'm for straight subtraction or a combination of subtraction & % of damage, though in the later still weighed more toward subtraction than multiplication than the old Fallouts were. (I think armour in Fallout 1-2 also reduces the chance you'll take damage but while I don't actually know the exact mechanics it feels like a fairly minor effect.)
  3. I don't really think it's possible to state it as simply as a ratio. I mean I'm fine with something like Crom Faeyr being in the game as long as it feels like something rare and special and the game isn't balanced around having it, and comparing fighting with Crom Faeyr to using a regular un-enhanced warhammer is a pretty gigantic difference, but it doesn't make you feel like your character just exists for the gear to have someone to carry it around.
  4. Meaning: I'd rather my character actually be a strong warrior (or whatever) and not have all his/her power come from having awesome gear. A good example of what I don't want is something like skyrim where without magic weapons and armour made from super-materials your supposedly great warrior character is actually a worse fighter than the average city-guard if they have the same stuff. The old IE games did this pretty well and I hope it is something that doesn't change. Edit: No way to edit topic (for spelling, obviously)?
  5. I enjoyed a load of fetch-quests in Torment like all the stuff you have to get the girls in the brothel just because the things you fetch are cool and the characters and conversation is so great.
  6. Hmh, you might be right there. Kate Perry license probably costs a lot, wouldn't be surprised if it's not millions. The games itself are probably cheap to make but all other expenses are very high. I have no idea about the cost of making the core Sims games but the 10+ expansions they release for every one are probably close to zero effort compared to what they make from them.
  7. Personally I think the question of your own 'choice' vs. being determined by your soul is kind of moot, just as I think the whole determinism vs. free will debate is kind of meaningless. IMO you are free to decide what you want but given that what you are is a part of a deterministic system your free choice is also deterministic. That your self in PE also includes a soul doesn't change that. I guess some people might choose to view their soul as not being part of their selves*, but I can't imagine it being common and I personally sure wouldn't (but then I believe the idea of a self is an idea of a system and that it like all system what is considered external and external to the system is basically arbitrary, so I guess on a philosophical level I'd say the idea of a self is an illusion). *Like how some people sometimes view what most would consider parts of themselves as external at times, like f.ex. you can view your sex-drive as an almost external influence driving you to do a bunch of stupid ****.
  8. Undoubtably Planescape: Torment. The Mass Effects are deffinately RPGs, they offer about as much choice as BG 1-2 , NWN 1-2, and KOTOR 1-2 do. The 'RPG mechanics' are certainly pretty light at least in 2 and 3 but there are plently of PnP RPGs that have very light systems and that doesn't make them any less RPGs.
  9. They said they could make a game in the spirit of the old IE games for 1.1 million and they got nearly 4 times that. If they can't make it with 4.1 they are either liars or idiots, so I guess we just have to have to trust that they are not.
  10. It was linked on 4chans /v/ideogames board, which even the rest of that hive of scum and villany finds pretty loathsome.
  11. Is there anywhere you can check what the current paypal total for the kickstarter is? If not what was the last word on it we got?
  12. That's why I said High Medieval era. Most generic fantasy settings use dark ages as the backdrop. But they also tend to use late medieval plate armour which actually post-dates the invention of firearms (or at least cannons).
  13. What's your reason for disliking the MotB ending? Was it the crusade not really going anywhere or getting anything accomplished which I guess was kind of anticlimatic or something else? I personally found it pretty satisfying still, the endless fights against Melissan in ToB not so much.
  14. Urgh. That is possibly my least-liked fight in all the IE games. Outside of some masochistic Path of the Damned mode every fight in the game should be possible to beat on the first try without using any OOC knowledge as long as you've mastered the game mechanics, and that fight is the exact opposite; you're practically required to face it and die to learn how the fight works and then come up with tactics (and even then there's a decent chance bad luck will kill you).
  15. Given the focus on souls in P:E, it's probable that a strong refined spirit (from a long life of meditation and contemplation) is more important for punching people than having a young body is, at least for monks.
  16. The frozen museum and the Seldarine Hand in Icewind Dale, The Mortuary, Ravels Maze, and the Fortress of Regrets in Planescape. The Death Gods Vault and Myrkuls corpse in the astral plane in MotB. Visually distinct and interesting locations you remember. The one thing I fault the BG games the most for it is not having much of these (IMO), and since those two seem to be what P:E draws the most from I hope it's something they'll take from the other games. So what location(s) was your favorite and which game was it from*? *Visually, I mean Durlags Tower is great for the combat, traps, and puzzles but IMO it looks kind of interchangably like everything else in BG I.
  17. It's quite possible many people just liked it on facebook, pledged 20-25 dollars, and then went on with their lives and haven't checked the page since. It's what I did with the Wasteland 2 kickstarter (beside the liking on facebook since I don't have one).
  18. More money doesn't always = a better game. I'd much rather have a $3.5 million game aimed at a specific niche audience (PC RPG fans) than a $20 million game aimed at everyone with a gaming platform. If Project Eternity somehow generated the kind of hype a game like Skyrim received, and millions started pouring in, I think the devs would feel some pressure to not only justify the extra money with features that typically ruin RPGs (like fully voiced dialogue), but also pressure to make the game appeal to a broader audience. They're already experiencing some pressure just trying to appeal to a small bunch of cRPG fans who disagree on issues like turn-based combat vs RTwP and cooldowns. Just imagine the headache they'd have if the project gained a widespread following. I don't think there is any reason to 'fear' the kickstarter suddenly going up by millions of dollars. Also it's perfectly possible there's a few kids* on IGN etc, who are to young to have been introduced to the old IE games but who would have enjoyed them if they had and who could be interested in PE. Not saying they are any significat portion of those sites readership but even if they're only a fraction of a percent they wouldn't be insignificant. *I don't mean this in a pejorative sense, I was a kid when I first played Torment.
  19. If unwinnable encounters are in the game, getting into a fight and then realising you are outclassed and running away must actually be feasible. Getting insta-gibbed or hold-personed/confused and mauled to death just so you have to reload and avoid the encounter is not fun, but fleeing in panic can be.
  20. The waterfall and statues are amazing, and the bridge is quite nice. The grass and dirt is well, grass and dirt, so I guess there are limits to what you can do.
  21. I really hope the cities will have distinct aesthetics with their own architectural styles. Baldurs Gate and Athkatla were kind of same-y and bland.
  22. Given that it'll probably be an Aedyr or Dyrwood city, I think it'll either be mixed human-elf-dwarf or mixed human-elf.
  23. To reach the 3.5 goal, obsidian needs to raise $800,000 in its last five days, which seems a lot but it is just about the same amount of money doublefine rased in it's last five days, so I think it is far from impossible
  24. I voted 50/50 I'm fine with them having mostly or only established monsters as long as they have their own takes and aesthetics for them. Ogre doesn't have to mean 10 foot neanderthal, dragons don't have to come in 12 different-coloured varieties, trolls don't have to be green and fear fire & acid damage etc..
  25. Note the boat in the lower-left corner for scale, the door is huge. It is a good deal more zoomed-out than planescape was. The camera-angle does seem lower than in IE games though.
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